Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Alt News Gems - 11/29/16

At one time in my life I studied the Tarot and used it as well as other divination methods and discernment tools. I no longer use Tarot cards, so I had to do some review when I spotted the cover of the Economist magazine, apparently owned and controlled by members of the parasitic ruling class. I have my own interpretation of the spread, which appears to be on a macro level, more of a "coming out" to their secret love of mysticism as represented by the Tarot, pyramids, magick/mysticism, albeit their use of it in a profoundly more sinister way than the average Tarot Reader or mystic. I'll wrap up my interpretation of this cover towards the bottom, but from here I need to frame the interpretation. It includes my usual sermon concerning the parasitic ruling class and their usual tools of fear, aggression, destruction, and divide & conquer strategies to suck our life force.
According to different alternative news journalists, analysts and opiners, the top levels of the parasitic ruling class, which were once very unified and organized have lately become divided with in-fighting. It makes sense, based upon everything they practice is rooted in division and aggression. Despite its efforts to unify its own team's hierarchical power through destructive and brutal hypnotic conditioning like MK Ultra trauma-based mind control, the general paradigm of "the beatings will continue until morale improves" is just as surely outgrown on those levels as has happened at the various levels of slave classes here all over this planet.
Symbiotic adherents to Natural Law systems also exist here, but they have been systematically co-opted, bullied and genocided over the last few millenia, nearly obliterated out of existence by the parasitic ruling class. Just consider the historical mass murder of Gnostic Christians, or how today a person living on a Native American reservation in the U.S. has a very poor chance of overcoming disease. Native Americans are living very short lives for it also. When compared to 3rd world countries, statistical data shows one will do worse living on a US Native American Reservation than in some very poor African countries. This is significant, and I do not think it is by chance. The data is clear, and can be found with a quick search engine probe. Also the fact that we have no government opposition to the horrendously fascist Dakota Access Pipeline situation confirms both the Establishment's and the shadow ruling class' dangerous intentions. The atrocities happening against the Water Protectors, combined with lack of mainstream media coverage in this situation offers a couple other powerful data points to sharpen the picture. Adding another data point, I will endearingly refer to as the "Fake News" meme parrotted by the Mockingbird Media, as well as the blatant attack upon every other aspect of the U.S. Bill of Rights, one can see a very clear picture emerging. And it doesn't look so good for the Nazi Fourth Reich emperors who are obviously wearing no clothes to their Pizzagate Parties, whether they're hosted in Washington DC or in some creepy castle in Belgium.
Various obvious signs exist reflecting how the parasitic ruling class is in general at war with life itself to the extent that they will eventually take what little life remains from their own structures. This is clearly reflected in their Satanic practices that are again emerging in the U.S.'s own Jimmie Savile-style scandal dubbed "Pizzagate". The parasitic ruling class has been for ages brutalizing the masses through deliberately orchestrating world war and every conceivable type of large-scale suffering; widespread and horrific ritual torture and murder of children is just one of these various horrific anti-life practices that needs our attention so that we can begin efforts--effective efforts to stop it. Different investigators like David Wilcock provide encouraging news, indicating that the spiritual war is now over--basically. We are actually witnessing the mop-up operation, the 3rd Density clean-up efforts that could take a few more months or a few more decades, depending upon the masses' ability to grow up and just do the right thing--whatever that is for each individual. It generally involves a dedication to symbiotic behavior instead of the promoted parasitic behavior paradigms.
The Dark Cabal's is a system of vampirism, and it will eventually demand cannibalization of itself. I think that it is actually deep in the throws of this process of cannibalization, just as it has also inbred to the point of morbid degeneracy. Now, this is their "singularity" as described by their leading thinkers--their dead, sinister AI-dominated singularity, which is quite diametrically opposed to an equally transformative but life-affirming, uniting and empowering singularity that is clearly happening today within the humble symbiotic communities sparkling all over the globe. I saw it last Summer at the ECETI Ranch. I see it in online communities flourishing despite non-stop efforts to stifle them also.
I think about the recent Joy Camp discussion citing "magic" and synchronicities happening in their lives. Life may still be quite tough in some respects, especially financially, but for the most part all major needs are being met by benificent forces of the Universe and by ourselves/each other--contributing a few bucks when we can to people in need, at least to those asking for that assistance. This is how the reps of this modern day renaissance movement often describe it, and I agree. We are resonating; we are validating each other; we are finding healing in both solitary inward-seeking processes as well as in collaborative projects. It has all the hallmarks of holistic, organic process, complete with beauty, and sometimes even crazy awe-inspiring fractal geometry or synchronistic mathematics. Important elements, especially spiritual growth, are thriving. I can attest to this in my own life. I see other people on Team Light are talking or writing about "awakening" and "empowerment". That empowerment is developing rapidly and frequently in ways that don't involve or in some way transcends money. I see this happening in symbiotic areas of the New Age, traditional Christian, "salt-of-the-Earth", and the Patriot communities. They all apparently seem to be having some very similar, powerfully transformative and positive experiences which are remarkable enough to reserve an entire post if not several just to begin to cover in fairness. Much of this is happening on the Internet or involving it in some way.
The memes I clearly write of or refer to in the above paragraphs include that of transformation, epic times, epic division versus epic merging, global macro-economic and geopolitical forces--these topics which are of great interest and passion for me are all reflected in the major arcana cards shown on the recent The Economist cover. So, I can't help myself to take a stab at an interpretation. I have already read Ben Fulford's as well as listened to at least one other's, I think it was Daboo7's, and these may have influenced my interpretation, but for now I am calling this one my own, paired with that of my spiritual guides. They keep encouraging me to let certain things go--especially my anger concerning the Dark Cabal's obvious depravity, which I intend to do in time. This is a process; I am a little less angry with each passing year and even moment to moment; I am finding peace, both honoring the input of my guides, but I also honor my gut responses as well. I will likely be most comfortable when this parasite is well under the control of our collective developing immune system.
I am making a guess, leaning towards a hunch that this Tarot spread speaks more of how the parasitic ruling class would like to manipulate its once-loyal partner(s) more than it does of any legitimate reading. For instance, a legitimate reading would include more than just the major arcana cards. And this particular layout of eight cards is not the usual one for a typical 8-card spread, which is traditionally used to divine what is going on in a romantic relationship or partnership. I personally think this would be typical of their signature hyper-sexualizing of everything, but while arranging the cards in a left-to-right, top to bottom reading that perhaps they think the general public might more easily digest. This is my working theory anyway, my current discernment which is subject to change and evolve in a natural, healthy way as I continue to study the subcultures of the Dark Cabal, the Shadow (or parasitic) Ruling Class, the Illuminati, Deep State, Khazarian Mafia, Military Industrial Complex, "Globalists" or Reptillians (as discussed by thinkers like David Wilcock, David Icke, Ben Fulford and Daniel Sheehan). All of these terms above (Cabal, etc.) seem to have areas of overlap and difference. I think we're looking at an octopus or hydra monster with anatomy that can include all of those names above and probably other systems yet to be identified.
A disclaimer: In some ways I honestly don't know for sure about anything anymore, yet paradoxically I am still confident that I can read basic sign or make assessments; and I am confident in my ability to put a fair interpretation all together with the assistance of the Beneficent Universe whose consciousness I experience in my quieter moments--at least eventually. I'm on a journey to study what I interpret is going on. I'm personally tired of the Mainstream Establishment representatives attempting to do my thinking for me, telling me what is acceptable, logical or "sane", attempting to program me with B.S., attempting to poison me with toxins like mercury they seem to be gas-lighting us into believing is safe to inject if not ingest. At times I feel threatened or at least provoked. So, I will take some leaps. I will call it as I see it, and that will include some name-calling that can and probably will manifest as bullying; the toxic ruling class really lashes out when the tables get turned. I'll probably make some mistakes. I am one of a growing community that believes in symbiosis, but also in the reality of dark conspiracies. There is a growing need for divorce from the toxic system and their unrepentent creators and for re-discovery of non-synthetic solutions; for co-creating a system of support, caring, health, holism, growth, real hope and change, real transparency, and real leadership, as well as non-aggression principles combined with basic healthy boundary-setting and other basic self-defense practices. As in one of the recent Batman films the protagonist tells the villian something to the effect of "I don't have to kill you, but I don't have to save you either". We are living in pivotal times.
So, onto a reading. The first card in the typical 8-card relationship spread represents the situation at hand, most likely as "They" may see it: Crumbling structure, divorce, shake-up in the halls of power is what The Tower card traditionally represents. Consent can no longer so easily be manufactured anymore. This card is a kind of concession or admission.
The second card refers to the feminine or yin principle of the failing, toxic, co-dependent relationship, the enslaved people of the U.S. who have recently elected Trump to represent them. Notice how the card is kind of tipped. I think that means this card should be reversed in its rendering. In this case the card might be a warning from the Illuminati concerning hasty judgment regarding President Elect Trump--maybe even both pro or con. I think they know he's a wild card, pun probably intended, and they likely want to project even more uncertaintly into the U.S. population concerning Trump. Fear is their favorite tool. Then, there's a healthy skepticism that we should all have concerning any elected representative. I don't know if I am projecting too much onto these artists, but I feel a satirical humor in the title of the cover, Planet Trump. I am appreciating this as well.
The third card refers to the male or yang-dominant partner which is shown in the card, The World. This card is usually represented by a powerful female, but not here. Here we have material objects, typical of the toxic ruling class' historic beating of women and traditionally feminine forces like "Mother Nature" into submission. Curious how there are no empowered, obviously living female symbols in this spread. I imagine there to be none in their hypothetical deck. This card archetypally represents victory or completion of a project. Here we can see the parasitic ruling class' arrogance and certain, predictable hubris. See how in this rendition of The World the artist shows symbols of typical Western Society: A book, likely referring to the mainstream media and institutions of education; also symbols of Art and Drama (Hollywood?), archetectural symbols indicating historically fascist or robber baron-influenced democratic structure and industry; and lastly, the classic pyramid, a symbol of hijacked esoteric or spiritual power, religion and other priesthoods like science (chemistry being one of the the favored sons in this family). The parasitic ruling class likely sees themselves as the male or yang/dominating influence in this troubled relationship. These are all major symbols of the Establishment matrix, or better termed "Patrix", as one of my favorite YouTube channel's creators, Radagast of Modwiz125 describes. These symbols included in the artists rendition of the world are Illuminati's trophies or signs of completion.
The fourth card may represent what the female is doing that is perhaps not working for the relationship (in the eyes of the controllers of this magazine). Here we see The Hermit card which represents a person who has retreated from the world, wisely watching from the sidelines what is going on. In the case of this representation, what is going on is the uprising of the masses to unite against Globalist oppression as represented by monumental global contracts made in secret like the TPP. Does the Dark Cabal want us to see our retreat from joining the classic protests shown increasingly as easy prey for their billionaire-co-opt bribery projects as weakness, or do they just acknowledge this to be happening and resulting in the partner conflict? I don't really know yet, but the artists' statement has a provacative energy about it.
The fifth card may represent what the male is doing that is perhaps not working for the relationship. Curiously in this case the death card appears (or is chosen). In this card they show the grim reaper wearing a gas mask, facing a mushroom cloud, all hot-button symbols of their Military Industrial Complex's terrifying destructive powers. May they be conceding that their death cults and destructive powers are somewhat to blame in this situation, an overly superficial interpretation of this card? Probably not. The deeper meaning of death is always considered, and it is traditionally interpreted as Transformation. Perhaps they see their latest transformation at fault for the troubled relationship, but this image also has much provacative power or enigma to it.
The sixth card may represent the future or predictive programming that the Dark Cabal would like to see in the productive masses, its female partner. In this case it is The Magician, here shown as the male as represented in classic Tarot decks. Curiously, I take note of how the Dark Cabal glamorizes gay malehood; it is congruent with their destructive ends to true femine power and principal, and with more typical focus on scientific materialism as represented by the 3-D printer machine in this rendition. I see Limited Hangout here.
The seventh card may represent how the Dark Cabal sees it needs to procede in order to meet with success in this situation, be it divorce or troubled relationship. Or it can just constitute its promise to the slaves of the Western World, that there will be a changing of the guard soon as is a common interpretation of The Wheel of Fortune card. This card is also associated with Karma and natural galactic cycles; again more transformation or epic/epoch change. I think this rendering of the card shows some politicians, perhaps meant to represent Establishment leadership in general. They will throw a few offerings under the bus, it can be assumed. Ben Fulford has some good guesses for a couple of the artist's characters tied to the wheel.
The 8th card refers to the outcome of this situation--in this case, likely more intentions by the Dark Cabal or Illuminati. Here we have The Star, and this is another card in this spread that is shown as tipped; I'm guessing that it is a hint to read it as inverted. The card generally refers to hope. Wow, more promise of "Hope and Change" again. Curious how these memes keep emerging. In the particular interpretation of the card as if it were inverted, its meaning encourages looking for hope despite the appearances of hopelessness. Funny, and maybe I'm just seeing this everywhere now, but it seems to be more promises from an abusive, once-dominant partner in a failing relationship.
That's my interpretation anyway. I'm punctuating this post with more signs of the transformative times and more glaring evidence of difficult emerging truth.


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

53 Years Ago Today - 11/22/16

Although this day marks the 53rd anniversary of President John F Kennedy's death, and we are living in catalizing times indeed here in the United States, this post needs to be relatively short. Too many things in my personal life currently cast dark clouds over my heart and mind, compromising my holistic perspective on global events, and even at times my writing skills. It is taking a great deal of effort to maintain composure in simple mundane tasks at home. My work life is now easy by comparison which speaks volumes. On the bright side, however, all this is honing personal discipline for meditation. I'm also coming to the conclusion that I suffer fools too gladly. I've actually had a few thousand dollars worth of professional training in suffering fools gladly; so, now I am now tapping into what I remember of my assertiveness training and re-establishing firm boundaries at home.

These major quakes in my personal life make it difficult to successfully navigate the weighty material revealed in the latest Wikileaks data dumps. Admittedly, it's nothing new. Highly organized and ruthlessly protected pedophile rings still exist for the sadistic, thoroughly degenerate, parasitic ruling class.

I'm calling out all who commit the mistake of calling these degenerates "elite", because this is basically Stockholm Syndrome-induced neuro-linguistic programming which corrals the collective subconscience into letting them off the hook for their innumerable outrageous crimes.

And this Cabal is still apparently trying very hard to calls the shots in Washington DC. I believe they had every intention of putting Hillary in the Whitehouse and did their damnest. Due to massive voter turnout by millions of disenfranchised, once-middle-class working Americans, and due to the awakening processes going on at many levels, especially the once highly-insulated and compartmentalized deep state, these high-level organized crime sydicate bosses no longer have all good minions goose-stepping in perfect order. The parasitic ruling class has as a result unsurprisingly doubled down with their Mockingbird Media attempts to quash the truth, but as a number of alt news voices are saying, "the toothpaste is out of the tube".

Regarding Trump, I vascillate from resonating with alternative news voices hopeful of the president elect (like Alex Jones), to those like that of Truthstream Media (link below). The latter is highly critical of Trump and the people he's surrounding himself with. Much of their skepticism is very reasonable, yet it is likely influenced to some degree by a natural cynicism that is the result of the last 8 years' slow avalanche of broken "Hope and Change" promises. All that following the Bush and Clinton regimes and 9-11 constitute massive psychological trauma that can definitely skew a person's healthy perception of reality and judgment. Although I fully understand the cynicism, I can say with confidence that it leads to a great deal of misplaced aggression that really has no hand in fixing the problems we're facing.

After all of my samplings of different alternative news perspectives, I have concluded for myself that Trump is probably somewhat awake to the dilemma he's now in. He's a genuine male human--and has probably been to Epstein's Pedo Island a few times congruent with the reports I've heard. He's probably had sex with at least one of the resident 16 or 17 year-olds. Whatever his transgressions there, however, they probably pale in comparison to the Pizza Parties, possibly even the Eyes Wide Shut functions that Bill and Hillary and their closest comrades have engaged in. This apparent vote of no confidence by the Establishment can be concluded from the full blown mainstream media war on Donald Trump--not just before, but after the election, complete with George Soros' funded Color Revolution through mass-zombie-minion recruitments via Craigslist.

Trump is apparently not completely sold on the Establishment's goals of launching another full-blown world war, complete with massive planetary nuclear horror, loss of human life in the billions, while about a hundred very dirty old men go hide out with a few thousand young women in their underground palaces. Trump is now however mingling with all kinds of dark souls who work for this sinister group of 100 who truly want a descent into a hell not unlike the underground torture chambers they construct for toddlers they routinely rape and kill on certain holidays. These are the creeps we're dealing with. I hope the New York police officers and others staring the mountains of blatant evidence in the face right now can avoid the lure of Ambien and 12-packs of Miller Lite calling to them. We need sobriety as well as organization among the regular decent people all over the world who want just want life, liberty, pursuit of happiness that doesn't come at the expense of others as well as all other good things like fairness, peace, and prosperity--All things We the People used to think we stood for. It is indeed difficult to maintain a happy face knowing these creeps fully understand their back is to the wall, their reign is beginning to falter.

Cosmic Vision News (YT): CVN 11/18/2016

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Emergency Message To Leftists From Trump / Steve Bannon

SGT Report (YT): PEDO BROS. SMOKING GUN: The Podesta Brothers & Madeleine McCann

Joy Camp (YT): JoyCamp Podcast Ep 3 - "Pizza Party!"

Joy Camp (YT): JoyCamp Podcast Ep 2 - "11/9 Was An Inside Job"



WeAreChange (YT): The Best Decision Donald Trump Has Taken As President

The Richie Allen Show (YT): Jim Marrs "Trump Knows Who Really Controls Events But If He Named Names, He'd Be Killed!"

SGT Report (YT): BREAKING - CLINTON CAMPAIGN INSIDER REVEALS: Trump Protests Sponsored By Soros-Clinton Cabal

Truthstream Media (YT): What Happened to the Liberty Movement?

GlobalSkyWatch (YT): Melbourne Mass Asthma Event

David Icke (YT): Aspartame and the Chemical Attack on The Human Body Computer - David Icke

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Another WTFBBQ Weekend Analysis Post and Alt News Gems - 11/5/2016

I'm hoping the creator of https://xydexx.com/ won't mind the use of this image

Update with Steve Pieczenik Links Below

Where there's fire--and lots of smoke, if it's close to US Presidential $election Time, it's probably another WTFBBQ Weekend!

Now, I'm certain that some may have never heard of this fascinating term, WTFBBQ, so I need to entertain. Here's an explanatory screenshot from Urban Dictionary:

My usage of the term WTFBBQ carries the spirit of the above example, especially as it concerns "to make fun of" and "to not know what somebody is talking about" (because sometimes I really don't know what they're talking about). However, my usage of the term WTFBBQ when it comes to political theater in the US is a little more nuanced.

I posit that the toxic ugly truths, especially regarding (but not limited to just) US political history are so dark and so disturbing that once a person takes the time to check it out, he or she is shaking his head and asking WTF!? There is great value in finding humor to aid in the coping process of learning about this as well as our other hidden histories. British and European political histories are equally as dark, truly epic examples of large-scale evil.

I argue that we do need to learn about these difficult truths to the best of our ability so we can more effectively deal with basic daily problems as well as the very large, seemingly out-of-our-control problems in our world. They are all connected and fractal. In my daily work I routinely acknowledge that our world has some formidable parasites and predators. I see the micro and the macro. I observe that a sizable portion of society is actively evolving beyond the usual reaction of studied nonobservance, characteristic of "Sheeple" who believe at some level that just ignoring the larger, more human-looking parasites and predators--and mandating the same behavior from others will supposedly protect the herd with this practice. Many of us now risking our lives and livelihoods to challenge the power of those parasites. I thank God for the people in law enforcement that cannot (or can no longer) be threatened, bribed or extorted into silence. Enough of us have endured years of ridicule or years of secrecy in a lonely closet, wearing our tinfoil hat all by ourself. Enough of us have lost enough sleep at night to start talking and naming names. It is a wonderful and a terrible time to be alive, isn't it?

I hold that the consciousness of symbiotic humanity is starting to effectively challenge the Sheeple Paradigm as well as the hold of power our parasites once had over the planet. This process of evolution is beginning to resemble a flock of starlings, a beautiful analogy to counterbalance that of "sheeple". The process is really starting to show if you know what to look for. Also it is obvious for those who know how to look at it that this process is disturbing the parasitic/predatory factions of our so-called "ruling elite". No longer do they hide their fangs or intentions.

Out of one side of this Establishment Beast's mouth they praise transparency and the rule of law with vows to protect whistle-blowers exposing crimes. Yet the other side of this crooked mouth almost immediately and schizophrenically condemns all who dare out their bosses; especially those who question the appearance of grand conspiracies, the evidence of presence of a shadow ruling class at work in large treaties like the TPP, secret meetings like the Bilderberg Group and Bohemian Grove; large special interests that systematically bribe, extort and co-opt world governments, essentially to promote fascist consolidation of power. The secrecy and corruption at work at every level of this Deep Dark State supports the parasitic ruling class' hegemony as it continues to threaten all life on the planet. Many are waking up just as a couch on fire should wake anyone sleeping on it.

We are no longer easy prey as we come together in synchronicity, in sober celebration of our divine right to live on this planet and drink its unpolluted waters freely, using humor, intelligence, and courage to assist in our unity. Our very survival is dependent upon our cooperation. There are a billion things that could divide us. It is key to remember that whatever our neighbor is doing next door--be it consentual adult gay sex or secretly watering his garden in drought months is NOTHING, ABSOLUTELY OF NO CONSEQUENCE WHEN ONE COMPARES THESE SUPPOSED VIOLATIONS WITH THE DELIBERATE CREATION OF MULTIPLE BLOODY WORLD WARS FOR PROFIT OR OTHER EPIC SUFFERING ON LARGE SWATHS OF THE PLANET, AS WELL AS THE RITUAL RAPE AND MURDER OF CHILDREN.  These disturbing truths coming to light again in the news will return again and again until we are grown up enough to face them and to hold our Establishment to the fire. And this has to become important to You before your own child gets sucked into this miserable underworld of child sex trafficking.

The Catholic Church and the Vatican will struggle with this profound stain, and we will hear about pedophilia and Satanic ritual abuse among the other "leaders" or oligarchs of the planet as long as the public at large (especially supposed regular public servants or law enforcement officials) continue to ignore mounting and damning evidence of these truths. Our collective wounds will fester until they are lanced and cleansed with pure water and sunshine. We need to be adults about this, and grow up enough to have these adult discussions. Taking a break from such heavy discussion is also warranted as well.

I have personally witnessed the twilight flights of starlings in nature here on the beautiful North Coast of California where I live. There is really no comparison with a video, but for those who don't know what I'm referring to, here's a breath-taking example.

I enjoy getting out into nature and contemplation on examples like this to be found in the bounty of nature; this particular miracle involving hundreds, perhaps thousands of birds coming together in a large and mysterious dance to scare off potential predators from the area they've decided to land for rest and sleep. Getting out into nature and finding beauty augments my processing of disturbing truths with humor.

Returning to that humor, however, another WTFBBQ Weekend is well underway. What a perfect satirical metaphorical construct that helps me to safely approach evidence of compulsive lying and other much more profoundly degenerate behavior that is now quite poorly hidden--usually "hidden in plain sight" by certain leaders or players within the US Corporate Beast Establishment. The construct also describes well the processes of revealing that appear to be well in effect today. A metaphorical and perhaps even a literal fire is being created by the growing coherent light of collective consciousness and being applied to what used to be so easily hidden. Asses are now catching fire, and this laser-hot light is really starting to grill all those who have epic nasty-dark things to hide.

I'm guessing that this dark and greasy humor is not for everyone. Perhaps, and I could see it argued with validity that we have come to a point where the blatant corruption is no longer a joking matter. The various attacks upon basic freedoms, basic rights as discussed in the Magna Carta and reaffirmed by the US Declaration of Independence, US Constitution and later the Geneva Convention (in the form of treasonous examples of legislation such as the "Patriot Act" or the more recent NDAAs), as well as attacks upon our environment and personal health via the promotion of synthetic creations and poisons as safe and convenient alternatives to abundant natural solutions is no longer a joking matter. Surely, the large-scale kidnapping, rape and murder of children is also no joking matter. The fact that billionaires like Jeffrey Epstein can--with relative impunity--create playgrounds for pedophiles while a disturbingly significant number of people look the other way as their so-called "elites" go to these places, presumably to have sex with children, and all this should have a lot more people saying WTF!? It really should be no joking matter, but the fact is that too many people are in complete denial. Denial is the coping mechanism of choice for much of humanity when faced with REPEATED NEWS THAT TRUSTED, POWERFUL OR WEALTHY PEOPLE ARE INVOLVED IN SEX TRAFFICKING, RAPE AND/OR OTHER HORRIFIC CRIMES. So, these crimes are allowed to continue. This is absolutely unacceptable.

I agree that sometimes my dark humor is entirely inappropriate. Some days I cry. Other times I need a bag to kick or punch, so I go to the gym. Some days I pray, and others like today I write. I encourage anyone who feels too ill at my WTFBBQ Weekend Analysis Posts to take refuge in a more therapeutic environment or activity. For here much smoke abounds, stinging eyes and choking sensitive airways. Standing for long periods in the smoke will lead to hypoxia and fatal carbon monoxide poisoning. So, it is important to get some safe distance. And although I shouldn't have to say it, I better because a good chunk of the population is still morbidly intoxicated from a coctail of neurotoxins found in most processed foods, tap water, vaccines, and other "medicines":  Never eat anything that's grilled up at a WTFBBQ (or at any "Spirit Cooking", for that matter). Better to just carefully just watch and smell. The Court of Collective Consciousness is now in session!

The Truther Girls (YT): EXPOSED! New Hillary Emails Show Ties to Crime, Could Send Her to JAIL

Alex Jones Channel (YT): NYPD Preparing News Conference to Expose Clinton Sex Crimes

Victurus Libertas (YT): BREAKING WIKILEAKS EMAIL - #SPIRITCOOKING Proof That  Is A Ritualistic Satan Worshipper

Steve Pieczenik (YT): US Takeover May Be Near


WeAreChange (YT): Spirit Cooking Only The Start To Hillary Clinton's Dark Satanic Magic


SGTreport.com (YT): The Clinton-Bush Criminal Deep State is on the Ropes! -- Ole Dammegard

http://www.cosmicvisionnews.com/ - Check out the November 4th broadcast for more great analysis