Monday, December 30, 2019

Deep State War Update 💎💎💎 12/30/19

MAGA for Healthcare

reallygraceful (YT): The REAL White Devil 🍭

SuperfoodEvolution (YT): Aloe Vera Benefits as a Nutritious Dietary Superfood

SuperfoodEvolution (YT): The Benefits of Beet Juice for Superhealthy Blood (YT): Which Fruits and Vegetables Boost DNA Repair?

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Deep State Wars Update with Alt New Gems ❄️❄️❄️ Winter Solstice 2019

If I give you one message to hold in your hearts today, it's this:
Treat the word "impossible" as nothing more than motivation. Relish the opportunity to be an outsider, because it's the outsiders who change the world and make a real and lasting difference.
The more that a broken system tells you that you're wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead. You must keep pushing forward.
-President Donald J. Trump

This will be my post for the 22nd of the month and my Merry Christmas wishes going out to the world. Just a short post this time as events in my personal life have me stretched, as always but especially so lately. I nearly burnt my tuna melt midnight snack as I put this together.

Lot's of exciting events happening, the most newsy being the beginnings of the process of impeachment of President Trump. This will backfire and very quickly so. Then there's the Go-Live on Space Force. There's also the I.G. report, which is just the beginning of the dam breaking on disclosure regarding high-level corruption of the Obama Administration. Seems like there's enough public support, enough judges and Supreme Court Justices with integrity in place now to begin the process of mass arrests of the elite crime syndicate that's been attempting to overthrow the Trump Administration and impose full-blown socialist tyranny with unconstitutional search & seizure and gun confiscations. Their pay-for-play schemes, other corruption and crimes, including unspeakable crimes against children will only continue to be revealed. This sick and morbidly wealthy pederist cult no longer has an iron grip on all of our instititutions. A shocked and dismayed world with a significant portion just discovering the ugly truth will need all our love and support to get through what may be the most difficult phase. Yet it is the only way we as a nation and planet can begin to truly heal.

Below are the gems. I will very likely continue to add more of them through the weekend if conditions allow. We are the news now.

Edge of Wonder (YT): The Old World Order [Episode One, Part 1 - Youtube ver.] SSP & Advanced Technology | Edge of Wonder

Stroppy Me (YT): Latest Qanon-Related News 12-21-19 : Soros/Brennan Dark-Light

Informative Info (YT): Dilleys Daily Dose. All Aboard the Democrat Crazy Train, Barr Speaks, Trail of Tears and Q&A Friday! (F-bomb alert)

We The People Insider 1776 (YT): Meme Warfare Friday Featuring Ben and Tina Garrison! - The Patriot Power Hour - 12/19/2019

Mr Reagan (YT): The Full Extent of Joe Biden's Corruption

Tracy Beanz (YT): Letter from President Donald J. Trump

The White House (YT): President Trump Delivers Remarks at Turning Point USA Student Action Summit


X22Report (YT): Sacrifices Made, The Enormity Of What Is Coming Will Shock The World - Episode 2050b

prayingmedic (YT): Qanon December 18, 2019 - Watch What Happens Next

prayingmedic (YT): Qanon December 21, 2019 - Know Your History

X22Report Spotlight (YT): Something Big Is About To Drop From Wikileaks:Robert David Steele

Patriot News (YT): Table of Titans The Unconstitutional Impeachment

RedPill78 (YT): RPN Christmas Extravagnaza With M3thods:

Culture War

China Uncensored (YT): Why Is China Trying to DESTROY This Show?

MAGA for Healthcare (YT): Slowing Our Metabolism with Nitrate-Rich Vegetables

SuperfoodEvolution (YT): Benefits of Pomegranate, Major Nutrients | How to Deseed and Juice

Destroying the Illusion (YT): [12.21] THE VACCINE FIGHT: New Jersey - WaPo Attacks Mercola - Bill Gates Vaccine Dye

Saturday, December 14, 2019

DECLAS Happening 💥 Deep State War Update 12/14/19

I am up after a 3AM bathroom visit and check of my phone of notifications--one from a friend who has a 44-year old neice in the hospital with a brain aneurysm that burst; the other notification, an hour-plus video update from David Wilcock. The two notifications perfectly encapsulate my daily experience of watching the collapse of the old paradigm of reckless living with hopeless dependence upon a dysfunctional system of medicine or "healthcare", contrasted with the rapid emergence of new paradigms of health and technology introduced to me by people like David Wilcock.

About 15 minutes into David's new video, with all the current events of last week in the back of my mind, I knew I needed to pause the video and start a new post to follow up the one from last week. Again I'll need to preface that the following is all outsider speculation. I am no insider to the world of conspiracies, hidden agendas, secret societies, politics or exopolitics. However, I am a public health nurse who's been following a few particular topics and trends with verve over the last 10 years and "just following" them for another 20 years prior to that. I had all but given up on politics and my so-called representative government before President Trump took office. I was increasingly giving up hope with the world entirely, more and more black-pilled with current events and my own personal life with a third failed marriage. For the sake of my daughter I kept going, but my health was faltering with advancing age and an incredibly stressful career. It's taken the last 3 years of President Trump and other wonderful events to restore my hope and health, reassuring me that my dreams of a Golden Age are real.

We are right on the edge of that Golden Age with Secret Space Program and other "disclosure" topics going full-blown mainstream. The other topics are what really excite me because part of that super-suppressed information and technology is the real healthcare system that I envision every day. MAGA for healthcare is on the way next. President Trump hints about it occasionally in his rally speeches, most recently in one where he talks about curing AIDS/HIV. Hence, the need for the parasitic Establishment to impeach. POTUS and the emerging holistic paradigms threaten their toxic empire where the "race for the cure" can never end. These creeps want us on a never ending treadmill of paying ever-increasing taxes, the latest being a global carbon tax. It's why Miss How-Dare-You is Time Magazine's Person of the Year.

The Establishment has gone all-in with its old guard media blitz and launch of the impeachment. The latter will be the ultimate Red Pill for the general public. This, combined with the continuing disclosure on all things Epstein is working like a crowbar to ratchet open even the most closed or distracted minds. A significant portion of the U.S. public have chosen (have been programmed actually) to ignore politics. They feel disinfranchized, that politics is depressing and even irrelevant to their existence of putting food on the table and keeping a roof over their heads. A few of my colleagues routinely work 16-hour days to have what they deem a decent standard of living. They have no time to stay informed on current events, let alone be involved in civic duty. Something with historic relevance like impeachment will cause many of these types to pay attention and eventually re-evaluate their entire world.

President Trump has moral high ground and truth on his side. He's lived a clean and sober life with relatively minor mistakes that the Mockingbird Media has magnified and distorted. The Alliance behind Trump has ensured that not just the playing field but the entire game is no longer thoroughly rigged by mega-wealthy blackmailers like Epstein. Trump will not only eventually be exonerated by the Senate, but more information on Creepy Quid Pro Joe and son's crimes will be brought forth in an historic court setting and massively publicized, rivaling the viral Epstein-Didn't-Kill-Himself memes. The entire Swamp with its parasitic pay-for-play infrastructure will get fully exposed to a critical mass of the public. A sufficiently informed public will then ensure Trump (or for the future, someone like him) will not only be re-elected, but they/we will also demand justice for the real criminals--so-called elite child rapists, other quid pro quo-ers, and all the other players in this "elite" crime syndicate.

At this point, it no longer matters if it's Trump. If they somehow take him out, others like Matt Gaetz or Devin Nunez will rise to the occasion. Many more female candidate possibilities like the above exist. I cannot impress enough that Trump is just the glistening top of an iceberg with a massive Alliance below the surface that includes military and intelligence types who will no longer tolerate Epstein or Weinstein-esque sickos calling the shots. The Alliance now has a firm grip on Unacknowledged Special Access Program technology, as David Wilcock in the video below details. It's only a matter of time before the parasite cleanse of the media, Big Tech, Washington D.C. and the rest of our institutions is complete. Below are the gems, including some humor and MAGA for healthcare gems.

David Wilcock | Divine Cosmos (OFFICIAL) (YT): David Wilcock SECRET SPACE PROGRAMS: Declassified in 2020? (Pete Peterson's Final Interview)

Edge of Wonder (YT): Project Looking Glass: The Deep State's Plan To Control Time

Informative Info (YT): Dilleys Daily Dose. Impeaching Trump Re Electing Trump, UK Fights Back, Democrat IQ on Display

Craig Mason's Reasonable Converation Channel (YT): WINNING: If [They] Don't Fear Public Awakening, Why So Much Fake News?

RedPill78 (YT): RPN Friday Night Livestream - Whistleblower Nate Cain Reveals What Happened!

FLASHBACK with  Rep. Hank Johnson, Matt Gaetz's detractor in the above
 Twitter clip. Johnson represents the failing Establishment with all its fake science,
fake news, epicly surreal to the point of comedic hubris historic moments like this. (YT): Benefits of Flaxseeds for Inflammation

SuperfoodEvolution (YT): Shatavari, #1 Ayurvedic Herb for Women | Top 3 Benefits

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Deep State War Update and Alt News Gems 💎 12/8/19

Qanon has been on fire lately. Last week I was so busy with care-providing during off-time on top of my usual full-time-plus work, I barely had time to keep up. So, this weekend I've been doing as much catch up reading and digging as I can, plus a lot of listening to my favorite Q-decoders while I do housework. 

I need to rewind a little bit, because I think something really big happened on the 26th of last month, and due to the strange nature of the events, their happening right around the Thanksgiving holiday, as well as the information avalanche we're enduring right now (think Epstein, FISAgate and impeachment), the events of 11/26/19 probably didn't stick in the consciousness of people better able than I am to analyze them. One Schumann Resonance researcher and YouTube content creator, Ascension Diaries, did spot the events. I expected to see David Wilcock, Jordan Sather from Destroying the Illusion, perhaps RedPill78 or even Quite Frankly cover the events, but so far, I haven't been able to find where any of my favorite independent journalists have covered the curious events.

I'm not sure what happened first, but on November 26, 2019, something that sure looked like a group of UFOs flew over the Whitehouse, leading to a brief lockdown. The proven liars in mainstream media said it was a flock of birds or maybe a weather balloon. See Well, ahem, perhaps then it was swamp gas, I'll add.

Returning to the mystery, around the same time there was a short blackout recorded on a Russian Schumann Resonance site, The blackout was apparently not associated with equipment failure. Alexis Buck of Ascension Diaries explains the Schumann Resonance much better than I can. I include the link below where she explains the blackout. Most curiously, the blackout happened around the hour-17 mark. In the middle of this blackout is a very brief Schumann blast right on hour 17. Below are screenshots from the Ascension Diaries YouTube channel that did a fantastic job of covering the events.

Of note, it was only about a year ago on 11/11/18 when there were mysterious seismic waves that went around the world that repeated every 17 seconds. Jordan Sather and others reported and speculated on the phenomenon and how it may have related to some Qanon posts on the apparent take-over of some supercomputers and spy satellites. See for more on that particular "Snow White and Seven Dwarfs Offline" event.

So, returning to this number-17-related Schumann blackout anomaly on November 26th that caught my attention, I need to pause briefly first to confess that I'm reticent to even bring up anything Russian, let alone a Russian Space Weather website in conjunction with anything else outside the Overton Window. As a Trump supporter, people like myself are routinely accused by the Establishment of being Russian bots or carrying water for the Kremlin, which is super ridiculous, and obviously part of the nauseating psychological warfare. It needs to be said, however, that this Russian site is one of the best or perhaps the most popular Schumann Resonance monitoring site, and I have no ties to Russia. Maybe this factors into why no one else has covered this news.

I am going to go on to speculate on these events. Specifically, I think there's a high likelihood of secret space program involvement in both events (11/11/18 and 11/26/19) and perhaps even the Snow White event. I'm all but 100% certain we have off-planet programs or at least high-technology, Unacknowledged Special Access Project-level things going on, now involving the good guys on the side of regular humanity in this Deep State War getting control of this high-level, Military Industrial Complex technology.

Of note, it is apparent the Positive Alliance may not be in complete control, as the chemtrail program has obviously resumed after a short month or two period of significant interruption that just happened to follow the China lake incident last July. Again, more mysterious seismic activity that led to disruption in what seems be a hub for nefarious Deep State activities. For more informed speculation on that, see

Again, I'm only speculating. I have no insider contacts, no direct knowledge, and I have not attempted to remote view any aspect of these situations. Not that I could do so successfully, but I have some ability to remote view, just no time to go about it right, stay healthy and keep a roof over my head. At this time, however, I just have a gut feeling after years of following this bizarre phenomenon and Deep State War. Perhaps it was the mention of Project Looking Glass by Qanon on (of all dates) 11/11/19, but I get the feeling that the Overton Window has all but shattered for a small, yet significant portion of the population, which includes myself. Despite the MSM's attempt to ridicule anyone who brings up these topics, and at the top of that list is the Qanon phenomenon, people are still talking about them.

People are now seriously talking about the Deep State when only a year or so ago that was kooky conspiracy theory. Quite surprisingly we recently had Establishment talking heads openly thanking the Deep State for its existence and contribution to "The Resistance" (see So, clearly the landscape is rapidly changing. The Pedophile Protection Network is getting rolled up. The whole Epstein-Didn't-Kill-Himself viral meme has surpassed even my expectations. The number of sealed indictments also continues to grow. We are witnessing a very large, very complex, and likely a very old crime syndicate getting exposed and taken down before our very eyes. Or as Qanon stated, "You are witnessing the systematic destruction of the old guard" (see Hopefully soon the parasitic puppet masters at the top of the pyramid, the globalist bankster families, will no longer have control of our currency and institutions like mainstream media. Below, more analysis of this epic time we are living in.

X22Report (YT): [DS]/MSM FISA Narrative Control, Conspiracy No More, What Do They Fear The Most? - Episode 2033b

X22 Report (YT): Hold Position, The Calm Before The Storm, Phase III Brings A Traitor’s Justice - Episode 2035b

Informative Info (YT): Dilleys Daily Dose. Biden Meltdown, Democrat Panic, Economic Rocket ship, Trump Wins Again and Q&A

We The People Insider 1776 (YT): New Q! + Radix Covers Her Epstein Thread! - The Patriot Power Hour! - 12/06/2019.

RedPill78 (YT): RPN Friday Night Livestream - White Hat Gives An Insiders Perspective on Upcoming IG Report

Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel (YT): Great Awakening: Nobody Saw This Coming