Sunday, December 22, 2013

Of Revolution and Revelation

Edward Snowden continues to reveal the shocking breadth and depth of Stasi-esque data collection tactics of the NSA. Finally, world leaders are in an uproar about this highly UN-AMERICAN situation (now that these same world leaders have learned that the NSA is a dirty peeping Tom peeping on them--not JUST the Hoi Polloi, the supposed unwashed masses.) Yet US lawmakers like mine here in California (Dianne Feinstein) continue to demonize Snowden, practically screaming, "Off with his head" for revealing the truth--Now a crime in the Land of the Free. Truth is now treason in the eyes of the US Government because it is aiding the enemy, the people funding all its black projects now coming to light, thanks to people who can't be bought or threatened into silence. I get the feeling that the American people have more respect for Vladimir Putin than Barak Obama. I see that the congressional approval rating is the lowest it's ever been, and our presidential approval rating hasn't bombed like this since Nixon was in office. This should tell them something, but I suspect that it falls on ears silenced by cash, caviar, cocaine and concubines. If that doesn't work, well then the Cabal sends their mercenaries. God Bless America.

It is most curious to see how crime continues to fall even amidst this sacrilege. If the trends took a turn upward we'd know. The ruling class would slap it in our face every day on television news as more proof that we need to gladly welcome their dream-dystopia, Nazi-style government; more proof we need to give up our guns and to fall to our hands and knees to beg the Almighty Police State gods to keep us safe, to dumb us down with more of Monsanto's chemical creations, fluoride, mercury in vaccines, and the like. No. Crime continues to fall, I suspect. And there is no correlation between the draconian police-state tactics and that fall in crime. The men in blue--as opposed to their now black-attire progeny--did things differently and were once highly respected members of society. That cannot be said for the departments that cater less to the average US Tax-Paying Citizen and more to the corrupt oligarchy that continues to plunger, rape and destroy America, especially the shriveling middle class that these dopey SS/"Just Following Order"-types are the last to inhabit. Crime has been on a downhill trend throughout the 20th century, and this phenomenon continues through to the present day, again, I suspect. I can't find any stats on this yet, certainly no federal stats since 2011, when the lamestream media downplayed the good news. The FBI is currently "improving" the website that displays crime statistics; they'll be done in the Summer of 2013, the screen declares. The last big announcements on crime stats didn't jive with the NWO agenda's push to confiscate guns from US Citizens, most of whom are classified as "mentally ill", aka depressed or anxious, natural tendencies when living in such an unjust and dysfunctional reality that our brilliantly un-illuminated social engineers have devised. Only the psychopathic can fit in. Nor do the crime stats defend the calls to suspend US Constitutional Rights in the name of The War with Terror. Our Federal Crime Syndicate Government psychopathic leadership call it a War on Terror, but the more we hear about facts coming to light on 9-11, not the media spin, but the facts and the groups of professionals that dare QUESTION the Corrupt US Government's findings--just like The Warren Commission's, the more we see the real face of depravity within our so-called leadership. Kennedy's death is again being examined, and it doesn't look too good for the CIA, FBI and all those other alphabet agencies whose leaderships claims to have the American population's interests at heart. There exists ample more evidence pointing to how a decadently wealthy and corrupt Cabal of individuals--hardly enough to be called a "class" of people--have bought most of our leaders. Either bought them, extorted or otherwise threatened the lives of them and their families. Big Oil, Big Pharma, Big Ag--leaders of which have so much power, they are thoroughly and unfathomably corrupt. They have manipulated our military-security apparatus through projects like MK-Ultra into creating and perfecting a science of mass media hypnosis to the point that many people no longer remember that power corrupts.

As opposed to what the experts are saying about Ray Kurzweil's nightmarish dystopia, complete with robot drone soldiers, this nonsense is quickly coming to an end as average, law-abiding citizens lose their homes to corrupt (YET LEGAL) banking practices, lose their health to air and water polluted in the name of greed and to a healthcare system also tainted by greed; lose their quality of life in general in order to prop up the dysfunctional ruling class. The average person turns not to crime, not to rioting in the streets, cannibalism, or some other behavior unbecoming to a group of people we call civilized. And We are finally civilized. We are washed. We are educated. We are curious and interested. We are kind and generous people. Only about 1% of us, 5% at the most, the commoners, are psychopathic. As one goes "up" in class, however, that ratio of the social to the psychopathic changes dramatically. Far from "civilized", the upper crust of society is more sociopathic, debased and deranged, far more morally bankrupt than we can even conceive. Most people look outside of themselves and see the best in people. When we have good inside, that's what we see. We see goodness. We give thanks for the blessings all around. But when the oligarchy looks around, all they see are threats. They see the worst in people. Hence we see their desperate efforts to disempower the average world citizen. As We the People look upon the injustice and sickness these oligarchs prize so much, we shake our heads and yes, we briefly contemplate uprising with guillotines, but can we stomach such a return to uncivilized behavior, I think naught. We also recognize that in reality We are not separate from Them. Them and Us are the same. Thus, the need to forgive is a practical one, and one that keeps us sane as well as civilized.

The drop in crime is a sign of evolution which will make further revolution unnecessary. In this age of revelation and apocalypse (which just means revelation--yes, horrific when one considers what Snowden is indeed revealing), we are called to transcend our bondage. We are called to evolve. We are called to reclaim our true nature, our inheritance, all our abilities the Catholic Church nearly beat out of us over the last several centuries: Our ability to discern truth, our ability to peer into the future, our ability to heal ourselves we now call the placebo effect; even more spectacular gifts, all our God-given gifts the most Unholy Roman Empire feared with such a passion, they were moved to murder millions, maybe billions of people in the name of keeping us safe from Satan. Sounds about as ridiculous as the War on Terror. Our oligarchs have perfected the science of creating and maintaining dystopia.

Among the blackness that is carbon, we have been under enormous stress and are just beginning to see the diamonds inside, the diamonds that we are. Yet, we still mis-read and mis-understand. We do not clearly see the big picture. We are a people that for tens of thousands of years have burned things to warm ourselves, to light our surroundings, to power our lives and move us around from place to place. Soon the coal and opium will be gone, either burned and used to light our unreal world or pressed by enormous weight into diamonds. Currently confused and poisoned by our choice to believe the remaining parasites that clutch onto us with their last ounce of strength and agonal breaths, like vampires withering in the sunlight, we also desperately try to burn diamonds. "Burn out the day, burn out the night...," we burn out ourselves racing to hold up a reality that isn't real. We are just becoming aware of the possibility of alternatives to this dystopia. The prison walls crumble all around us, yet we still weep for the dust and rubble. The destruction of the twin towers was one hell of a metaphor. Now our challenge is to stand up as a civilization empowered by the truth of what happens when we give away power; to drop the matches and to pocket the diamonds.

Let us forget the burning
and go learn to make jewelry.