Tuesday, December 22, 2020

At the Precipice Part III - 12/22/20

I'm home from work tonight with a nasty head cold, maybe the flu, possibly even the COVID 19 virus. Not sure, even when the sketchy PCR test comes back inconclusive in my opinion, but something, perhaps yet another bio-weaponized pathogen got to me despite all my pre-emptive measures for the last few days after I first started feeling it. 

I added to my usual multifaceted therapeutic regimen zinc lozenges throughout the day, colloidal silver and therapeutic teas at least twice a day. And that's on top of my regular good hygiene and intake of a superfood smoothie that consists of whole lemon juice, a handful of berries, organic apple juice and a blend of therapeutic teas. I regularly throw in some asparagus or other vegetable into my work smoothie along with a product called Ka'chava, a scoop of Green Vibrance, beet root powder, reishi, lion's mane, chaga and turkey tail mushroom powders, and occasionally fulvic-humic acid with minerals. 

Twice a day I take a handful of other nootropic, adaptogenic and other longevity supplements to keep me sharp in a difficult work environment. I've had this routine for several years now. My early posts document it's evolution, and it has served me well. It has kept me strong so that I can care for others well. My career is challenging in every conceivable way, so I am utilizing every naturopathic biohack I can afford. I also exercise the discipline to get at least 7 hours of sleep, drink plenty of filtered water throughout the day, exercise every other day or so, enjoy some rest and relaxation on the weekends, infrequently drink alcoholic beverages or indulge in junk food or sweets. I pray and utilize other spiritual hygiene practices, and I maintain a fairly clean home environment. I don't go out much except to keep a stocked fridge and pantry. I maintain a Mom's version of a Winter Soldier lifestyle for the most part, so despite the fact I'm 51 years old, I feel I really shouldn't be home sick. But these are strange times. The Deep State War rages on with at least one weaponized virus, if not 10 others that our leaders aren't telling the public about. COVID-19 rings of limited hangout on so many levels, but I sense revelation on all of this will come soon.

Changing the subject, I need to write on something else that's been on my mind and heart. Over the years I've heard a number of Christians talk about their adoption or inclusion of Jewish holidays. This year I started taking it seriously after a strange dream about Rosh Hashanah just prior to that holiday a few months ago. I felt so very moved to do so, so this year was the first year I celebrated Hanukkah. It was a little clumsy and not-so-Kosher, but at least I didn't burn down the house with candles. It was more of a learning experience and celebration of the miracles the Jewish people experienced after suffering under despotic rule that is not unlike times we now endure. Only now we have weaponized viruses, mask mandates, restrictions on church attendance and small businesses as strip clubs and corporate chains stay open. We also have what will one day be remembered as the most blatantly fraudulent election in US history. The whole story of how Hanukkah came to be is a beautiful one that every God-loving patriot really ought to learn about, and one that more of us may want to integrate into our spiritual practice as Christians.

I expect similar miracles that will liberate us from our current oppressors, likely descendants of those who oppressed the Jews thousands of years ago, and the rededication of our temple which can be seen several ways: Our physical vessels, which have been misled and poisoned by Establishment propaganda, fake food and synthetic healthcare. Here in the US, our Constitutional Republic is another temple that has been defiled and all but completely destroyed. Then there is the temple that is the planet, which our Establishment promises to clean up through further taxation, further annihilation of the middle class through austerity measures of one kind or another and insane talk of reduction of "carbon footprints".  I see the Toxic Establishment's fingerprints all over these mask mandates that only cause one to rebreathe his or her own carbon dioxide, further acidifying the body and weakening an immune system already under multiple assaults, with the final solution, a vaccine that people are already having chilling adverse reactions to on live television. Establishment minions tell us to ignore the evidence right in front of our faces and all over the product inserts. "Safe and Effective" repeated endlessly by the con artists. All hail herd immunity. They see us as livestock. We are not. We are the body of Christ, the true church or temple, and that includes every person who lives a life devoted to symbiosis as opposed those dedicated to sadism and parasitism. Simply put, if you live a life of service to others, you are following the teachings of Jesus, whether you say his name or or not. This last temple has also been broken and divided through the centuries with the synagogue of Satan's infiltration of every sacred Christian tradition, the Vatican leading the way in this sinister effort.  

While I appreciate Christmas, the celebration of the birth of Jesus, I recognize that the current Western Christmas holiday came out of a blending of pagan holidays, further defiled with modern materialistic distortions. Surely the Jewish holidays have some corruption as well, as the parasitic Establishment has infiltrated and distorted every loving spiritual belief system for thousands of years. The Great Awakening is shedding light on all these things as getting in touch with divine essence within becomes easier and easier for those who choose this path. This path is a very personal one, but as stories are shared, there are similarities or at least congruous themes. It is my inspiration for sharing.

Right now we are enduring very bizarre and challenging times for discerning what is real, and some days seems to be more challenging. I occasionally wonder who the next POTUS will be, whether mandatory vaccination with a microchip implant is imminent with worldwide communist slavery and gulags for dissidents like myself. I need to discuss another disturbing possibility, and this is going to sound unreal, but it is coming from a number of sources. There is the very real possibility that we have about one million adherents to a very dark and sinister cult, this Synagogue of Satan. It appears to have  different wings or levels. The top tier has billions of dollars to use as petty cash to fund the foot soldiers. These are the secret societies that JFK spoke about, I believe. Some of these adherent may not even be aware they're part of such a death cult as personality splitting practices and other hypnotic techniques are regularly utilized. I have personally read or listened to enough accounts from people who've escaped and survived long enough to talk, and they never stick around for too long. That's the thing that tells me there really something to this, and people like Robert David Steele go into detail regarding the SRA issue. (See https://phibetaiota.net/ for Robert David Steele's Blog).

There are many different secret dark societies, but they all seem to have a few things in common. Take for instance NXIVM. I don't have the stomach to go into this in detail anymore, but stories are horrendous. David Wilcock presents some of these accounts. These adherents have been fully activated, according to the Q-Anon insider(s) with riots and arson being utilized and then labelled as "peaceful" protests by their mainstream media comrades. Dare to speak out against this "protest", and you're condemned as a racist bigot terrorist. 

Dig deeper into the news that is censored on many platforms but no secret to journalists from the Epoch Times or One America News, and you'll learn this COVID-19 has all the microscopic hallmarks of a bio-weaponized virus that came from a lab that Dr. Fauci had a hand in setting up financially. This bio-weaponized virus was unleashed with psychological and electronic warfare by the Establishment to commit election fraud, to disrupt small businesses, to disempower and even murder regular people. And it was also a continuation of their US coup d'etat that began with the Russia Collusion Hoax, the "Insurance Policy" that Peter Strzok alluded to a few years ago in a leaked text. It is a continuation of an attempt to unseat a duly elected President of the United States of America, now for a second time. The President's team reportedly has the Dominion servers after a raid in Germany a few weeks ago. It has evidence we re-elected Trump in a landslide that is congruent with the numbers seen at each presidential candidate's rallies. The current status of these servers is being kept very quiet, however, and getting this matter of election fraud to be heard by any court, including the Supreme Court where the masses can see the evidence through discovery seems to be hitting a wall at almost every turn. 

Despite all this, the very core of me is at peace knowing that all the lies, all the fraud, the confusion, the waiting, the assault on everything good will eventually be met with justice. This dark cult will be rooted out, if only for a thousand years, according to some traditions' prophets. A planetary liberation and a liberation of our consciousness is underway. This needs to happen first. A liberation and healing of all our world's systems will follow, leading to an organic and holistic reunification of our world instead of a despotic one. This process is spiritual--or Biblical, as Q put it, but it will lead to better times in our everyday world.

Below are some links that I hope will stay good for a while.


The Epoch Time (YT): Exclusive Live With Lin Wood | Epoch Times (There are audio and other technical issues for the first few minutes of this video, but the fixed portion starts at 15:09).

Lori Colley (YT): Lori Colley - Ep. 470 - Discovery, Exposure, Destruction

Simon Parkes (YT): 21st December Update Current News

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Deep State Wars Update 11/28/20

I frequently return to the post below, post 4951 for contemplation during these times as the mainstream media continues to repeat ad nauseum the lie proclaiming Joe Biden as president elect. 

Evidence and other indications of widespread voter & election fraud are pouring in from hundreds of credible sources, some of it in the form of legal affidavits, whistleblower testimony, bad actors caught on tape, and reflections on the record of when people like Elizabeth Warren expressed concern regarding the security of our electronic voting systems. The Deep State almost had complete control, but they’ve cheated so massively this time it will be impossible to ignore. Yet we now have a better picture of how they’ve dug in so deep and wide throughout all aspects of life—all industries, especially at the executive level; federal, state & local governments, even city counsels, post offices, most major cities’ police stations, 99% of corporate news media & Hollywood, and our education system at all levels as well. This effort has been global, not just here in the U.S. The Establishment clearly wants a global Communist New World Order, and they’ve activated all their assets. We have White Hats that are also activated. 

This is why the mask mandates are so draconian in some areas because the entire healthcare system is compromised, but even here we are seeing push-back on what is now a very thinly veiled attempt at overthrow of our Constitutional Republic in the U.S. 

This is not the Spanish Flu before the age of modern sanitation, other conveniences and practices that have improved morbidity and mortality. This is not Ebola wreaking havoc on starving populations. If millions were truly dying from COVID-19 alone, mask mandates might make more sense, but even then we have other options besides clamping down on everyone's civil liberties as the power-hungry Establishment has as its answer for all our problems.

Ultimately we all have a choice to make. We can continue to promote honesty and goodwill in our daily lives, courageously taking on injustice and dishonesty in our spheres of influence while supporting President Trump and his team who are doing the same. The rioters will probably riot again; they will continue with their usual playbook until their reserves are dry and they are incarcerated for their crimes. 

I need to take a moment to bring up that every sacred tradition on our planet discusses a time when good triumphs over evil. Although it may not be so apparent right now, we are finally stepping into that time, an era where living righteously is rewarded. The fight or testing phase is not yet over, however. Because this new era follows thousands of years of the tyrants running the planet, many of us don’t know how to utilize real power, let alone even realize we even have it. 

This is what the Great Awakening is about, however. We have more open source information at our fingertips than ever before, but also more disinformation to sift through. This is a process of learning and relearning. 

We have our voice and are learning to speak loudly through the masks when we choose to wear them. We have our own personal passions and boundaries to enforce. For some it’s the masks. They refuse to wear them. I can tolerate the mask for a few hours at a time. I can also tolerate others choosing to wear no mask at all. My passion is the vaccine issue. I believe in, practice and teach a more holistic healthcare paradigm that supports the immune system in other ways. This stance probably limits who will employ me as a nurse until enough people experience the adverse effects of vaccines and join me in refusing any more of them. 

My line is also drawn to oppose the corrupt Establishment and their communist agenda. I like to remind all of my socialist-leaning friends and coworkers that there’s not much difference between communism and socialism. Carl Marx was a very dark soul who wrote things indicating he was a Satanist. Behind the scenes these are very sick people who thrive on others’ suffering. I’ve written at length in other posts about their secretive practices and use of deception, often just brazen lying. We need every tool in the Good Toolkit to dismantle this beast, including faith in a Higher Power that is loving and supports integrity. I also have faith in the prophets & and representatives of sacred traditions, my favorite being Jesus. He promised some amazing things. Modern day Christian prophets like Mark Taylor have predicted Trump’s election, re-election and full restoration of the Republic. Many similar modern day Christian prophets and people in the New Age Movement (that has been similarly compromised as every other religion) are rising up and echoing the same message as Mark Taylor. This is a clear fight between Good and Evil. 

Below are some links with details on this attempted coup, further attempts to enslave humanity getting more and more exposure daily and how we can continue to defeat it. 

CAMELOT TV NETWORK (YT): General Thomas McInerny Outlines New Evidence Alleging Nationwide Ballot Tampering in US Election (General Flynn also Speaks)

WTPI1776 (DLive): Can you feel the momentum shifting? - The Patriot Power Hour

Beyond the Noise (YT): Why Xi Jinping Congrats Biden Suddenly?; Trump's 4 Tactics Against Voter Fraud |Beyond The Noise

Robert David Steele (YT): Robert David Steele & Michelle Holiday Discuss Sidney Powell, Patrick Byrne, Election Fraud, & More


Diamond and Silk - The Viewers View (YT): LIVE: Pennsylvania State Legislature Holds Public Hearing on 2020 Election

Donald J Trump (YT): Ellis on how the PA House and Senate will introduce resolutions to appoint presidential electors


Friday, November 6, 2020

"It's Going to be Biblical" - 11/5/20

What a week. And still it's not over. I'm doing my best to pull away from the drama and resist the temptation to get fully righteously angry at least for a few minutes. I've been channeling that energy into respectful yet passionate discussions with others in my day-to-day life about the emerging evidence of election fraud that CNN, MSNBC even FOX News (but many of us could see that coming), all of these Establishment mouthpieces are ignoring. Thank goodness for OANN, the remnant of real journalism still on television right now. And thank goodness for the army of digital soldiers that keep popping up as many get silenced. 

Over the next few weeks and perhaps months we will watch an amazing coming of age for this nation as we collectively get an accurate read of the true corruption within the system. It's like having a termite inspector tell you that you have a serious problem; it's going to involve extensive work. Do we go into denial or take care of the problem? All election shenanigans aside, however, events over the last few weeks at work are what I really what I want to share first. 

I have a couple of patients who recently moved from one end of the building to another in order to room up with each other on my side of the building. Both women are ambulatory, pleasant, smart elders who suffer from enough age-related changes that they need some nursing help. They should probably be in lower level of care assisted living facility, but paradoxically that costs too much right now. The room move ended up disturbing one of these ladies' routines enough to lead to either an injury or re-inflammation of an old injury. She told me last week she wanted to call her pastor to have him come in for laying on of hands type of intervention. We've recently lessened the lockdown at our facility since millions, even billions worldwide are not dropping like flies from COVID as promised by the "elites". So, plexiglass visits with everyone wearing masks are occurring. Both of us realized there may be some administrative resistance to what she was asking. I encouraged her to push the envelope because just as I was checking her blood pressure without ridiculous obstacles like plexiglass between us, her pastor should have every right to administer an essential, integral form of care for her that also requires contact. And she has every right to receive that care. This glorification of "contactless" BS has gone way too far and it is not only infringing on our Constitutional rights, but basic human rights.

Yesterday she gave me news that made me not only smile but encouraged in every way despite the onslaught of confusing and discouraging news being pushed from Establishment sources. My patient proudly told me she saw her pastor earlier that day, he dared to lay hands on her and pray, and he continued to do so even after the "COVID police", that's what I call them, some good little order-follower in administration demanded they cease and desist this therapeutic intervention. They were able to finish the intervention, and not only that, but I saw her range of motion was markedly improved as I continued to assess her throughout my shift.

The atheist or closet Satanist would say, "Well, that's the acetaminophen and ibuprofen doing it's job." I am certain that the visit from the pastor also factored in greatly. Over my 20 year nursing career and in my personal life I have witnessed so many miracles that involved prayer chains or some other spiritual intervention that I have lost count. 

We are currently in fight involving not so much Republican versus Democrat or even Left vs. Right, but Good versus Evil. One side insists that looting, rioting and arson are myths, not happening, not important or are actually "mostly peaceful protests", while "Right Wing Extremists" nonviolently gathering outside areas where election rigging appears to be happening are the dangerous ones. One side wants to convince us that the thousands of gathered at the Trump rallies versus that dozens at the Democrat rallies couldn't translate to another Trump win on election day, that it's completely normal for gradual, organic Trump leads to end with a sharp vertical jump by the Harris/Biden team. 

One side wants to limit our healthcare interventions in a way that actually leads to more suffering and death. One side wants to legalize late-term and even post-term abortion. One side wants to sell those aborted babies to the highest bidder. One side wants to take away our right to refuse vaccinations for any reason, including that the development of many of these involves aborted fetal cell tissue. This same side has also been trying hard to quietly legalize sex changes for children and also legalize "pedophilia" which I think is a misnomer. Many of these so-called "elites" are pedosadists. They don't love children; they revel in the abuse of children. They won't be happy to see the age of consent lowered to 16 or 17, even 12 year-olds,  or even at the word "consent" for all we know that it means. 

Ultimately just being born onto this planet is to them "consent" for the dark rulers to do whatever they want to do, be it with whatever instruments of violation, including needle injections with known risks for significant developmental disorders and other mysterious life-long auto-immune problems. These known risks all right in the product inserts, but we're not supposed to care about reading the microprint in product inserts. It's supposed to be an acceptable risk in order to work toward the almighty herd immunity. Our God-given immune systems, our human genes are hopelessly defective, especially at birth, and certainly after years of the Standard American Diet according to this sick paradigm. Instead of relying on mother's milk, natural food, healthy play, wholesome family routines, exercise, education, community activities and nurturing a relationship with our spiritual Creator, we're supposed to obey the State, just get our vaccines, go into daycare so the parents can work 16 hour days in order to keep a tiny home roof over their heads, where children are served up synthetic GMO and pesticide laden formulas  and attend drag queen flasher story time until everyone traumatized and dumb enough to follow their orders and consent to their completely lifelessly sterile "contactless" system.  

Ultimately this polarized toxic world of contactless insanity is truly evil; behind the curtain there are undeniably evil things going on. Things like Hunter's laptop matters, election fraud matters, medical fraud matters, Ghislaine Maxwell matters, Biden Crime Family China Collusion matters, and this kind of ugliness is getting exposed despite the censorship efforts at levels that it can no longer be ignored. And even more importantly it is getting compared to the wholesome world that "Good" represents. We are being invited to step into real authority to reject the psychopathic ruling class' evil world. But we have to actually complete this rite of passage ourselves. 

The Dilley Show (YT): The Coup Continues and Q&A Friday! W/ Author Brenden Dilley


Steel Truth (YT): Charlie Ward and Election Update

It's Supernatural! Network (YT): Election Prophecy Alert! NEW Evidence Revealed!

It's Supernatural! Network (YT): NEW Prophetic Update on Election. This is MAJOR!

Praying Citizen (YT): Lori Colley Ep. 451 - Election Th3ft in Progress?

Magenta Pixie (YT): The Situation in the US with Laura and Magenta 

David Wilcock | Divine Cosmos (OFFICIAL) (YT): David Wilcock: Election Address and Global Peace Meditation

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Deep State & Meme Wars Escalating 10/22/2020




Just a brief note for the record as my work hours have been long lately.

Here in the U.S. a vote for any Deep State Republican or Democrat career politician (and they've all fully outed themselves by now) is a vote for rolling back to pre-Magna Carta times with Big Tech monarchy and global socialist NWO hell to promptly follow. This is not hyperbole.

The media and other low level "social justice" minions are only escalating in their criminal behavior, violent tactics, and deception in order to manipulate our awareness, energy, and choices. This includes blatant censorship of anything that counters the Establishment narrative. 

A number of analysts are predicting this Deep State War may be about about to go white hot nationwide. I've included some informative links that may end up censored, but most of them from sites that aren't currently being targeted. That could change any time now, so I've included some non-Big Tech platforms. Links towards the bottom include Meme/Culture subject matter to close on a lighter note.


The Dilley Show (YT): The Sh!t is Hitting the Fan...

If this link doesn’t work then try https://video.ibm.com/channel/h3GJn7DMyPB


Project Veritas (YT): TAMPERING WITH REALITY: Facebook "Fact Check" cites USA Today hit piece on Veritas

Nation State (YT): Google Program Manager Google Trying to Play God via Drivers of Algorithms In 2020 Election (FULL)




The Dilley Show 10/20/20 (Clouthub)

WTPI_1776 (Dlive): Nothing can stop what is coming (10/21/20)

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

What If? 10/6/20

