Thursday, July 22, 2021

Deep State War Update: Hybrid Warfare 🗳 All Assets Deployed - 7/22/21

The information on AZ forensic audits being released to the public via citizen journalists and outlets like OAN differs so significantly from the legacy media at this time, it strains the mind to try to listen or read both sides and come to any conclusion except that one side is not being honest. 

Many of us are seeing now compelling evidence of the mind-numbing numerous forms of fraud utilized to hijack the 2020 presidential election. We suspected fraud before the audit, but who ever knew about “ghost voters” or “phantom voters” before all this? And we seem to be witnessing in real time apparent obstruction of justice even by our nation’s own Department of Justice, what appear to be compromised/corrupted, entrenched crypto-Marxist advocates for pseudo-democracy or others who are openly acting as activists for Socialism, relying heavily on consolidating power in government/big-business partnerships. The last place in history this was launched on such a grand scale was pre-WWII Germany.  

One of my favorite podcasters David Nino Rodriguez was breaking down the findings of the Maricopa County’s audit and drawing connections between that and the Whitehouse now calling for UN Troops to come into our country to investigate the systemic racism that supposedly plagues our country. All of his most intriguing interviews are behind a paywall ( ), and his informative videos on YouTube are sure to be scrubbed soon. The parasitic ruling class are making power moves right now. I am confident the White Hats are planning their own power moves.  

Back to the rampant “racism”, those who voted for Trump know this is a shameful tactic, a false accusation built upon the arguments put forth by some proponents of Critical Race Theory (CRT). One of the main points of CRT can be summed up as, any person who says they aren’t racist, even those with no blatant track record of racism is still a racist. It’s in their subconscious if nothing else. They’ve thought racist thoughts, etc. The Radical Left ideology goes on with a number of loose associations that result in justifying rioting, looting, arson, other forms of violence and even terrorist acts in order to “end the racism”.  There’s the possibility that is looking more and more like a probability (or perhaps I could be forming what my ideological opponents would call a loose association) that the pandemic was a deliberate act of terrorism, globally orchestrated in order to steal an presidential election. Yet the facts emerging keep pointing to that conclusion.  

I have to steer off for a moment, due to some grains of truth in CRT, which I have not studied in depth but can still comment on because I have a brain. My limits are in perusal of its content, but I sense it is being utilized as another manipulative tool in the divide and conquer techniques of the morbidly wealthy elitists (and their Black Hat army) who envision a Global Communist dictatorship. Admitting one is capable of some fault is one thing.

In Christian ideology, or better prefaced as my interpretation of it—my own take on “The ABC’s of Christianity:  We are encouraged to Admit we’re sinners. We missed the mark in many ways throughout our lives. We’re encouraged to stay humble but not shamed. We are encouraged to own our mistakes. That’s step number one in the walk, confess your mistakes & weaknesses. Step 2 in that walk is to trust that Jesus gave his life to forging a path, laying the groundwork for us to have a path back to our divinity, our relationship with the loving Creator of everything in the perfect state. Step B in my heart is Becoming  knowledgeable of Jesus and his life. And Believe that he lived, performed miracles, died on the cross and rose from the dead. This is where I stray a bit from the typical ABCs. C for me is Continue his legacy. Communicate daily in prayer and Commit your life to establishing His Kingdom on Earth. The Black Hats want us to wallow in shame and live as slaves. Jesus came to teach us a better way.  

Returning to the battle for the planet and this unconventional WWIII we find ourselves in, the old guard rulers of the planet who want a continuation of it, only with more consolidation of power, use every dirty trick you can think of and more. Honeytraps & targeting influencers have been big ones lately. Infiltration instead of invasion. Shaming, fomenting other negative emotions & division, funding both sides of a conflict, or more specifically, loaning them money then selling them weapons. I’m wondering how many more taxpayer-funded gain-of-function weaponized viruses we’ll see next Fall. Maybe some fungi?

The other side appears to be allowing the old guard to spend their ammunition and to expose themselves, providing safeguards for humanity who seek these safeguards. We are fighting an invisible enemy metaphorically and very real of the pathogenic/parasitic kind. And the ultimate source of the problem is a spiritual or energetic source in my opinion. 

Nurturing holistic resilience involves constructive practices that promote restoration in the mind, body & spirit, adequate rest being one of those practices. On that note I will end this post. Below are some gems.  


The NPC Show (Twitch): 2020 Election Fraud Review

Mercola (YT): Inflated COVID Cases and Fatalities - Interview with Dr. Henele

Thrivetime Show...(Rumble): MonkeyWerx Questions | Meet the Man Behind the Monkey Werx Podcast