Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Hollywood Star Wars Vs Deep State Civil War Alt News Gems πŸ’Ž 12/22/17 (Early Holiday Release)

"The United States is being run as a criminal enterprise." - Catherine Austin Fitts
I don't agree with Catherine Austin Fitts on everything. However, she is a very smart woman who has worked inside the system at the national leadership level. She is not a complete psychopath; not a good liar and well-dressed scoundrel who commits treason by day and rapes by night. In fact she demonstrated that she actually had a conscience in her work, so she was targeted for complete destruction by The Swamp years ago. She successfully fought off the parasites with everything she had, and brilliantly demonstrates how it can be done. She is a true American heroine and will one day be recognized as a powerful voice in the Alliance movement that we're seeing emerge and is presently in process of rolling up and taking down the evil global "Cabal". 
Catherine repeats a mantra that I think is an important one to remember as our eyes gloss over from all this 4-D Chess we're hearing about lately: "The United States is being run as a criminal enterprise." It was happening back when Reagan was president, it was apparently happening a hundred years ago with the creation of the Federal Reserve; it was obviously happening as JFK was murdered in a deep state coup/conspiracy and that conspiracy was until now effectively covered up for over 50 years. Although it is still going on to some extent now, valiant efforts are being made to expose the criminal enterprise and change course. Q-Anon is part of that movement. We have members of the Deep State coming forward, risking their lives to kill the cancer that is killing the USA republic and the rest of the planet.
I'm increasingly convinced that President Trump is part of this Alliance working against this cancerous Cabal in what is being recognized in the Alt Media as a Deep State Civil War. Some call the Alliance members "White Hats", but to call them this I think is a disservice for a number of reasons. Most importantly, very few can say they are free from stain or hubris. We make mistakes and hopefully learn from them, learn what is important, like loving others, humbling oneself in favor of strengthening the larger "Self", family, neighborhood, country, and ultimately the entire globe. Ultimately we need to infiltrate and co-opt the idea of globalism and turn it upside down so that we can grow into global-mindedness but not as insane megalomanic control freaks who lie and rape and poison the planet in the name of some psychotic idea of serving it. We can be global-minded, accepting differences but recognizing that nation-states will be needed for as long as we have radical cultural differences that justify reasonable, healthy boundary-setting.
Just in time to distract from all the intriguing Deep State Civil War news pouring out of the Alt Media, Hollywood recently served up its latest dish of Star Wars last weekend, fully festooned with commentary by the usual television propagandists like the "ladies" of The View. This latest Star Wars creation is Disney's handiwork, and we'll be finding out very soon that Disney is thoroughly infested with so-called elite pedophiles. Disney and the rest of Hollywood work hand in hand with the Operation Paperclip Nazi-infested CIA. Hollywood is the very rogue deep state's Mockingbird Media propagandist wing which apparently has about 20% of the public still snowed with hypnotic suggestion for the purpose of dark social-engineering. I've been boycotting Hollywood for the last couple years in earnest because I see all of this so clearly. It would make me physically ill to try to walk into a movie theater at this time in my life. So, while I grew up with the first Star Wars films and loved them, I'm not bothering to see this latest film for significant reasons. These deep state sickos want a war with humanity, then, no, I won't buy their movie tickets. Even if I had the funds to do it, I wouldn't do it. And though I love a fun costume party event, I woudn't throw all of my energy into this ritual by getting dressed up like Princess Leia; then proceding to eat their gut-wrecking GMO popcorn, washing it down with more GMO corn syrup and fluoride-laced beverages while the power of my consciousness is used to create more dystopic hell on Earth. Fuck that, LOL. I was buoyed upon seeing that only 55% of the average viewer per Rotten Tomatoes gave the movie a positive review...
And on a similar note, what did I think about The New York Times and others in the mainstream media coming forward with articles this last weekend, uncoincidentally I'm certain with regards to the latest Star Wars release, concerning ET and other Secret Space "Disclosure"? Although I appreciate Jimmy Church's opinions posted in a link below about how we need to celebrate, I think we also need to seriously temper the festivities with some grounding and discernment. The MSM is like a creepy manipulative mother-in-law telling you that your estranged abusive husband (The Luciferian Deep State) is ready to turn over a new leaf after attending a weekend anger management retreat. "Look, he bought you roses," she says with her saccharin voice that makes you want to vomit. "And he wants to take you to a fancy restaurant tonight." So, should you put down the divorce papers and seal your death warrant by letting the creep back into your life? I personally don't think that's wise. I don't think it's wise to trust anything released by the NYT, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, etc., aka the CIA Mockingbird Media until the Alliance is done turning their establishments upside down, and the truth and reconciliation hearings are long over. Then I'll give time to whatever Tom Delong wants to say...
LOL. I shake my head to think that anyone believes that John Pedosta (misspelling intentional) and his limited hangout partial disclosure will get any traction given that only 6% of the general public even trusts the MSM. Millions are learning the truth about "Skippy" Pedosta and Creepy Uncle Joe Biden. In the same way that millions are finding out about Harry Reid and Uranium One--a deal that clearly exploses how President Trump's opposition are the ones truly guilty of "Russian Collusion", this Pizzagate/Pedogate thing is also not going away, not getting swept under the rug like the Franklin Coverup and dozens of other similar scandals all over the world. All the efforts of the Luciferian Globalists and their Deep State minions to distract from the truth will only hasten the awakening this time. The bigger picture is finally coming into view for millions.
A massive Schelling Point is being reached. We are at an historic moment when it is impossible to stay on the fence. Asses all over are hitting the ground, but this is when true Renaissance happens. And we're seeing how 3-D printing, blockchain and other open source technologies now threaten to make greedy pedophile industrialists and their bankster Eyes Wide Shut buddies obsolete. Blockchain technology will eventually make it impossible to steal trillions of taxpayer dollars, actually disabling the systems that allow the squirreling of loot into black projects where amazing clean energy technology has been hoarded away from the general public. That sick nonsense is rapidly coming to an end. And to make matters even more interesting, Carbon-60 makes it impossible to kill the "deplorables", even after the Luciferian Globalists dump radioactive poison on them! Carbon-60 is turning out to be an amazing and affordable life-promoting/life extending technology. At the same time many in the Deep State are hungry to turn state's evidence. They will only get hungrier for this as the Petrodollar continues its implosion. Enough already are sick of the lies and the increasingly horrendous evil done in the name of "democracy". So, as difficult as this times may seem, we are truly living in Amazing Times. The reality-TV style value of the Deep State Wars, combined with the Forbidden Fruit/taboo aspects of these topics make the stranger-than-fiction realities infinitely more interesting than the distractions.
This year the "merriness" in my Merry Christmas is in the thought that this will very likely be the last bullshit synthetic agenda Christmas that I and billions of others will have to tolerate and/or live in squalor. The storm will rage soon after boxing week ends, but many of us are adequately prepared. Luciferian Globalists like George Soros are also preparing their minions to take to the streets, but his army of soy boys and other zombies are truly not prepared for the real spiritual battle that is about to climax. Again, The Average American who has never been more armed with God, guns and other gems, however, is well-prepared. With that, I say "Merry Christmas!"

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Russian Colluder, Nyet or Da? Deep State Shift Storm and Other Alt News Gems Christmas PartyπŸ’Ž πŸŽ„πŸ’š 12/5/17

I gave up attempting to put together compelling audio/video masterpieces years ago like I gave up on computer programming. Although the endeavors were enjoyable, they took up so much time in the editing or debugging, the processes ended up robbing time with family and perhaps even contributed to the failure of one marriage. Plus, if it makes no money, and it did not for me, then I might have ended up as just another starving artist or even deeper in debt servitude.

Here's a salute to all those putting in the time, eking out a living and doing a fantastic job rebuilding the industries of News and Entertainment and even Finance as the corrupt establishment ones fall!

David Seaman (YT): The Bright Future Ahead: Bitcoin, Trump Pax, & More πŸŽ‰

Quite Frankly (YT): "Into the Black Lodge with Michael Flynn " 12/4/17

Reason TV (YT): Who Owns Pepe the Frog? The Alt-Right vs. Cartoonist Matt Furie

Destroying the Illusion (YT): 12.4 - MegaAnon&Q/Flynn/Space Noises/Dead Dr #80/More Soft Disclosure

Destroying the Illusion (YT): 11.27 - Storming in Space? Evidence of Possible Covert Space War 

roypotterqa (YT): Military 72 Hour Alert


Net4Truth USA (YT): Steve Gern ex-Marine in Iraq asks profound question - went viral.

ByJR (YT): Benjamin Fulford 11 30 2017