Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Alt News Gems Disclosure -11/25/15

Dr. Steven Greer - November 21, 2015 How the Secret Government Works: The Most Explosive Expose - HD

I have been reading Ben Fulford's blog for the last 3 years in conjunction with several other so-called "alternative news", "insider" or whistle-blower sources. It's taken me a while to say this with confidence--that he is a fairly reliable source, because those first years of awakening really began in earnest after coming to terms with the landslide of evidence indicating the US goverment was boldface lying to its people about 9-11; then confronting the mounting and damning evidence regarding geo-engineering. Those first few years of awakening were absolute hell, wondering what was truly going on in world governance, banking, technology, etc. and who could I trust to give me the truth period, let alone fairly accurate news of the world. And not just the superficial happenings sans corporate spin, but real intel on what was occuring at the levels of social control and between the factions of the ruling class. I was also finding out who and what I could not trust, like Facebook. It became clear that that some new social media tools were--like much of today's TV--turning into disinfo/distraction tools of the parasitic ruling class.

This has been a process that has not truly ended and which may never end--one of frequently coming to the Universe with some hard questions, and It/He/She/They leading me through a process of relearning HOW to navigate this world. The last 15 years of my life I've devoted to the calling of that of registered nurse and public health nursing. With this, as well as other education and experience that has helped me to gain general insight into people, I knew that I could take my insights as a nurse and novice "truther", look at the daily headlines--mostly bullshit the so-called "elite" are trying to feed us, adding recent polling data, other research and daily personal experience; then going within, utilizing prayer/meditation and trusting my growing capacity for discernment--a process that combines holistic cerebral analysis, heart-centered and gut-levels of intuition, I could come to some conclusions with which I could then make some important decisions.

I intuited early on that this process would be a good one to record in public blog form as I am finding out that this process is one that other people are going through today--many of them in secret. They feel isolated right now as I did not too long ago and still acutely do at times, despite coming to the conclusion that my experience is not a unique or soley personal one, one that I just imagined up in my wonderful imagination, but one that many other people have historically ended up finding after years of contemplating the meaning of life, meditation or other life-altering acute shifts in consciousness like getting hit over the head with 9-11 Truth. One such path is the Anthoposophical movement which began in Europe over a hundred years ago. A couple thousand years ago Christians of the Gnostic kind were having similar experiences and were labeled heretics, brutally murdered by their despotic ruling class. Things have not changed that much. The despots have only gone underground. So, this process feels like walking a narrow and dangerously precarious path along a vast precipice--quite magnificent and awe-inspiring on the one hand, potentially deadly with careless mis-steps on the other (or at least it seems).

Returning to the subject of Ben Fulford, I had to say all that above in order to say that over the last few years of reading Fulford's blog, I see that he is enduring a similar process of healing, living, learning and growing with the spirit that enlightens and animates our universe. I can say this about a few others like Dr. Steven Greer and David Wilcock. In saying that, however, I need to warn the reader that not everything Ben writes is 100% accurate. The best of us are still dealing with a material body that is prone to weakness. Until we finally put on the incorruptable body through the rapture, the ascension--whatever you wish to call these evolutionary processes spoken of not only in the Christian Bible but multitudes of other historical and not-surprisingly suppressed sacred traditions, there will be days when the lightbulb seems to go dim or when we've been tricked into believing disinformation. As long as we can remain as loving with ourselves as we are with others and humble or child-like enough and say "oopsie" when this needs to be said, we will only be coming across as the real people that we are. All that said, I am now sharing this week's Fulford article (normally published on Monday of every week), complete with comments so far as of this time I'm publishing. Ben indicated this was ok to do this week, and a prospective subscriber might want to see what one enjoys on Ben Fulford's Blog for $8 a month.

Khazarian mafia takedown is accelerating, making them dangerously desperate

It is no longer good enough to passively blog about the mass murdering fascist cabal that is seizing power in the West, it is time to take direct action. This writer is going to put his life where his word is by going at noon, Japan Standard Time on November 24th, 2015* to confront senior Khazarian cabalist mass murderers Richard Armitage, Michael Green and Kurt Campbell. These murderers will be showing up at the Nikkei Hall in downtown Tokyo where they will be giving orders to their Japanese slave politicians and fomenting war. We will be live streaming on the internet as we try to force these criminals to answer for their crimes to the world public. It is time to make it impossible for members of the Khazarian mafia to appear in public without being confronted about their crimes and lies.
Campbell, Green and Armitage are all accessories to the murder of over 15,786 innocent Japanese citizens on March 11th, 2011. As this writer has previously written, Armitage is a heroin dealer who is also responsible for the murderer of numerous heads of state, including Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines and Noboru Takeshita of Japan. Kurt Campbell was tape recorded trying to bribe Japanese politician Ichiro Ozawa with a monopoly on xeolite, a radiation clean up agent, immediately before the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder terror attack. Campbell was head of Asian affairs for the US State Department at the time. Michael Green, head of Mossad in Japan, has slandered this writer and forced Japanese politicians to publish essays saying the Japanese people had to obey Jews.
These people are now offering multi-billion dollar bribes to opposition politician Tooru Hashimoto in an attempt to co-opt an opposition alliance that is likely to overthrow the slave regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Sources close to Abe meanwhile say there has been a systematic assassination campaign going on against people in Abe’s immediate circle who are beginning to chafe at the orders given by Armitage and his fellow Khazarian gangsters.
We encourage all readers to phone the following places and demand the arrest of these criminals since we know an exact time and place where they will be appearing:
US White House: 1-202-456-1414
Japanese Embassy in Washington: 1-202-238-6700
US Department of Defense: 1-703-571-3343
US Justice Deparment: 1-202-514-2000
FBI: 1-202- 324-3000.
In addition, we ask non-US readers to phone their governments and ask them to also demand the arrest of these criminals.
All readers are further encouraged to organize similar such action whenever senior cabalists and known war criminals like Henry Kissinger, George Bush Sr., George Bush Jr., Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, Nicholas Sarkozy, Tony Blair etc. show up in a public place. Public enablers of these criminals like Janet Yellen of the Federal Reserve Board, Mario Draghi of the European Central Bank and Haruhiko Kuroda of the Bank of Japan also need to be confronted about their printing money for gangsters every time they appear in public. These people need to be named, shamed and arrested. Enough is enough. Remember nobody is above the law and these are all proven mass murderers. They need to be removed from public view and placed in jail where they belong.
OK, and now for the rest of the news. The world power struggle is intensifying with a now public and undeniable military blockade of Israel and its proxies in the Middle East. This is being admitted even on websites like DEBKA that are linked to Israeli Mossad intelligence. DEBKA is saying Iranian planes are attacking near the Syrian/Israeli border while the grounded Israeli air-force looks helplessly on.
A Russian, French and American fleet is now operating off the coast of Israel as part of a campaign to force that rogue state to cease is incessant promotion of terrorism and war. The Russians and their allies, including the US Pentagon and now the French are also targeting the large corporations such as Exxon Mobil, Haliburton and BP plus their owners the
Rockefeller, Rothschild, Bush etc. families, Pentagon sources say. In particular, Exxon Mobil and BP have been identified as the real controllers of Qatar and Saudi Arabia which are, in turn, the chief sponsors of ISIS, Pentagon, French and Russian sources agree.
The Russians deliberately leaked information about a nuclear torpedo recently. They also fired cruise missiles from a submarine in the Mediterranean. Russian nuclear armed bombers are also patrolling the airspace around Israeli borders escorted by Iranian fighter jets. The message being sent is that the oil company colony of brainwashed Europeans known as Israel can be “nuked, tsunamied and EMPed into oblivion at a moment’s notice,” Pentagon officials noted.
War criminal and mass murderer Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, fearing retribution, called Russian President Vladimir Putin to beg for mercy in response to these moves, the Pentagon officials said.
However, the Russians, French and US military are in no mood for appeasement. The United Nations Security Council unanimously passed a resolution condemning ISIS meaning that all major powers, including China, are moving against it.
Since ISIS is a front for the Khazarian mafia this means all their proxies are now being shut down. In particular, Mossad linked companies are being removed from jobs related to security at airports, power plants etc.
Companies like BP and Exxon that have been buying oil from ISIS are also likely to face sanctions even as their senior shareholders are hunted down, Pentagon and CIA sources said.
In addition, measures are being taken to prevent the manufactured Syrian refugee crisis from being used to infiltrate saboteurs and agents into Europe and the US from the Middle East and elsewhere.
French Journalist Thierry Meysson, the man who first reported lies in the official 911 story, has also identified the hedge fund KKR and of course the mercenary company Academi as key players in the fake Islamic terror racket. Hero Meysson has recently published a ground breaking report on what really happened with the Paris Friday the 13th “massacre.”
Whatever the true motives of the French attack, French authorities are using it as an excuse to declare martial law and crack down on all fifth columnists in their country.
In any case, the French government has other reasons to wish for martial law. The head of a large French corporation supplying the French army contacted this writer last week to say he had not been paid by the French government for his services in over 8 months. As a result of that he had to lay off 400 employees, he says.
If we recall, the original Friday the 13th massacre in October of 1307 was used as a pretext by the bankrupt French king to seize the assets of the Knights Templars. In this case, the Templars would be the Rothschilds and their banker buddies.
Other European countries, notably the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain) are also facing bankruptcy so there is growing pressure there as well to seize funds fraudulently taken from the people by privately owned central banks. The gnostic illuminati view this as a golden opportunity to make their move against inbred European bloodline banking families.
The United States is also bankrupt so there is a strong incentive there as well to seize assets earned fraudulently by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board. One recent sign of US bankruptcy is a 70% drop in freight charges from the US to Asia in the past three weeks.
This is a good indication the Americans are unable to pay for their Christmas goodies from China this year.
Another recent sign is the publicly admitted bankruptcy of the US semi-state of Puerto Rico.
Then there is the fact that tax accountants are reporting their clients income is falling, making it obvious to all the government is lying about the state of the economy.
The answer, for many, especially honest low paid members of the law enforcement and military professions, is to legally seek the return of funds stolen by the families that own the Federal Reserve Board.
Already, senior Khazarian agents like George Soros, Hillary Clinton, John McCain and others are also facing “serious consequences” in the US for their anti-social activities. Pentagon sources are saying Hillary Clinton will soon face criminal charges and the assets of the Clinton Foundation may soon be seized.
In what is probably a related move, a Senior Chinese agent in Japan offered this week to donate $100 billion worth of Clinton issued “Kennedy bonds,” to the White Dragon Foundation, presumably as a way to get around expected asset forfeiture.
The White Dragon Society prefers that forensic accountants identify the people behind the foundations that control most of the world’s stock markets and force them to return funds they stole through fraudulent fiat (money out of thin air) bank crime.
The White Dragon Foundation is also willing to accept funds dedicated towards setting up a meritocratically staffed, transparently run future planning agency dedicated towards creating paradise on earth.
It is time to end forever the mass murdering Khazarian mafia tyranny.
Also, because we were hacked last week by Khazarian agents, we ask our subscribers to please ignore the usual Thursday embargo and post this weeks’ entire report on as many sites as possible.
*10PM, November 23rd Eastern Standard Time USA. 2PM November 23rd, Greenwich Mean Time.



1st woo hoo


Thanks Ben

5-ish thanks Ben!

5 and I’m alive.

Okay maybe seven ish.

Top 10sih. :)

8 is great!!! I think my highest number ever. Now back to read the report. Everyone have a great week!!!

Actually 8.

Not under ten – darn!

Number Nine

Thank you Ben, and wishing you every success in the imminent confrontation with Armitage, Green, and Campbell !

Cheers Ben


top 20?

Nice and early… now I bet DW does a drive-by! :lol:

Where is the link for the livestream? Be safe, Ben.


Thanks Ben !!

Comment by xanderboy1 on November 23, 2015 @ 8:33 pm
Morning brother… I agree… I am not of the mind that earth is manufactured… I am, however just learning more about the awesome find within The Bucegi Mountains… on the second book. :wink:
The books shed light on so many aspects of how things have been hidden from the masses for a very long time… nothing surprising or beyond what we here know… but there are new tidbits here and there… and I just sponge them up! :razz:
An example… Romania has been studying people with supernatural abilities going way back to the 1940’s… they had bad relations with Russia, and so they teamed up with the Chinese. So the Russian, Chinese and the USA have been doing it the longest, with the most extensive researched devoted to the research.
It is no surprise then, we have massive efforts being pumped into Super Soldier’s research…. including the usage of Giant’s DNA. :shock:
But getting back to the books… the tunnel systems, 3 major from the Projection Room within The Hall of Records… I am just diving into wha the discovered as they went into them! :wink:
Check you back later… -Peace
Comment by secondlife on November 24, 2015 @ 12:43 am

Yes! Thank you Ben. :)

22 Now to read what’s new… cheers to Ben and Cafe… “guys” I am truly thankful for this and every week. ;-)

24 :)

“Calling it anything else is insane. America is pouring supplies into Syria and Iraq, to more than simply “moderate extremists.” Hell, America has set up a base inside Iraq to resupply ISIS. 3000 American soldiers serving in Iraq are out there for the holidays, pouring arms into the hands of terrorists while waiting to be returned home, thanked for their service, and thrown on the trash heap.
With 90 percent of the war inside Syria and America flying few and usually no missions there at all, is it a wonder when Russia magically discovered 500 fuel trucks that pour millions of profits into the coffers of John McCain’s friends and business partners.
We are also tired of Raytheon Corporation and their love affair with ISIS and al Nusra. Their continual supply of missiles to terrorist organizations is not an accident and the management of Raytheon needs to be held accountable and should be arrested, tried and convicted, not just in the US, but Iraq and Syria as well for “material support of terrorism.”
The Ukrainians, Georgians, Saudis, the thousands of Turks, the Kuwaitis and Jordanians, not to speak of the Israeli government, all of whom pour weapons into the hands of ISIS every day need to be held to account as well.
By legal standards established after 9/11, each of these nations is open for bombing, not only of their terrorist training camps and logistic bases but their national leadership as well. We hunted down Saddam, I think we may have gotten the wrong guy.”
More at:

As usual, another great report. Thanks for sticking your neck out to keep us informed. Be safe.

Top 3o-40 or so…


I think Ben must mean 2AM, November 24, Greenwich Mean Time. Stay safe Ben!!


So… exactly what do we say to those us govt agencies when we call them?
Let’s take action… and let it be united and coherent action.

secondlife on November 24, 2015 @ 12:49 am
What book is this? I am sure it’s on last week’s comments somewhere but I BE LAZY! :)

I’ve been told the cycle or great year ends on August 23, 2016. So ascension starts on the 1st equinox after that which is September 21, 2016. I’m told that a bunch of people that are qualified for ascension will ascend everyday for about 2 months, about 530 million in total. Each person ascending will get an about 2 hour warning, so that they can say goodbye to friends and loved ones. To be qualified for ascension one must have completed all 8 steps, which takes 3 cycles of living on 8 different planets, and one’s soul must be polarized, either positive or negative. 3 cycles is 77,760 years, one cannot do it any faster. If you want to find out if you are qualified or if you are a Wanderer, sign up for a soul report, by going to my home page, they are not free, a small donation is required and I will answer all your questions, before and afterwards for free, if you are reasonable about it.
About 73,000 people will get the rainbow body, right away, when ascension starts for 40 days and then ascend. They will have 5th density abilities in the 3rd density. They will be able to teleport anywhere on Earth, read minds, look into the future and not be able to get hurt or harmed, plus more. If an object is shot or thrown at them, whether they know it of not, their body will simply go out of phase, and the object will pass through them, causing no harm. They will get instructions from the higher realms to imprison all the evil people (Illuminati & coconspirators), kill (with a special weapon) all the Archons and clean up the planet (radiation and other problems). Paving the way for the Golden Age.

Comment by suppqueen on November 24, 2015 @ 1:05 am
Morning queen… the series of books are as follows…
Transylvanian Sunrise, Transylvanian Moonrise, Mystery of Egypt (The First Tunnel) and lastly, The Secret Parchment (Five Tibetan Initiation Techniques) all in sequence by the author Radu Cinamar who had first encounter experience and was brave enough to write about it! :wink: Enjoy

Namaste my friends

I would have thought that Armitage & Green woukd have been arrested already!! Looks like I guess the least I can do is to make the calls. Let’s do it!

now I will read, here!!!

Lock n load. Good luck!

God Bless you Ben and may he/she keep you safe in all your endeavors.

under 69

ok never mind, now I know why I found this on covert Geopolitics already!!
Ben is on fire!!!! I felt the excitement!!!

“I would have thought that Armitage & Green woukd have been arrested already!! Looks like I guess the least I can do is to make the calls. Let’s do it!”
Comment by lainski on November 24, 2015 @ 1:22 am
They’ve ALL been arrested, confined, or removed depending.
This presentment is just to analogize the public response. How will we react.
Get yourself centered, meditate before you call to demand attention. Be simple but firm.
US White House: 1-202-456-1414
Japanese Embassy in Washington: 1-202-238-6700
US Department of Defense: 1-703-571-3343
US Justice Department: 1-202-514-2000
FBI: 1-202- 324-3000.

What You Need To Know About Eating Expired Food
from The Sleuth Journal:
What You Need to Know About Expiration Dates
Are you sitting down?
The dates on the packages? They don’t mean much of anything.
The only foods that are required by law to have expiration dates are baby food and baby formula. Everything else is voluntary or arbitrary. Although I have suspected this for quite some time and even wrote about it in Make Dating Your Preps a Habit, I decided it was time to dig in a bit further and look for facts rather than supposition.
more -

You got it Littledog. Your tail should be all over the place now. ;)

In the blog of Ben in Spanish we will try to do our best for that action… ¿is it possible to combine it with massive messages through facebook, mail, etc to sensitive mails?
More in

epiphany?!? I just realized:
Going above and beyond is normal human behavior without all of the archon and other disturbances.

As we proceed in higher density levels one will find it unnecessary to consume ANY processed food stuff. You will notice when transition occurs. You will notice the difference when consuming live vegetarian foods. One cannot progress with higher density levels and still consume dead flesh.
Simple fact!

Merkel Slowly Changes Tune on Refugee Issue
by Melanie Amann, Horand Knaup, Ralf Neukirch and René Pfister, Spiegel:
In early September, German Chancellor Angela Merkel issued an order to bring thousands of refugees who were stranded in Hungary to Germany. Germany’s basic right to asylum has no upper limits, she said.
Now, though, Merkel is in the process of preparing a reversal of her refugee policy. At the G-20 summit in Antalya, Turkey at the beginning of the week, she spoke of quotas — fixed numbers of refugees that Europe is willing to accept. On the one hand, of course, introduction the idea of quotas is a concession to reality, because the chancellor knows that the ongoing arrival to Germany of up to 10,000 refugees every day is not sustainable.

3 traitors admitting their ISIS connection in public

One cannot progress with higher density levels and still consume dead flesh.
Simple fact!
Comment by ugmmichael on November 24, 2015 @ 2:25 am
I’m totally OK with that. But I think I’ll keep the chocolate going until the last minute.

Greetings Virgilsamm;
Here is the link for the livestream.

Just as long as your chocolate is not Hershey’s. I’ll send ya some of own made here on Hawai’i, if you like. E-mail me for address.
lov ya.

Oh oh, the cabal is really getting exposed now!
UNITED States of America – It can now be reported that the Joint American-French Intelligence Task Force operational on American soil for over 200 years, along with American heroine, U.S. patriot and Iraq War veteran, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Democrat of Hawaii, now have evidence that the four (4) terrorists flown out of Syria by U.S. Pentagon officials the night of the attacks in Paris, France, had been trained in the occupied Gaza Strip by the U.S. CIA and the Israeli Mossad to fight as Islamic rebels in Syria to affect neocon regime change aka the overthrow of Syrian President Assad.
We can now also divulge that cell phone records gathered by French Intelligence confirm direct communications between the four alleged rebels in Syria and ISIS terrorist cells in France, Brussels, Belgium, Amsterdam, Holland and Hamburg, Germany.
The treasonous NAZI Paperclip U.S. CIA and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have been fingered for removing these individuals from the U.S. “no fly” list, which effectively blinded European INTERPOL from identifying these individuals.

Yes I am aware this site was temporary shut down, so I was worrying if you are hacked, and indeed you were. In the meantime, thank you Ben for lifting the embargo. I will post today’s news in its entirety to a website I am associated with.
BTW, I called all the entity you cited today following your encouragement, but unable to go any further than operator. Can you give any particular name that has some authority and prior knowledge to handle this matter?

Oh, please stay safe Ben, your heroic deeds are truly admirable!

ASK for Divine Intervention, Ask and Pray for Benjamin’s protection. He is on the front line for us. It is also a moment for the armies of Heaven to act. They hear us, dear people of Heart. ASK !

The problem with America’s “anti-ISIS coalition” is not a matter of poor planning or a lack of resources. It is not a matter of lacking leadership or military might. The problem with America’s “anti-ISIS coalition” is that it never existed in the first place. There is no US-led war on ISIS, and what’s worse, it appears that the US, through all of its allies, from across the Persian Gulf to Eastern Europe and even within Washington itself, are involved in feeding ISIS, not fighting it.
#US #Syria #ISIS #ISIL #Ukraine #Croatia #Turkey #NATO #Russia

Comment by grills on November 24, 2015 @ 3:04 am
I am asking!
stay safe, Ben!

The problem with America’s “anti-ISIS coalition” is that it never existed in the first place. There is no US-led war on ISIS, and what’s worse, it appears that the US, through all of its allies, from across the Persian Gulf to Eastern Europe and even within Washington itself, are involved in feeding ISIS, not fighting it.
Thanks for that moment of sanity and reason azure.

Thanks Ben!!!

I am working as fast as I can on the new investigation. The news keeps evolving as I go. We are accelerating towards major changes at stunning speed. I hope to have at least a portion of it out very soon. It will be one of my best.

May the legions of light and love be with you Ben. I will be sending protective energy. You are so loved by so many for your courage and dedication to the truth.

” . . . unable to go any further than operator. Can you give any particular name that has some authority and prior knowledge to handle this matter?” Ladymusashi
Greetings Ladymusashi;
Demand the operators supervise. Keep calling. Flood the switchboard. Authority ordered not to respond. Operators R&R.

What you got is fine David. Just get it out NOW!!!

On board with 65 comments posted ending with Comment by ugmmichael on November 24, 2015 @ 3:25 am
It’s a very, very wet morning and will be today. Poured down rain earlier.
Malama pono,

Thank you Ben and will of course joining the call for your security, by any method. You are indeed a brave man !
Yes it’s due time for action, anyhow, responses they will get – in calm manner that is!

We need the wash job Momi.

To borrow a line from Mortal Combat, “It has begun!”.

Great report Ben! It sounds like he is going out on a limb and getting things moving a long.
I wonder if we will get a mid week update after his confrontation?
Has anyone had one of quac77’s soul reports?

Has anyone had one of quac77’s soul reports?
Comment by lucybean on November 24, 2015 @ 3:48 am
yes, I have. Positive experience for me.

Yea, Ben..we all need now to go all out and give our voice to the TRUTH. Thank you, Ben for standing down this insanity…and you too David W….we are transforming this world. Victory to the Light…!!

Putin Declares ISIS On “Brink Of Total Defeat”, Warns NATO War Has Been “Total Lie”–
By: Sorcha Faal—
November 23, 2015-
A sobering report issued by the Ministry of Defense (MoD) states that in an address to Federation military commanders at the National Control Defense Center wartime government headquarters in Moscow earlier today, President Putin declared that Islamic State Forces (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) operating in the Levant War Zone are on the “brink of total defeat”—
And that the Western nations claims that they had been battling these modern day barbarians has now been exposed as a “total lie”.
According to this report, Aerospace Forces, which in the past 48 hours have destroyed 472 terrorist targets, and in the past 5 days have obliterated 1,000 of their oil tankers—–
When combined with the nearly 3,000 air and cruise missiles strikes conducted by Russian military and naval forces against these terrorists since 30 September, have reduced ISIS to having only 34 operating bases—a number confirmed by Iraq’s al-Nakhil news agency.
Adding to the coming success in defeating Islamic State forces, this report continues, are the new airstrikes against these terrorists being launched from the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle under the control of Federation Aerospace Forces by order of President Putin after France broke with NATO and sided with Russia in this war.
Joining Russia and France too in battling ISIS, this report notes, is China, whose Foreign Ministry spokesman, Hong Lei, earlier today stated “Russia’s large-scale activities are an important integral part of the international counter-terror actions… China supports Russia’s efforts to combat terrorism”.
Not just in words either is China supporting Russia in the Levant either, this report says, but in military forces too as an estimated 3,000 Chinese marine forces are now operating in Syria under Federation military command—–
and while the United States has dispatched its USS Harry S. Truman aircraft carrier strike force against with its commander, Captain Ryan Scholl, warning:
“ISIS is not the only challenge that awaits the flotilla, which includes the cruiser Anzio, Carrier Wing Air 7, and destroyers Bulkeley, Gravely and Gonzalez.
Russian, Chinese and Iranian marines have established their presence in Syria, and Russian warships from the Black Sea have relocated to the eastern Mediterranean to protect fighter jets conducting airstrikes in support of Syria’s Assad regime.
In preparation, the strike group’s Composite Training Unit Exercise focused on adversaries that more closely resembled those of the Cold War.”

Has anyone had one of quac77’s soul reports?
Comment by lucybean on November 24, 2015 @ 3:48 am
I have. It was a positive experience for me as well.

Comment by guac77 on November 24, 2015 @ 1:05 am
Thanks, but no thanks. I do not consent and waiving the benefit, since it is not mandatory, but a choice and conditional, pass certain criteria to achieve the benefit.
Respect for our ancestors who never experience spiritual death, but live on continuously in other forms of life including physical rebirth our unconditional
(This is the third time I am attempting to post this comment that is not completed. It keeps getting removed as I hit certain keys. My niece just came in to report the apartment clothes drier on top took twice as much coins to get it started and okay for the bottom one. I shall look at this scientifically and blame the very, very wet moisture from the rain, since I am, also, having glitches typing my comments.)
(continuing) it’s natures law which includes human life form. It is OUR responsibility to take care of natural law. And I’m going to follow another’s plan for natures law by venturing into another’s plan? That’s called “disrespect” for our ancestors teachings on natural law.
Again, I do not consent and waive the benefit of ascension before it’s my time to morph.
Malama pono,

Great Article…
New Study Shows Future Events Affect the Past and Other Quantum Weirdness

Power supply in Crimea to be restored within hours –
The electric power supply in Crimea will be restored within several hours, Russian Energy Minister Aleksandr Novak said on Monday. He added that Ukrainian officials have sufficient forces and means to restore electric power, according to their statements.
The Ukrainian Energy Ministry said it was ready to repair four power transmission lines which were damaged in a subversive explosion.
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak described the situation as “difficult but not critical.” He added it was expected because TASS reported.“Ukraine had threatened to cut off energy supplies to Crimea many times,”

Has anyone had one of quac77’s soul reports?
Comment by lucybean on November 24, 2015 @ 3:48 am
I have as well and it was a good/positive experience. the information I received was actually a pretty big step, in hindsight, to my journey.

CT Wade, Sandy Hook happened proponent, shares the same address on his domain as Lennie Posner of the ill-named HONR network. Around the 4:40 mark.

Note to Cameron (UK): The Bear Doesn’t Need Your Help to Fight ISIS—
Daniel Fielding 12 hours ago
Now fighting in Syria?
Report: Russia Begins Ground Operations in Syria–
News Rudy Panko 28 minutes ago –
Shock News: Western Media Suddenly Decides Russia is the Good Guy–
Opinion- Stuart Smith– MEDIA WATCH 8 hours ago –
A NEW LOW:– US TV Depicts– Russian ISIS Tanker Strikes
as American—
Opinion (Moon of Alabama) MEDIA WATCH 8 hours ago –

Well Dave Wilcock 2 weeks and counting You’ve always been slow but that’s absurd lol. Did you need the hits on your site to get your revenue up?

Has anyone had one of quac77’s soul reports?
Comment by lucybean on November 24, 2015 @ 3:48 am
yes, I have. Positive experience for me.
Comment by smokeybear on November 24, 2015 @ 3:52 am

Hi Lucy & Smokey.
Unfortunately not for me!
According to our once weeky ‘oracle’, I am of the great unwashed and have millennia to progress in 3D. No chance of me ascending or moving to 5D let alone 4D from him.
Ah well – we shall see!
Namaste all,

Brussels Alarmed as Germany and Russia “Conspire to Dodge EU Energy Rules”
Poland doesn’t like the Nord Stream 2 project one bit and neither does Brussels–
Christoph Germann– 1 hour ago–
Europe’s dependence on Russian gas has long been a thorn in the side of the United States and some European countries.
In order to free Europe from Gazprom’s “stranglehold,” Washington and Brussels have been promoting the Southern Gas Corridor and sabotaging new Russian projects.
The South Stream saga demonstrated that the U.S. and the European Commission (EC) will go to great lengths to lessen Russia’s influence over European energy markets, even if that means putting Europe’s energy security at risk.
Last Wednesday, EU Energy Commissioner Maros Sefcovic pointed out that EU member states lacked sufficient alternatives to Russian gas supplies and called for “an urgent political push” for closer cooperation in the energy sphere.
Brussels’ efforts to construct an “Energy Union” have been hampered by differing interests of the various member states. For example, Poland wants to continue investing in coal, while Germany and several European companies plan to expand the Nord Stream pipeline to bring more Russian gas to Europe.
This has drawn harsh criticism from Poland and some other countries. After lamenting that the planned expansion of Nord Stream hurts EU unity, Poland recently called on Brussels to ban the project.
Sefcovic stressed during his state of the energy union address on Wednesday that the European Commission will scrutinize whether the Nord Stream plan complies with EU rules.
BTW–Americans Say There’s a New Sheriff in Town:
Vladimir Putin–
Opinion (Off Guardian) 9 hours ago–

Comment by kenlej on November 24, 2015 @ 5:06 am
First time poster?

Comment by smokeybear on November 24, 2015 @ 1:24 am
I passed the info on to Ben.

Called FBI number and they told me to call the DC field office where someone could actually address my concerns:
Haven’t tried it yet. Great report, thanks Ben.

Surrounding Ben in Love and Light while he confronts those who have done us wrong. Thank you Ben for helping lead the charge.
David, it might be time to post as events are unfolding at a much greater clip. Otherwise it will be too hard to catch up! Remember, us people NOT in the know need time to mentally get a grasp on things to figure out how we can help and direct our thoughts.

Here, here Momi! The wisdom of our ancestors is all around and far more trustworthy than any external approval of the process and progress of one’s soul. Seek the wisdom within.

Comment by ugmmichael on November 24, 2015 @ 3:35 am
Yes, especially in Makaha. Love it, and better without the wind that came before it the other day.
Hurricane threats have simmered down, too. Has anyone noticed? The past days found us caught between two wind flows, east and west.
Malama pono,

Wow what a beginning to Transylvanian Moonrise…
The author meets an individual who’s ancestor is a master alchemist whom has master the creation of an alloy that when made into a specific shape and attuned to a person’s unique vibration/frequency… enables that person to live almost infinitely… as long as they stay in possession of the devise! :cool:
The alchemy has extended from days of the Egyptian Pharaohs… people living hundreds of years…
I can’t put this book down! :cool:

BTW–Americans Say There’s a New Sheriff in Town:
Vladimir Putin–
Opinion (Off Guardian) 9 hours ago–
Comment by Edge on November 24, 2015 @ 5:29 am
We get that too.

Comment by marhuff55 on November 24, 2015 @ 5:38 am
thanks m55,
thought it was not good but got here and found out Ben wants this report out there asap, so it was good. Not sure how they got it unless Ben sent it to them. Anyway I have shared it as well now.

The average life span of someone in possession of the devise is 1700 to 2000 years of age, in which during that time a master alchemist would obtain the Philosopher’s Stone, learn to make the elixir of life, thereby learning to extend life further! wow :wink:

Can someone help me figure something out?
Ben says the purpose of martial law in France & Belgium is to exterminate the fifth column. Does that mean that the false flag in Paris was done by the good guys or are they just using it as an opportunity to get them?

Nice report
A dream held for oneself is just a dream, a dream held together becomes reality. So what, if who ever is telling the stories are wrong with their intentions, ignorant or just lying. Its up to us as God and Goddess Beings to create the picture we want to see and set it adrift into the oceam of unlimited consciousness. Everyone eventually reaches the water hole in time, some take diffierent paths that others do not, but all end up at the waterhole together.
If you want to know more about protection with True Law, check the past work and current work of Frank O,Collins. If you are lost with the legal entagelments and confusion that is created through us by Slave Bonds, being your birth certificate and traded on the New York Stock Exchange, then
give yourself some time, days, weeks to absorb his material and more from the ancient past. Turn on your ‘bullshit detector”, make a drink and listen, there is more than enough material to complement all your other favourite characters that you listen to, and i feel just adds to the big picture we are a part of…………those with ears and eyes
‘Maybe thats why flowers can grow thrive after being bedded in animal shit’
Off cuff
Love to All

device… oops

Comment by aneeson on November 24, 2015 @ 5:25 am
I don’t think he believes his information is 100% tho. Nobody is 100%. I would definitely get a second opinion. ;)

The practices/technologies are estimated at 7000 to 8000 years old.

No matter how you feel about guns, it is NONE of the UN’s business.
HOORAY – A 53-46 vote
The U.N. Resolution 2117 lists 21 points dealing with firearms control, but perhaps of most interest is point number 11. It: “CALLS FOR MEMBER STATES TO SUPPORT WEAPONS COLLECTION and DISARMAMENT of all UN countries.

By a 53-46 vote – The U.S. Senate voted against the U.N. resolution. HOORAY.
This is that brief, glorious moment in history when everyone stands around…reloading.
Now, Which 46 Senators Voted to Destroy Us? Well, let their names become known! See below. If you vote in one of the states listed with these 46 “legis..traitors”… vote against them.
In a 53-46 vote, the Senate narrowly passed a measure that will stop the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty. The Statement of Purpose from the Senate Bill reads: “To uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.” The U.N. Small Arms Treaty, which has been championed by the Obama Administration, would have effectively placed a global ban on the import and export of small firearms. The ban would have affected all private gun owners in the U.S. and had language that would have implemented an international gun registry, now get this, on all private guns and ammo.
Astonishingly, 46 out of our 100 United States Senators were willing to give away our Constitutional rights to a foreign power.
Here are the 46 senators who voted to give your rights to the U.N.:
Baldwin (D-WI)
Baucus (D-MT) (this IS a surprise one)
Bennett (D-CO)
Blumenthal (D-CT)
Boxer (D-CA)
Brown (D-OH)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Cardin (D-MD)
Carper (D-DE)
Casey (D-PA)
Coons (D-DE)
Cowan (D-MA)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Franken (D-MN)
Gillibrand (D-NY)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hirono (D-HI)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kaine (D-VA)
King (I-ME)
Klobuchar (D-MN)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
McCaskill (D-MO)
Menendez (D-NJ)
Merkley (D-OR)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murphy (D-CT)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sanders (I-VT)
NOTE: Presidential candidate!
Schatz (D-HI)
Schumer (D-NY)
Shaheen (D-NH)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Udall (D-CO)
Udall (D-NM)
Warner (D-VA)
Warren (D-MA)
NOTE: Potential presidential candidate!
Whitehouse (D-RI)
Wyden (D-OR)
Folks: This needs to go viral. These Senators voted to let the UN take OUR guns. They need to lose their next election. We have been betrayed.
46 Senators Voted to Give your 2nd Amendment Constitutional Rights to the U.N.

Again, I do not consent and waive the benefit of ascension before it’s my time to morph.
Malama pono,
Comment by kuuleimomi on November 24, 2015 @ 4:38 am
Hi there, Momi, Thank you for all you do here. I respect and laud your position..
I truly would love to have a strong support and belief system like you do. But it is not possible because my heritage is all over the place. I hope I am making sense. I love to visit my birthplace because it fills me in a way no other place can.
But my Mother has pretty much made it impossible for me to do that anymore. Her and my Father’s soul reports gave me some comfort and ability to forgive them and move on.
But I would still love to develop a strong feeling of belonging that you have, no matter where I am.
As for soul report, I was not looking for ascension information. I was looking for other things and what my soul report did was answer many questions for me.
Comment by lilaloo on November 24, 2015 @ 6:22 am
My soul report, on its own, didn’t question any of my ancestors’ wisdom, but is it possible, lilaloo, that looking back on history, a few of our ancestors maybe were not so wise?
I hope this gives you a positive sense toward this kind of searching.
I am not trying to support soul reading or reporting, I guess I want you to know there is not just one way to search for things, especially when you don’t have a great and strong heritage as many of us in that position.
Love to you all, and safety to Ben.

Yes quac77 gave me a soul report and my friend, we both had positive experience

Hi Café,
It is a natural human trait to want to have ‘readings’ from seers, astrologists and mentors so that we can ‘estimate’ if we are following our ‘purpose’ in life.
I am no different and have had a few in my time.
We are all learning lessons here on Gaia and part of the process is to build up one’s discernment faculties. Until you are proficient at ‘self-awareness’ (going within), you will never know the TRUTH. I am some way short of that at present, but I do accept that I am God and that I have it within me to evolve as the Source wants me to.
So I am happy with where I am at and try to create my own reality as best I can.
Not long after I first started posting here (a good 5 years ago or so), I was intrigued by Guac’s claims and as a ‘test’ of his genuineness I asked for a reading.
My understanding of using the pendulum for ‘arcane’ knowledge, is that it can be affected by one’s own feelings and pre-conceived conditioning. And we are ‘conditioned’ to some level or other.
At the time when I first posted I was defending Co-Masonry (which is not linked to the Male Craft) and also talked about being a priest in the LCC. That obviously gave other café members data by which to ‘judge’ me. I have no problem with that.
I too have used a pendulum, but not often as I found that I could easily make it go in a pre-conceived way ad for me it is not ‘secure’ enough. I am not particularly good with the Tarot, but at least with that, whatever card drops when shuffling and having a question focused on, will provide a possibility of interpreting what the card means.
Again however it is open to one’s own pre-conceived notions of what the picture represents. There are dangers that at some sublime level we are still under the control of the AIF (to use Wes Penre’s terminology). That has become obvious with how these ptw have used religion over the millenia to control us.
So as to whether I trust Guac’s readings? Who knows? Only time will tell and we have all the time imaginable for it is but the NOW. I really enjoy my journey with all of you here in the café, we are fellow wanderers and will one day unite to new reality that we have built.
Just my musings FWIW.

Comment by onetvjak on November 24, 2015 @ 7:00 am
Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902
I just read that the above bill prevents gun control. So is this a round-about way for our government to go through the U.N.?
DECEMBER. 20, 2014
The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three distinct and separate entities.
The three classes H.R. 11654 provides for are the organized militia, henceforth known as the National Guard of the State, Territory and District of Columbia, the unorganized militia and the regular army.
The militia encompasses every able-bodied male between the ages of 18 and 45. All members of the unorganized militia have the absolute personal right and 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms of any type, and as many as they can afford to buy.
The Dick Act of 1902 cannot be repealed; to do so would violate bills of attainder and ex post facto laws which would be yet another gross violation of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
The President of the United States has zero authority without violating the Constitution to call the National Guard to serve outside of their State borders.
The Honorable William Gordon
Congressional Record, House, Page 640 – 1917
Tell this to the politicians when you call. I know I will. This morning I wrote to our local newspaper vent column, regarding this very same thing. I said we need to be very careful not to give up our freedoms.

Just my musings FWIW.
Comment by aneeson on November 24, 2015 @ 7:26 am
I always like reading your musings. :0

Thank you Ben for the permission to post this week’s entire article to as many sites as possible.
You all will be in my thoughts on Nov. 24th 2015 at Nikkei Hall, Tokyo.
Malamo pono,
Donna Grabow, Hawai’i

A Basis for Collective Action
Action on issues of sustainability is often grounded in the sentiment that we all live on the same planet. Of course shared concerns such as climate change, transnational migration, and global pandemics are not to be discounted. But truly transforming individual and collective patterns of life will require a much deeper appreciation of the interconnectedness of the planetary biosphere. People and the environment are inter-connected aspects of one organically integrated system. At this point in history, neither can be accurately understood in isolation from the other.
Implicit in this understanding is the organic oneness of the human race itself. Deceptively simple in popular discourse, the concept that humanity constitutes a single people has numerous implications for the formulation of effective action at all levels. COP 21, for example, can be understood as an opportunity to embrace more deeply the practical implications of the oneness of humanity, including the obligation to translate our moral responsibility toward one another and the natural world into tangible agreements, approaches, and plans of action.
A rich and deepening consciousness of the oneness of humankind is the only way that the obstacles inherent in dichotomies like rich/poor, north/south, developed/developing can be overcome. Designations of this kind are not without basis, for some countries do have more financial resources than others. But while such realities are not to be denied, neither should they be allowed to paralyze constructive action. Rather, they should be incorporated into the perspective that an integrated, sustainable and prosperous world will not be built by “us” working together with “them”, but by all of us working on behalf of everyone.
The principle of the oneness of humankind highlights the powerful connections found between raising the well-being of people and reversing environmental degradation. It is true that the ecological footprint of certain areas is far larger than that of others. This is a reality that will need to be addressed through both voluntary choice and governmental regulation. But equally important will be lifting billions out of poverty in ways that not only reduce harm to the environment, but actively improve it. Addressing social needs in the context of environmental ones responds to the pressing moral imperatives of climate change. But its rationale is highly pragmatic as well, for climate change calls for urgent action, and the dividends of such steps are greater the sooner they are taken.
Efforts of this kind also lay a foundation for valuing people and the planet as explicitly as profit has been. It is widely recognized today that the single-minded pursuit of financial gain has all too often led to the destruction of both natural systems and human lives. This legacy has left deep ambivalence about the role the corporate sector and market forces should play in sustainability efforts. Such questions are complex and not simply answered. But what seems imperative is that good faith efforts be integrated into a just global effort that avoids all forms of exclusion that breeds opposition, hostility, defensiveness, and distrust.
Recasting Relationships for a Sustainable Planet
The principle of the oneness of humankind has implications for relationships at all levels. Individual choices and governmental action are often subtly placed in opposition to one another, suggesting that one or the other either takes or deserves precedence. In reality, of course, both are needed. Agreements and protocols at the governmental level will not be sufficient if individuals do not adopt more sustainable lifestyles and behaviors. Similarly, individual actions alone, such as conserving water and reducing waste, for instance, will not be sufficient if governments do not make the necessary changes at the structural level. Also crucial is the community which, as a distinct unit of civilization with its own capacities and qualities, has a unique and vital role that cannot be overlooked. Increasing integration between these three levels will be needed, if long-lasting progress is to be achieved
What might this look like in practice? Consumption habits provide a helpful illustration. People might be open to recycling, for example, but live in areas without services such as drop-off centers or community composting. Without appropriate supports from government, then, possibilities for individual change are severely constrained. Institutional action to create an enabling environment is needed. Government has a vital role to enact the policies, laws, and regulations needed to support the desired actions and behaviors.
This framework, however, merely sets the stage. For ultimately it is individuals who take the initiative to adopt new patterns of action or continue with business as usual. Human behavior and personal decision-making are therefore critical to the success of sustainability efforts, particularly in the sphere of values, ethics, and morals. Such qualities might seem diffuse or somewhat “soft”, but changes in lifestyle will not be sustained if normative drivers of behaviors such as attitudes and beliefs do not shift as well. Consumption habits will not change if acquisition and the ongoing accumulation of luxury goods are seen as powerful symbols of success and importance. Building more sustainable patterns of life will therefore require continuing conversation about human nature and the prerequisites of well-being.
How do such conversations arise? Government can contribute, through educational outreach and efforts to build commitment among stakeholders. But the community has a vital role to play in allowing for dialogue about choices and behavior. Are municipal or provincial policies on water conservation welcomed as progress or treated as an unnecessary hassle? Are collective decisions about infrastructure informed by a shared vision of the future or do individuals mostly look out for themselves? The qualities of culture that inform questions such as these arise within the context of community. The community can provide an arena in which numerous participants, backgrounds, talents, and efforts combine to achieve change and progress. It also provides a key space in which consensus on shared goals and objectives can be reached and a common vision of the future built among a population. The growing list of cities taking far more robust action than their national governments on climate issues is just one example of the power inherent in a community that is able to pursue a common purpose through coordinated efforts.

I always like reading your musings. :0
Comment by smokeybear on November 24, 2015 @ 7:36 am

Thanks Smokey, you are welcome.

110 thank you Ben

A shared experience… part….
Shock News: Western Media Suddenly Decides Russia is the Good Guy–
Opinion- Stuart Smith– MEDIA WATCH 8 hours ago
Comment by Edge on November 24, 2015 @ 5:00 am
If you knew what I know, it’s good news, supposedly unexpected as you have just confirmed, “what, say that, again?” that was not suppose to take place by Russia of all countries.
Let me elaborate what I know, and, no there is no way to verify, just take it for what it’s worth, a military tactic by our ancestor Kamehameha III before he died. Of course, he had help from the living responsibility today to carry it out.
There is a trust Kamehameha III created. He named the U.S. as head trustee with Russia as the Treasurer along with six other countries as trustees for that account. Do they know this? Did they know this? It’s irrelevant. What has the past record? How has it gotten better or worse with “the wild beasts?” Would you name your the wildest family member or friend to be the trustees of your trust? Takes “spiritual wisdom” and “common sense” which Kamehameha III possessed. No one saw this coming and today is the proof.
Kamehameha III knew the characters of the “wild beasts”, not so much enemies, but “wild beasts”. You see beasts can be “tamed”, no matter how wild (Israel, Iran, ISIS, “radicals” here and there, can be tamed.) And that is exactly what you are witnessing today from an ancestor who no longer lives in the flesh, but most certainly in the spirit of his descendants in tune with natures law, common sense.
Kamehameha III “was” a wise Constitutional Monarch and so “is” the next one, to follow-up “the care of that trust” which contains the land of his domain.
What about the “financial beasts”? Simple, besides taking the candy away from the baby.
Put them on a boat. Take them out to the three mile mark (beyond is international jurisdiction), and tell them to swim back. If our ancestors (aumakua, shark, sting ray, turtle, dolphin, whale) are theirs, also, then they may have a fighting chance to bring them back to shore in safety or if they are good swimmers and do it on their own. This is the “humane” (safe waterboarding) way to discipline and tame a wild beast, any wild beast even animals.
You may not like me saying this, but I think Hawai`i should welcome “wild beasts” only who need taming instead of innocent refugees. Guantanamo should be replaced with our humane way of disciplining the “wild beasts”. We are a healing nation. “Wild beast” need a “fighting chance” to find out how they got here in the first place and Hawai`i is the only place they will get it. They need a new purpose in the meaning of “life”. It is a privilege to live and be here in Hawai`i. Rights belong to those who earned it, includes our own. People come to Hawai`i to live not die.
Have you tried swimming three miles on threat of live or die?
Ok, enough said.
Malama pono,

Archaeologist: 12,000-Year-Old Tunnels Exists From Scotland To Turkey
Posted on November 22, 2015 by Sean Adl-Tabatabai in Sci/Environment // 0 Comments
An Archeologist claims an underground 12,000 year old tunnel exists between Scotland and Turkey
An archaeologist has revealed that a 12,000-year-old network of thousands of underground tunnels stretch from North Scotland towards the Mediterranean.
Dr Heinrich Kush says that the tunnels exist possibly as protection against predators, or were perhaps built to be used a modern-day highways, transporting people to distant places across Europe. reports:
In the book Secrets Of The Underground Door To An Ancient World (German title: Tore zur Unterwelt) German archaeologist Dr Heinrich Kush states that evidence of huge underground tunnels has been found under dozens of Neolithic settlements all over the European continent. These tremendous tunnels are often referred to as ancient highways.
According to Dr Kusch, the fact that many of these tunnels still exist today, after 12,000 years indicates that the tunnels must have been both complex and huge in size.

Comment by carydc on November 24, 2015 @ 8:21 am
Thank You!! Carydc, this is right up my alley!! I love to read about ancient history so this will be my next venture!
Before I read, a thought…..I would guess these tunnels must also have been made very well to have lasted all this time!
Can’t wait!

Comment by kuuleimomi on November 24, 2015 @ 8:11 am
Best deterrent I have heard in a long time, and appropriate.

Comment by smokeybear on November 24, 2015 @ 7:33 am
I was just trying to spread a little ” Current” cheer for the folks who don’t know, and maybe get them thinking.

Comment by smokeybear on November 24, 2015 @ 7:24 am
We all do what we have to do to strengthen our spiritual growth. You are doing just that, searching for your firm base. Don’t stop until you find it. It will arrive.
I detested having others get in my way of growing spiritually when I attended church and then left. Yes, there were those whose attitude didn’t match the “spoken word”.
It was not right to be condescending. I have been there pro and con.
I continued my spiritual search journey through Chinese philosophy (my maternal great grandfather is Chinese). Catholic via my paternal grandmother Portuguese. Anglo-Saxon, from my maternal great grandfather. And, of course, kanaka maoli where I live from my maternal grandmother. It is an individual choice with that many teachings in my life. Choose the one that’s strongest in you. The others will always be there, however, which is closer is the one that is with you always. I am 73 years old. Three-fourths of it was in searching for that common ground.
I searched ascension beliefs and found this conflicted with what my ancestors already knew. Ascension believers come in appearance to tell us what they know is where we get our knowledge when it is the opposite. They are looking to where they belong.
Natures law and common sense is where true teaching come from.
You can see why I came out strong on ascension. I don’t doubt its existence, I doubt it’s for me. And, not to worry, there will always be doubts.
Gotta go do domestics.
Malama pono,

I sent Ben an e-mail about my Catherine Austin Fitts notes not posting on this blog.
He wrote back:
Let me try to find out why that happened. Clearly they are messing with my blog, especially in the US.
Benjamin Fulford 古歩道ベンジャミン 090-3439-5558

Casa Blanca:
Japanese Embassy in Washington:
Embajadas japonesas enUK y otros lugares (una joya):
US Department of Defense;
US Justice Deparment:
“Today at noon, Japan Standard Time on November 24th, 2015* the senior Khazarian cabalist mass murderers Richard Armitage, Michael Green and Kurt Campbell will be showing up at the Nikkei Hall in downtown Tokyo where they will be giving orders to their Japanese slave politicians and fomenting war. We will be live streaming on the internet as we try to force these criminals to answer for their crimes to the world public. It is time to make it impossible for members of the Khazarian mafia to appear in public without being confronted about their crimes and lies.
Campbell, Green and Armitage are all accessories to the murder of over 15,786 innocent Japanese citizens on March 11th, 2011. As this writer has previously written, Armitage is a heroin dealer who is also responsible for the murderer of numerous heads of state, including Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines and Noboru Takeshita of Japan. Kurt Campbell was tape recorded trying to bribe Japanese politician Ichiro Ozawa with a monopoly on xeolite, a radiation clean up agent, immediately before the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder terror attack. Campbell was head of Asian affairs for the US State Department at the time. Michael Green, head of Mossad in Japan, has slandered this writer and forced Japanese politicians to publish essays saying the Japanese people had to obey Jews.
These people are now offering multi-billion dollar bribes to opposition politician Tooru Hashimoto in an attempt to co-opt an opposition alliance that is likely to overthrow the slave regime of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. Sources close to Abe meanwhile say there has been a systematic assassination campaign going on against people in Abe’s immediate circle who are beginning to chafe at the orders given by Armitage and his fellow Khazarian gangsters.”

Hero Benjamin, is it possible to make card decks of isis bastards. Different countries have profiled isil foreign fighters and we the people needs to identify them! I saw on a train station in south er Denmark a bunch of maybe terrorists, I identified the Japaneese skinny isil fighter occuring on some of the recruitment vids to is.
If I get the intel I can make them!


PEW Research Center Poll:
“More than a third (35 percent) of Republicans believe the federal government is the enemy, while 34 percent of Independents believe the same. The poll found that half of all Democrats (50 percent) view the government as a friend and only 12 percent see it as the enemy.”
Why do Democrats have such a rosy outlook?

Comment by chusspain on November 24, 2015 @ 9:26 am
Excellent, Chusspain! Good work.

Comment by intruth on November 24, 2015 @ 9:19 am
Great, intruth. I was hoping the issue wouldn’t be dropped.
I hope others will report instances of posts being blocked on this blog. At the very least, it might give us an idea of what their hot buttons are.

Comment by aneeson on November 24, 2015 @ 7:26 am
Only time will tell and we have all the time imaginable for it is but the NOW. I really enjoy my journey with all of you here in the café, we are fellow wanderers and will one day unite to new reality that we have built.
Yes, Alan, most beautiful spirit of light and love, thank for the reminder of what is the most important factor… Now. And I’m ecstatic to think of us all coming together in a world of peace, love and unity.. that we are creating in this now. We should plan a celebration since intention has tremendous power.
As for psychics, seers and such; it’s interesting but to me the silence within each one of us will give us the knowledge we most can benefit from. Not to say that we can’t draw into our experience people with various gifts, that are an extension of ourselves, to bring messages that are essentially from us also.. in a multidimensional sense.
xoxo, Stefie

Momi: I too can relate to the “mighty ancestors” whom have revealed themselves to me, and the ones in a body suit in this life in the form of animals and Hu-mans. This is a wonderous life, I am sorry Caleb, you are a good soul forever etched into my heart as a great teacher. I understand your mettle, and love evermore…your gift of divine knowing. Thank you.
What is most important today, is BENJAMIN FULFORD, our host of this esteemed CAFE. He needs all our time and help, NOW!
Just like Xander needed a few weeks ago. I have been preaching it the last few days i.e. Cobra meditation, and all day Sunday. As the saying goes, it’s 5 o’clock somewhere, and for us here it means the CAFE’s 5 o’clock hour of meditation.
I do things because I know not why, sometimes out of my ego, and sometimes some of us hue-mans love mankind as much as we love ourselves. I was borne this way, much to my poor mother’s chagrin. She gave me the name “Care”, which I have never been able to change. She was one of funniest people I ever knew. Which drew me to Caleb and (his fun for life,despite his many hardships he has had to endure (as we all have endured) and turned on himself and all here.)
I first joined this BFC because Caleb’s humor and brilliance, and Ukdenadreamers unending kindness and candor. They have both been heroes in my little world and gave me hope for better tomorrow’s. Also, Melissa, who has been absent of late, hope all is well. You remind me of my little sister Clair, and love you. Never forget everyone else and all lurkers, this is the best cafe I am so grateful and much more accepting of the human plight, in trusting, loving and getting to know you all. Thank you.
I am still human with all my imperfections as we all are, so in my pixeled world hologram, it has crumbled — hence my meltdown on poor Anon. The attorney reached us yesterday and relayed the ?Kangaroo Courts decision. We have to vacate within two months. Uhmmm…. For myself, I can make adjustments, but my partner he has lived here for almost 50 years, his childhood. He has Alzheimer’s through some of his fault, but mostly by all environmental poisons and the losers continuing efforts to kill us all.
This Cafe has always been a sanity relief/balance for me. I always spend too much time here, and all at home are always disappointed in me. Have Made them take responsibility for their own lives as best they know how. It’s worked out well for them, mom has let go to watch the butterfly’s transform. Now it is mom’s turn. So I have much to do giving everybody their share in next few weeks and thankfully all have showed up today.
Remember, last year at this time I was deathly ill, another OBE, I shared about it here. It was another dark ones poison, so yes, Xander (life is classified). Although, on my beeday weekend, the dark ones attacked again, I was struck and truly couldn’t walk/wobble for two days. I later found out I was standing in front of Xander as (he let me know), as it was meant for him. “Xander” so glad we stopped all this, you are now forever safe and protected. But funny I thought it would be the other way around, and is what I shared with Michael. Michael, I need to apologize how this all turned out, but I am not in controll of circumstances. Thank you from my heart ole white rooster. Don’t worry about Momi, ancients are a little tricky, but so humbly worth it. Teehe.
So Caleb, you are right we are nothing when we came into this world, and with nothing we shall leave.
PROTECT BEN NOW, please and we save ourselves!
Love in Light to all.

Beegee, Smokeybear, daggar88 and Alan,
Thank you for letting me know how your soul reports turned out. I’m considering getting one done. I’ve thought about it for awhile and wondered what everyone’s feelings were on this subject.
Alan thank you for your extra comments/advice on readings. You were right when you said:
“We are all learning lessons here on Gaia and part of the process is to build up one’s discernment faculties. Until you are proficient at ‘self-awareness’ (going within), you will never know the TRUTH. ”
We are all still learning.

Oh crap it’s long, and thanks for reading, and sorry for typos.

It’s not too long Belle, I read every word!
This cafe has been a sanity relief/balance for me as well. I enjoy reading what others have written and finding that there are people like me out there!

Momi, I know your suggestion would work. About 30 years ago I was watching sea turtles playing inside the reef Near Captain Cook on the Big Island. My in-attention got me swept out beyond the reef and I went for a 2+ mile swim getting back to Hawaii just before the last headland where I barely crawled ashore.
I was surrounded by a huge school of extremely colorful fish all the way. I know the distance because I checked it out after I walked back to my family on the beach who wondered where I’d been for so long.
Blissings to you and yours and I love your comments
here on beloved BFC. :)

… Not to say that we can’t draw into our experience people with various gifts, that are an extension of ourselves, to bring messages that are essentially from us also.. in a multidimensional sense.
xoxo, Stefie
Comment by stefie444 on November 24, 2015 @ 10:02 am
Hi Steffie,
I quite agree with your whole post. Just a little appended above.
Until we can run for ourselves we do from time to time need to draw on other’s ability to give insights as we walk first.
But as with healing, the individual providing the info (or healing) is simply the conduit for the exchange or enlightenment. WE still have to be receptive and do the work ourselves.
And as you say, we are all linked, so the info / healing is simply what we already have.
Much love,

A shared experience… part….
Shock News: Western Media Suddenly Decides Russia is the Good Guy–
Opinion- Stuart Smith– MEDIA WATCH 8 hours ago
Comment by Edge on November 24, 2015 @ 5:00 am
If you knew what I know, it’s good news, supposedly unexpected as you have just confirmed, “what, say that, again?” that was not suppose to take place by Russia of all countries.
Malama pono,
Comment by kuuleimomi on November 24, 2015 @ 8:11 am
———————————————————————————————————’NATO’ has a hard time claiming Russia as friendly—as they need an enemy to justify their existence and expansion–
Just like other bureaucracies they have to try justify their existence for growth and budget increase —
Take care—

chusspain, 9:26: THANK YOU.
This seems easier 2 me than the calling.

One cannot progress with higher density levels and still consume dead flesh.
Simple fact!
Hi Michael,
I’m curious. On what basis do you assert this as fact?

One cannot progress with higher density levels and still consume dead flesh.
Simple fact!
Hi Michael,
I’m curious. On what basis do you assert this as fact?
Comment by scottfree on November 24, 2015 @ 11:08 am
Yes Michael… especially coming from a professed commercial fisherman?????????? Blisss

Murdered Holistic Doctors Discovered Cancer-Causing Enzyme Being Added to All Vaccines
Please scroll down for video

So apparently the holistic doctors who were all being killed in FL had found out, via their research, that the nagalase enzyme protein is INTENTIONALLY being added to the population via immunizations.

Nagalase STOPS vitamin D from binding to the Gc protein. This completely strips a human being’s body of its natural ability to kill cancer cells. Nagalase is a protein that’s also created by all cancer cells. This protein is also found in very high concentrations in autistic children. And they’re PUTTING it in our vaccines!!

This prevents the body from utilizing the Vitamin D necessary to fight cancer and prevent autism. Nagalese disables the immune system. It’s also known to cause Type-2 Diabetes. So, basically, they weren’t killing these doctors because they had found the cure for cancer or were successfully treating autism; they’re killing them because these Dr’s had been researching and had the evidence that the vaccines they’re injecting in our precious children are CAUSING our current cancer and autism crisis—and that it’s obviously being done knowingly and on purpose!

The Dr’s they killed in FL had been collaborating and were getting ready to go public with the information. Depopulation 101..add poison to vaccines…make it law that all children must be injected to attend school. Slow kill methods. They think they’re being fair w/ their “survival of the fittest” type mentality. Only the best genes survive? These ppl have no souls.

Dr Ted Broer breaks the above info (about the nagalese) in this clip. (go to website below for video)

He explains it much better than I do. The clip is short (from his July 25th Hagmann & Hagmann interview) but it’s a MUST listen.  Dr Ted Broer broke it on The Hagmann & Hagmann Report and it took them a whole hour just to get him on air b/c their 3 hour show was brought down and every line they tried to use kept disconnecting… and then their servers were brought down. They asked a bunch of ppl to pray against the attack and then finally got him on a secured line..and so a full hour into the show they were finally back on the air and connected to Dr Broer and the first thing he said was “I am in no way suicidal.” He was super nervous holding onto this info…afraid he’d be taken out Hastings style before he got a chance to say it publicly. So listen to this short clip of him breaking the story. It’s a 19 min clip, but the most important info is heard within the first 10 min. It is definitely some of the most important news Ive ever heard. And it needs to go viral.

PLEASE LISTEN TO THIS SHORT CLIP!! And if you want to hear more of his interview, this next video continues right where the last clip left off. The first video is just a clip of the most important part if you only have time to hear a little bit of it. As Dr. Ted Broer continues he explains WHY they’re doing this. Why they’re intentionally attacking our immune systems.

Dr Ted Broer continued… 10th Holistic Doctor found murdered in her home – controversial connections are surfacing MORE: Rupert Sheldrake,
‘The Science Delusion’: Banned TED Talk READ MORE:

eating dead flesh
I have come to realize i can no longer eat meat or product
from big farmers who have no respect or love for the animal or veggie/fruit and the proper care of that entity.
So now it is hard to go out and just get eggs and bacon anywhere because i taste the difference and i have to say a prayer for that soul regardless of its consciousness if I am suspect of where it came from and how it got to my plate.
So I am now buying as much as possible from the Farmers market – it is a little inconvenient because i have to prepare the food myself but the food lasts longer and tastes better.
I see what Michael said as meaning live respected flesh and that for me includes anything I eat that has to give of itself to feed me. Ultimately as you raise your consciousness you do choose to not eat dead flesh of any kind but there are steps along the way that lift each person up to show more love to all.
I will never look at eating meat/chicken or even fish the same way I did in the past. They all think and feel and suffer and I really can’t do there any more without remorse of some kind.
I am eager to move on from being a meat eater at this point.

Need a good link to the livestream … anyone?

Greetings Scoofree & Cfree;
From personal experience from my meditation and fasting over the years. Also from others involved in the same process.
I have also noticed eventually the spiritual essence separates from the my evolutionary aspect.
I have discovered a deeper transcendence and well Being when animal consumption and the killing of same was removed from my life.
If one desires to visit and abide in a realm where killing of animals and eating them has been abandon ions ago one will consider the imbalance.

We become methodically indoctrinated into cybernetic organisms functioning as drones in a hive mind collective. We’re told how to dress, how much money to make, which movies to watch, and what sports team to cheer for. We’re trained to lash out at anyone and anything that threatens the status quo, always aligning with government sentiment broadcast through all corporate media.
Some even psychotically partake in the very drugs that are deemed illegal all the while cheering the legal system for incarcerating our fellow human beings for doing the same. We convince ourselves that it’s our right to dull the very senses that are pleading with us to explode the lie we live. We respond to the instructions of social media as moths to bright light. Instead of holding political criminals responsible for creating their self serving environment, we stand in line to vote more of them into place.
“Homeland Security and Other Drug Related Issues”

Dave Mcgowen has passed away. He wrote The Strange Mostly True Story About The Laurel Canyon book, plus other investigative reports. RIP, Truthseeker.

Thank you Mkddachs. May Love/Light assist your future cosmic travels. ;)

Cowspiracy on Netflix is a excellent video to watch concerning animal consumption and the industries behind them, and what this is doing to our world at large.

I do the man discredit – Dave McGowan: about the infiltration of the hippie and music generation of the 60s. RIP, Dave. If you haven’t read this, give it a try.

Soul Score?
I don’t vibe with Guac
he does not interact here
just posts his advertisment
but if people felt they learned from his report card, ok
It might be like Golf
lowest score wins

I’m currently a Breathatarian I eat no biological matter.
I survive on Prana,
An occasianal Mars candybar, is allowed by the Federation

Mark Passio The Smirkiness Smugness & Arrogance Of Ignorant People

Don’t Eat Legumes
they are conscious beings– beans

Smirkiness Smugness & Arrogance Of Ignorant People
Those round earthers think they know everything

Fishing is OK
Because Fish kinda stink
They have no fur or legs,
Unless it’s GMo Salmon,then all bets off

I was a vegitarian strict for seven years
no dairy, suger or caff.
I now eat anyting I want and write an intention of the package in case
there is real ecological issue with water consumption and meat
Here is the answer,.,.Tell me you couldn’t make a delicious
Kung Pow Chickenless meal of this?
It looks scrumptioous

Raising and killing animals for food is what is destroying our planet. FACT!
Please, anyone, show me otherwise.

Comment by smokeybear on November 24, 2015 @ 6:48 am
Yes, after I sent the note off to Ben, I went back and read the report and saw that is what he wanted done.

This Week’s Night Sky: Moon Eclipses the Bright Star Aldebaran
Striking image. Better than NASA could provide or even TMT.
Malama pono,

Do you eat fish?
Do you fish?

Scientists say the universe has a ‘resolution limit’ that governs how far telescopes can see
Dang, there goes TMT shot out of space. Whose scientists discovered this? NASA? And now who do we believe, let alone what we are seeing in print based on what was seen through someone’s telescopes?
Malama pono,

That’s the suggestion of researchers at the National Research Council of Canada, who suggest that the universe has some type of “resolution limit;” that is, a point where images of distant celestial objects will not become any clearer no matter how large the telescope is.
Malama pono,

Comment by Edge on November 24, 2015 @ 10:32 am
Got it.
Malama pono,

Has anyone heard of Gary Carlson who also does soul reports. It seems interesting and I think I will do it. Not that I would consider it like a report card or something, but I’m curious.
Caleb, I agree with the idea of writing or stating an intention for what we put in our bodies. I’m not sure how it works but I think it does. Form listens to us if we communicate with that intention.

PEW Research Center Poll:
“More than a third (35 percent) of Republicans believe the federal government is the enemy, while 34 percent of Independents believe the same. The poll found that half of all Democrats (50 percent) view the government as a friend and only 12 percent see it as the enemy.”
Why do Democrats have such a rosy outlook?
Comment by scottfree on November 24, 2015 @ 9:52 am
Interesting question, Scott. You got me thinking and remembering that perspective in my life.
My young adult life friends were all Dems. School teachers mostly and their spouses who may or may not have also been with a government job. Some function of libraries, city hall, hospitals often, too, and we all were new members of different kinds of Unions. All structures were support for labor. Many had bosses of industry such as gas and phone companies, banks, were all about supervising and, therefore, Republicans.
All general impressions. The way it was. Too busy living to question authority. We knew the drill. Did our 40 hours a week following instructions and then cut out to real life be it social or private.
So yeah. We’d stay with the Dems because they not only signed our paycheck, but do so for most of the people we served in the schools, hospitals, etc.
I never heard it spoken, but hindsight says it was loudly known nevertheless
I’ve read some where that CURRENTLY half of the people who have regular jobs work for some form of governing agency.
People don’t understand that socialism and communism are simply two different stages of the same thing.
There have been so few moments when a nation has actually functioned as a true republic, that we may not recognize them when we see them.
Austrian economics suggest that people who are supported in any way by the government should not be allowed to vote on such issues, if allowed to vote at all.
So Why Dems have such a “rosy outlook” is that they leave it to the Big Daddy to run the household.
Do you remember being told not to discuss religion and/or politics in polite company. I was often rude in wanting to know, dimmit, what was going on, but I would quickly fall inline when looking up at nostrils between two superior angry or disgusted, or don’t-question/bother-me eyes.
Good question. What do you now think?
From the hip,
Pursuing answers

Mark Passio The Smirkiness Smugness & Arrogance Of Ignorant People
Comment by gillfinn on November 24, 2015 @ 1:03 pm
Thanks Graham. I like listening to Passio, I have listened quite a bit. This particular vid is so time apropos….for me… Which is why I have other cyber hang out places now.

Comment by stefie444 on November 24, 2015 @ 2:30 pm
Gary Carlson is guac.

Regarding if what we eat is killed for our consumption or not, here is how I’ve settled it for myself.
Most recent position, I might add, I have lived many versions of attitude about eating. As a child it was an interruption of what I was doing. That and going to bed were not a part of my planned doing.
The form I am in has many functions and one is that it must literally be fed daily through its digestive system. Failure to do so these conscious cells will transpose out of physical reality and no longer be my body.
I am told, and I believe it is true, that our future enlightened state in the 5th frequency will have physical forms like what we now have but will not require feeding. I assume each cell is an eternal cell that may or may not require food, thus our whole forms will be eternal instruments for use by our conscious wholeness.
I understood years ago that we each have choice and purpose. The primary domestic animals and plants, in particular, are here in agreement to be our source of sustenance. The many wild animals and plants have agreed to be food for other animals and plants.
This makes the so-called food chain here in 3D and it is constantly in motion. It is the system. We are all called to dinner. Some as eaters and others as the food. Everything cycles in and out.
I feel confident that what ever kind of physical form I get when in 4D and then 5D will “in-form” me how to care for it.
I don’t feel a need to prepare for that particular behavior. Others find it critically important.
My focus is the habits and behaviors of Unconditional Love and its many forms and subtitles. Manifesting that behavior to the exclusion of all contrary, harmful behavior is far more important for me to learn to do than any other. It is simply what I’m to be focused on at this time. It is a major shift in attitude and behaviors.
I find the most unifying frequency is going to be the Unconditional Love expression void of all harmfulness/errors/sins/etc. Just my opinion.
Of course It is not that and only that. Yet it is as constant as is our eating stuff. We each have our own chores we came to do. Only you will recognize and know what is yours to do.
This then is making welcome preparations for all of my personal DNA and consciousness that has for far too long been blocked from my use. These parts of me reside even now as a 5th frequency Being — not needing to eat and the like.
Consider the many Forum comments announcing new kinds of beings who claim Earth as their home planet. Each has a different life style, different relationship with others. They too will need to make adjustments unique to them. I remember most all of them eat or drink stuff.
Hope this adds to the discussion positively.

Comment by ukdenadreamer on November 24, 2015 @ 2:35 pm
Now why did I sort of think that might be the case. Nobody used his name so I looked for the other name and couldn’t find it, but Gary’s came up. Thanks uk – nice to see your regal hawkness :-)

Comment by cfree928 on November 24, 2015 @ 10:17 am
Yep, just barely and not so inhumane for a consequence. Just enough to make you wonder, what if?
You were blessed to make it back. Many unsuspecting are drowning here for just being only so close to shore or the rocks. It’s the current they need to trust when they try to do the obvious, swim back, instead of relaxing and riding the current letting it bring them back in “naturally”. The current never fails to do that. Understanding natures law is your salvation anywhere. The spirit of our ancestors dwell in the ocean, too.
I’m glad you are here to share that experience. Pass it on.
Malama pono,

Jake’ says for country fans ‘Queen of country’—

Raising and killing animals for food is what is destroying our planet. FACT!
Please, anyone, show me otherwise.
Comment by ugmmichael on November 24, 2015 @ 1:42 pm
Same old answer, Michael.
The cabal planned it to do the damage.
This is not how we all naturally go about it when we think local and liberated.
It still doesn’t hold a candle to the chem trail method. One more of many. Or dumping tons of oil in the Gulf stream.
It is kinda hard to see past those parts of events that strike so painfully hard on our hearts. It sometimes overwhelms reason.
But then there is nothing reasonable about what the cabal can think to do.
Global sized insults one on top of another — blatantly.
Enough. It won’t be long for us to wait. As you tell us so often, be patient.
Especially with your self.
Warm hug.
Loving comfort for you,

Comment by pursuinghappiness on November 24, 2015 @ 3:08 pm
Enough. It won’t be long for us to wait. As you tell us so often, be patient.
Especially with your self.
Warm hugs to you too and thanks for that bit of reassurance. I need some right about now.

Greetings Caleb;
Yes, I fished and ate them when living in Alaska. Fish was the last of the meats I consumed.
“Cowspiracy may be the most important film made to inspire saving the planet.” … “A documentary that will rock and inspire the environmental movement.”.
I would like your opinion on the above film, if you have the time.
Thank you.
Comment by calebbrennan

defintly do not eat Kale or Broccoli or anything green
It could pigment your skin Green
Cut out all protein, bugs are ok
Don’t eat butter on toast with PBJ toping everynight
Chocolate is made by slaves, stop eating that
Don’t drink tap water you bathe in 2x daily
If you are unable to eat insects
Please think about eatin the earth directly
For generations, the eating of clay-rich dirt has been a curious but persistent custom in some rural areas of Mississippi and other Southern states, practiced over the years by poor whites and blacks.
not uncommon these days to find people here who eat dirt, scholars and others who have studied the practice n society, dirt eating has increasingly become a social taboo.” Geophagy, the Culture of Earth-Eating

Great report Ben!

Thank you Pursuinghappiness.
You might find the documentary
interesting, if you have not viewed it yet.
Peace, Love/Light always with you.

Don’t eat dirt unless it”s “certified organic”

November 23, 2015
Response to Criticism of Cowspiracy Facts
“What was your purpose of the film?”
The purpose of the film was to raise awareness of the single most destructive industry facing the planet today, animal agriculture. Regardless of whether animal agriculture is responsible for 14.5% of GHGs or 51%, it is a primary driver of climate change. But almost even more important it is the leading cause of deforestation, desertification, ocean dead-zones, species extinction, habitat destruction, water use, water pollution, top soil erosion, etc. The fact that the entire environmental movement is focused on fossil fuels and not animal agriculture is to the detriment of true sustainability.

A global shift to a vegan lifestyle will do more to repair the damage done to the earth than a global abandonment of fossil fuels.
Fossil fuels absolutely must be addressed and movement towards renewable energy are essential.
According to a forthcoming publication from Dr. Sailesh Rao and Atul K. Jain (University of Illinois professor of Atmospheric Sciences) though, if we removed livestock from grasslands that were previously forested and allowed the land to re-forest we would be able to sequester 265 GtC, which is greater than the 240 GtC that we have added to the atmosphere in the entire industrial era.
A global shift away from animal based foods is absolutely an essential key in saving the planet not just from climate change.

Thank You Momi…
(Wow, I never thought I would say that to real person
ever again…)

Conclusion: If we don’t stop intentionally exploiting nonhumans to the best of our ability, all the things we consider atrocities and major problems in the world will never end. We also will not be able to consider ourselves truly morally consistent people. To stop intentionally exploiting nonhumans completely means Abolitionist Veganism.
To learn more about Abolitionist Veganism, go here:

“Don’t eat dirt unless it”s “certified organic” Caleb
:) Outstanding! I love it.
Thanks for the uplift.

History Channel is portraying ISIS propaganda. Now that UFO and Ancient Aliens have run their course with History Channel. Go for it now with ISIS. Directed History in the making.
I DO NOT CONSENT AND WAIVE THE BENEFIT of participation. If it is not mandatory, I choose not to participate. I love life too much.
Malama pono,

Stop eatin micro organisms you breath in when you yawn
they are dying, that goes for gnats as well.

THE “JAINS” WON’T EVEN step on bugs.

Campbell, Green and Armitage
Is that a Law firm or an interior decorators theme?
This is the same group that brought you Oli North in Bed wit ” Narcos”Pablo Escobar.
Armitage and OLi North, are the stars of “Narcos”

Bernie Sanders is code
Burning Sandmen at the Cern

My grandnephew got himself artificially endowed with boobs. He just walked into my room showing it off with two black and white star pasties over the nipples. :)
I tell you it is hard for me to get serious about ISIS or anything ugly with him doing his “female” impersonations. In fact I told him if any one got “radical” with him, just stick out his chest and tell them which was more scary and frightening, him having double D boobs or ISIS? :)
This is definitely not a shared experience, but I hope you enjoy it anyway, because he certainly is. No way on God’s green island is ISIS going to scary the willy’s out of him. He’s already packing two loaded guns up front and in your face. Got nothing to hide. I beg to differ when the commentators on History Channel doing documentary on ISIS said it’s going to be difficult to spot them because they can co-mingle with us and you would not know it. Not if you pack the guns my grandnephew just got. :)
Malama pono,

which was more scary and frightening, him having double D boobs or ISIS? :)
Let me think about that. As long as his boobs can’t bomb people I’m ok with it.

Oliver North was always a “nom de plume”
Fake indentity,never believed that moniker one bit
Manufactured Person

Conclusion: If we don’t stop intentionally exploiting nonhumans to the best of our ability, all the things we consider atrocities and major problems in the world will never end. We also will not be able to consider ourselves truly morally consistent people. To stop intentionally exploiting nonhumans completely means Abolitionist Veganism.
To learn more about Abolitionist Veganism, go here:
Comment by ugmmichael on November 24, 2015 @ 3:56 pm
looks like we will soon have replicator technology to utilize……
Those of us still eating meat can dial up a beef pot roast without killing anything then…..
for the interim period this may work out nicely until all of us our fruitarions and vegetarions and breatharions and such…..
the energies continuing to flood in definitely our delivering us out of reptilians heavy density foods more each day by the looks of it…..hahahahaha…..

Cobra-quote—–Our Event Meditation was a huge success with great positive influence on our future timelines. Detailed report will be released here about a week from how as I gather all intel. —–unquote…..
also a couple of new interviews with cobra,including one with an ambassador to the red dragon family…..

Halifaxes are pressed into service as Hue-manity rises.
Segregations are recognized no more.
Unity of operation is employed.
Maters of Light service come in assistance.

Yeah well, chinese food is often grown with human excrement in the manure spray & it can wreck havoc with my metabolism.
Matt Kahn would be a breatharian, although I wish I were a breastarian.
The Pleiadian Prophecy – Matt Kahn
Thanks someone for posting this link:
Some notes:
Our first manifestation after Source creation is always in the Pleiades.
The golden light energy first came from there, stepped down to spread for life on Earth.
Lemuria manifesting the feminine principle & Atlantis the masculine.
The experience of ill intended space visitors or ‘bad’ stuff depends on how much untransformed cellular density is present still untransmuted – sometimes called the shadow. Depending on how much shadow is in your field it will correlate to an equal vibration of a reflected galactic counterpart of where you are at.
So there is no point in fighting against something that is only your own unhealed, undigesteed manifestation from your cellular body.
This is the initiation process, the awakening.
We are ‘in time’ & enlightenment does not occur ‘in time’ because time doesn’t actually exist! We need to step out of the belief in time. Time is 4D, & time is the collapsing bridge that carries us from 3D to 5D ‘where I have no memory of before, so perhaps it was just a dream’. The dream of time; but to escape, participation is mandatory so unity consciousness, only through us, can change the illusion.
We are the first wave.

wolfintimber on November 24, 2015 @ 5:37 pm

“which was more scary and frightening, him having double D boobs or ISIS? :)
Let me think about that. As long as his boobs can’t bomb people I’m ok with it.
Comment by calebbrennan on November 24, 2015 @ 4:58 pm
Surefire Weapons of Mass Destruction those double Ds . .

Comment by wolfintimber on November 24, 2015 @ 5:37 pm
Read that interview with cobra & the ambassador, so much talk talk.
Found the comments more interesting.

Which is why I have other cyber hang out places now.
Comment by ukdenadreamer on November 24, 2015 @ 2:33 pm
Where do you go?
I’ll meet you there.

I’ll meet you there
Be sure to wear flowers in your hair

Courageous Former Commercial Pilot Joins The Fight To Stop Geoengineering
By Willem Felderhof, contributing writer for
I didn’t take long before the blinders dropped from my eyes. I was mostly shocked by the fact that there was no uprising under the pilots and meteorologists whose job it is to observe, analyze, study and anticipate on weather phenomena like cloud formation, structure and dynamics.
But on the other hand, due to my history as a whistleblower, a 10 year battle against the airline industry over toxic air IN the airplanes, I was familiar with the dynamics and mechanisms so it did not surprise me either. And since pilots often have a big ego, the fear of being labeled as a “conspiracy theorist” and being casted out of the group has more priority than the future of our children and/or Mother Earth.

“Get Out Of Your Trucks And Run Away”: US Gives ISIS 45 Minute Warning On Oil Tanker Strikes (US Drops Leaflets Warning ISIS They Are Going To Bomb Them)

Mini Update Coming, Part 2 Still Being Worked On, Negotiations for Disclosure Ongoing | Corey GoodETxSG
This is a short set of Facebook updates from Corey recently. Apparently he’s still adjusting from his recent move to a more secure location. In addition, he had a death in the family on top of ongoing SSP Alliance activities no doubt.
Corey did mention that he intends on releasing a mini update shortly. Apparently the Paris attacks several weeks ago caused a flurry of activity behind the scenes that may play some part in his upcoming report.

Thanks Graham. I like listening to Passio, I have listened quite a bit. This particular vid is so time apropos….for me… Which is why I have other cyber hang out places now.
Comment by ukdenadreamer on November 24, 2015 @ 2:33 pm
Hey ukdena, Mark tells it like it is, blind as bats and ripe for shearing.

Reporter in New Orleans tweets about shooting in Bunny Friend Park before it happens. He tweets at 5:58 with numbers of dead when he later reports it happened after 6. Michael DeMocker? Micheal Operation Mockingbird.
Witness at scene of mass shooting at Bunnyfriend Park says # of victims in double figures
5:58pm – 22 Nov 15
Excerpt: Several people were shot Sunday (Nov. 22) during a party following a second line parade at Bunny Friend park in the 9th Ward.
The call came in after 6 p.m. that shots were fired and several people were struck.
More on site.
1900 Gallier Street, New Orleans, LA Zero incidents shown.


Raising and killing animals for food is what is destroying our planet. FACT!
Please, anyone, show me otherwise.
Comment by ugmmichael on November 24, 2015 @ 1:42 pm
Here is a video I came across a while back showing the benefit of grazing animals (like cows, buffalo, etc) on open land. They seem to actually help rejuvenate the land.
On a personal note I have found through exhaustive experimentation and observation that a paleo diet agrees with me mostly. My main indicator being my lifelong affliction with psoriasis. I now think of that as my ‘LED indicator’ as to whether a food type ‘agrees’ with me.
My whole life I had to use topical steroids and it wasn’t until I eliminated gluten that was my first big step towards weening myself off of that crap. Along the way I have also found out the following about what food ‘agrees with me’
- no grains (not even rice)
- low salt
- no fructose (I have had a test that also indicates my body does not process fructose well)
which pretty much leaves veggies (which I eat tons of and juice daily) and animal products. I would actually say I get 50-60% of my calories from fat (saturated animal fat, avocado, olive oil, etc).
The other ‘problem’ I have is just to maintain my slim body weight (6′ 3″ @ 160 – 165lb) I need to consume around 2500 – 3000 calories a day. And I am not overly active – go for a 30 minute walk / day and do a light body weight workout 2x / week.
I have even asked a couple of psychics about this and they have basically told me it was a compromise I made before incarnating on this Earth. That is eating the low density foods does not seem to impeded my spirituality or journey but more and more I would like to get away from animal products but … not yet it seems [heh].
FWIW I do eat locally and/or pasture raised and the most humanely raised animals I can find. I definitely agree that all CAFO raised meat is the worst of the worst and we need to stop that ASAP for humanitys health and the health of the planet! But sadly the way things are setup hardly anyone, today with subsidies etc the way they are, can afford the better more humanely raised meat products :( . I am one of the lucky few who can and do support that.

Comment by ugmmichael on November 24, 2015 @ 12:18 pm
Thank you for your thoughtful reply re meat eating.
I appreciate the clarification.

The professional photographers of the Paris hoax.
Excerpt: Today the iPhone and similar personal electronic devices allow everyday people to take high-quality video and photos in an instant. Yet two key videos that have emerged from the November 13, 2015 Paris terror events were shot by established professionals–one of whom travelled from Russia on the Paris1morning November 13 to be quartered in unusually close proximity to the rear exit of the Bataclan Theatre, where he or his his neighbor, a professional journalist, captured footage of shooting victims and survivors being dragged from the building and hanging from the facility’s upstairs windows.
Russian photographer Victor Boyko is a well-connected and established professional photographer, as his portfolio suggests. His clients include some of the world’s foremost entertainment and pop culture luminaries, including film director David Lynch, fashion designer Ralph Lauren, rock musician Lenny Kravitz, and singer/model/actress Paris Hilton.
More on site.

Mark Passio The Smirkiness Smugness & Arrogance Of Ignorant People
Comment by gillfinn on November 24, 2015 @ 1:03 pm
There are only 9 countries left in the world without a Rothschild central bank 4:57 in vid:
N Korea

Comment by xanderboy1 on November 24, 2015 @ 9:17 pm
To all interested in meeting up somewhere else:
Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing,
there is a field. I’ll meet you there.
When the soul lies down in that grass,
the world is too full to talk about.
Ideas, language, even the phrase “each other” doesn’t make any sense.
mevlana jelaluddin rumi – 13th century
Love you all, Stefie

Comment by xanderboy1 on November 24, 2015 @ 5:48 pm
Thanks for that awesome summary of Matt’s presentation. It was me who posted the link. He really is a great resource for grounded insight mixed with lots of high frequency light and love.
About your health, if you don’t already, try some high quality spirulina everyday. I put it in my smoothie each morning and I know it makes a huge difference. I’ve tried other “green” powders and this is the best for me. Maybe you will get some benefit too – everybody’s body needs different things. Of course none of us needs poisons so here’s a really great product you can consider (it’s the one I use at the moment). You can also get it in tablet form.
xo, Stefie

I received this in one of my updated emails. Never had seen it before. Thought I would share. :)

Comment by intruth on November 25, 2015 @ 2:02 am
now there are oly 3 left without the Rothschilds Central Bank,
North Korea

Great Article…
How to Infuse Your Body With Life: Deep Breathing Techniques to Expand Your Awareness and Health

I am a little confused. Earlier this morning there were 200 comments on the board. Now nearly 7 hours later there are only 212. What’s up…where did everyone go?

Hi Suppqueen,
Some days are just slow.

Where can you find a Dr that treats with GcMAF in the USSA?
Apparently, the European company that manufactured GcMAF had been shut down in July 2015.

Comment by suppqueen on November 25, 2015 @ 6:00 am
do you think it is true? I want to talk to the families of the doctors who are dead or gone. I want to know if it is true, because this affects everyone I know, especially young ones in my family. I am sick to think this is true.

U.S. Senate Passes Bill Approving Mandatory Vaccinations for Veterans
A Bill has just passed the U.S. Senate, mandating that the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs ensure that all veterans receive immunizations (vaccines) per a draconian schedule. At this juncture, active military must receive over a dozen vaccines. This piece of legislation is therefore an effort to extend the vaccine mandate to those who have previously served their country.
Sec. 101 of Senate Bill 1203, named the 21st Century Veterans Benefits Delivery Act, states that the Department of Veterans Affairs will be tasked with the mandate to…
ensure that veterans receiving medical services under chapter 17 of title 38, United States Code, receive each immunization on the recommended adult immunization schedule at the time such immunization is indicated on that schedule.
The schedule referred to above is frankly staggering. Over 90 vaccines are listed.
WOW. Clearly NO HEALTHCARE is better…

It is believed that those who refuse will, under this Bill, lose their medical benefits.

Comment by winifred on November 25, 2015 @ 4:04 am
this is one man I would like to have a few minutes with in private! He looks more evil now than he did then.
I do not understand how young people can get into politics and work with these monsters that are there running the show, and do nothing to stop them.

more -
U.S. Senate Passes Bill Approving Mandatory Vaccinations for Veterans
Senate Bill 1203 was authored by U.S. Senator Dean Heller, Republican from Nevada. It passed the U.S. Senate on November 10, 2015 and now goes to the House of Representatives for consideration.

Comment by intruth on November 25, 2015 @ 6:18 am

smokeybear on November 25, 2015 @ 6:16 am
I am inclined to believe it is. I do not count myself as an especially intuitive person, but there have been moments where thoughts…more like words simply pop into my head. Several years back I was driving home from work and contemplating autism. Why some children get it and others do not…and how those children are often INCREDIBLY smart. Almost an immediate answer to this question I KNEW they have intentionally been targeted and sabotaged. And I knew their DNA could be specifically altered to cause this “mishap” we call Autism.
True Story. :)

Regarding Guac’s soul reports – I have got one and it was also a positive experience for me. Gary is awesome and hes really trying to make a difference. He will teach you to play blackjack too !!
Regarding David Wilcock – Anyone here who is dogging David Wilcock is a jerk. The man may be late on a promised article but I don’t recall him charging us for his articles. It was because of him that I was exposed to the Law of One which was a significantly positive experience for me. I really don’t think David is getting rich from his career path and he deserves good money for all the work he does. Personally I hope he does well for himself financially, he deserves it.

can anyone help me to understand following:
Ben is saying that Isreal is under Russian/Pentagon military blocade and they cannot use they marine or air forces, but then I read on that recently there were some air stikes of Israel near Damascus
Second, Ben is saying that France now cooperates with Russia to destroy ISIS oil transport and refineries, but on other reference Ben is using, www. I can read that France in fact cooperates with Isreal to create new state called Kurdistan in north Syria
So where the truth is?…isn’t it contradictory?

Comment by pursuinghappiness on November 24, 2015 @ 2:32 pm
Why do Democrats have such a rosy outlook?
Good question. What do you now think?
From the hip,
Pursuing answers
Well, you’ve asked me what I think about my own question. Actually, if I had thought about it before posing the question I wouldn’t have posted it. ;-)
I just thought it was curious at the time and tossed the question out to see what responses might ensue. So now you have lobbed the ball back in my court.
A quote attributed to Albert Einstein comes to mind. This isn’t verbatum, but the jist of it is that the most important decision one can make is whether to believe that the Universe is benign or hostile.
I don’t know if it is the most important decision, but I agree that it is an important one since it seems to me that our personal realities are determined by our beliefs. We tend to experience what we expect to experience.
So the 50% of Democrats who view the government as benign probably hold that belief about the Universe as well, consciously or unconsciously.
The possible reasons that they have adopted such a belief are probably many and varied; such as family upbringing, religious affiliation, peer group culture, etc.
Of course the Universe is a big place and, while it may be benign in general, life certainly isn’t benign here on little old Earth. Unless you think that living in a pressure cooker is fun.
It may be that those who identify themselves as Democrats are the most thoroughly brain washed and indoctrinated among us.
I think your point about civil service workers is valid. The same can be said about welfare recipients who also tend to be Democrats. Both groups will tend to think favorably about the hand that feeds them.
I’m not affiliated with either party. In fact, I don’t vote at all. I think that presidential elections, are a charade designed to distract, to perpetuate the illusion that we live in a free country, and to milk millions of dollars from the populace into the coffers of the 6 corporations that own or control the mainstream media.
Thanks for asking.

Found the comments more interesting.
Comment by xanderboy1 on November 24, 2015 @ 6:01 pm
I see a world without any royalty…..without any bloodline families ruling over anything……
i guess thats not what this matrix is,and what many figure it will be if it becomes a better place for all…..
we are all kings and queens,or none of us are……
these bloodline families-even many of the ones who are basically not demonic monsters,still are often naive and out of touch living in their privelaged fantasy,protected from any accountability when they fuck up,above the law…..
no royalty with any more power or privelage than anyone else in the future i see,if we are to manifest true equality…..
we will get their…..

To those of you who have been involved with Keshe and his technologies, how is it going?
Have any of the do-it-yourselfers been able to construct and demonstrate a working power generator?
I’m aware that Roald Boom discarded his first attempt since it failed to produce expected results.

What’s the Action? with Sibel Edmonds
By Catherine Austin Fitts
Sibel Edmonds is the founder of the Boiling Frogs Post, an online media site offering nonpartisan investigative journalism.
Sibel worked as a contractor for the FBI in the wake of 9-11 as an interpreter in the translation unit of the FBI in Washington. She become a whistleblower regarding covert conversations she overheard. In August, 2004, Edmonds founded the National Security Whistleblowers Coalition (NSWBC), which exists to assist national security whistleblowers through advocacy and reform. In 2012, she published a memoir entitled Classified Woman – The Sibel Edmonds Story.
Sibel has a passion for asking the question, “what can we do?,” in the face of the corruption we face – which at times seems overwhelming. I asked her to join me on the Solari Report to discuss her coverage of the indictment and settlement of former House Speaker Dennis Hastert.
Here is an excerpt from our conversation on the Solari Report this week:
Catherine: Let me bring up my concern about what’s going on because the question is “Why now?” Why all of a sudden are they doing this now? If you were to make a list of every Republican who has indict-able evidence against the Clintons, they’re dropping like flies right now. And my concern is that coming into a Clinton election, the Clintons are basically taking out anybody who could give them any trouble. Dennis Hastert included.
Sibel Edmonds: You are seeing the replay of 1999 and the Clinton impeachment. But even the Republicans have been really quiet about it…which is amazing. They are not mentioning the fact that the expose was there in Vanity Fair in 2005. They are not exposing the fact that he (Hastert) was listed in two books. They are not mentioning my under-oath testimony in 2010. In the Krekorian case, I was deposed and under oath — I had to tell them about Dennis Hastert including his sexual activities in one of his town houses. And all of those were arranged, organized and coordinated by his chief-of-staff, Scott Palmer. But nobody is even talking about Scott Palmer!
Catherine: What I’m seeing is that traditionally if you “played ball,” nobody went after you. And I think what we’re seeing in Washington, for a variety of reasons, is that people who’ve been playing ball are suddenly getting targeted. Hastert is a guy who’s played ball his whole life. But that isn’t good enough any more. Suddenly, he’s having done to him what Livingston had done to him — live by the sword, die by the sword.
Sibel Edmonds: If you don’t get in line, you are going to be “Hastert-ized.”
Catherine: Right. I think people are scared to death because playing ball isn’t good enough. I just think there’s real fear.

You Can’t Handle The Paris False Flag TRUTH — Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Have You Heard The HORRIBLE TRUTH About ISIS?
Published on Nov 22, 2015
Peace activist Ken O’Keefe and Journalist Gearóid ó Colmáinl explain why the “war on terror” and ISIS attacks like the one in Paris are the creation of Western governments and the global elite. Please spread this truth like wildfire.
checked and didn’t find this one posted.

These Ken O’Keefe and Journalist Gearóid ó Colmáinl videos would be getting awards in a real world.

can anyone help me to understand following:
Ben is saying that Isreal is under Russian/Pentagon military blocade and they cannot use they marine or air forces, but then I read on that recently there were some air stikes of Israel near Damascus
Second, Ben is saying that France now cooperates with Russia to destroy ISIS oil transport and refineries, but on other reference Ben is using, www. I can read that France in fact cooperates with Isreal to create new state called Kurdistan in north Syria
So where the truth is?…isn’t it contradictory?
Comment by jarino1983 on November 25, 2015 @ 6:46 am
All I know is the shootdown of the Russian plane by Turkey, gunning down their two pilots and shooting down the rescue copter with a US Tow missle has just made rhinga very complicated. What will Russia”s response be? Putin has already said that the shootdown was like being stabbed in the back and that Turkey has defacto declared war on Russia. We know France has switched sides and declared an attack on one was an attack on all referring to ISIS. But this is Turkey’s doing. How will NATO react to this? US has come out saying Turkey has the right to defend herself yet the shootdown occurred on the Syrian side.
My guess would be that the Pentagon, Russia, and China will let Turkey alone suffer Putin’s wrath. I dont think it will be a overt military response. Probably a covert response like when they ended up feeding polonium 210 to Litvenko.

intruth, It amazes me that so many people, that I thought were intelligent, continue to believe the blatant lies told every day by Western Governments, and Mainstream News Outlets. There are just so many people out here that do no want to believe, or even here the Truth !

These Ken O’Keefe and Journalist Gearóid ó Colmáinl videos would be getting awards in a real world.
Comment by intruth on November 25, 2015 @ 7:46 am
exactly buddy……i hopw we can get these into the schools curriculims…..lets go for some truth and set ourselves free……
we the general population of the world got to make a serious move soon by the feel of it….
for now the slaughter continues…..
i stay positive mostly,realizing its a naive looking stand……positive energy emmisions work for sure though…..
at the same time mother earth and her creatures continue to be desecrated…..
they cant take our hearts of love and light,and on the higher levels of our existance have no control over us at all…..

anyone know a remedy for enlarged prostate…..

our leaders are but trusted servants they do not govern……
AA figured that one out about 80 years ago…..

You know Putin could easily retaliate by carpet bombing the Turkish region.
Matt Drudge just tweeted this. Wake up America!
MATT DRUDGE (@DRUDGE) tweeted at 7:06am – 24 Nov 15:
A shocking truth is unfolding: America has been arming ISIS… (
Get the official Twitter app at

U.S. Senate Passes Bill Approving Mandatory Vaccinations for Veterans
Comment by intruth on November 25, 2015 @ 6:18 am
this is completely fucked…..time is near for the big dance…..

President Putin – quote—–“This event goes beyond the fight against terrorism. Of course, our servicemen are engaged in a heroic struggle against terrorism, not sparing themselves or their own lives. But today’s loss is related to a stab in the back, carried out against us by accomplices of terrorists. I cannot otherwise describe what happened today,” Putin said at a meeting with Jordan’s King Abdullah II.—–unquote…..

Gordon Duff-quote—–Erdogan’s insane actions were done in consultation, according to sources, with Senator John McCain, unsuccessful presidential candidate and current head of the Senate Armed Forces Committee. McCain is said to have made assurances to Turkey that NATO commander, General Phillip Breedlove, would “personally” extend the protection of American strategic nuclear forces over Turkey if a direct confrontation with Russia ensued.
McCain assured Erdogan, according to sources, that the Pentagon was ready to move against Obama and that Russia, knowing this, would back down. What Erdogan fails to grasp, however, is that McCain, rumored to be increasingly mentally unstable, represents a groups of “End Times” religious extremists which include Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and all but two of the huge field of Republican presidential candidates to whom nuclear apocalypse has long been a goal.—–unquote…..

I have often felt that reports were conflicting so I usually look elsewhere for corroboration. Ben (?) is very positive about the collapse of the Cabal and the commendable actions of certain players, Putin, Pentagon, P2 Freemasons, Vatican and Gnostic Illuminati in their efforts to bring the Cabal to justice. But sometimes the reports seem to contradict each other and I frequently find other reports, Winter Actionables, Swsw, Paul Craig Roberts, and others who give completely different perspectives on what is happening.
Sometimes I can’t tell what some of our contributors believe, i.e. was Paris a false flag or was it a true ISIS hit? Some people post links and articles supporting both sides, it seems. Read, explore, share and do your own homework.
At this point I believe the Paris event was a false flag designed to 1) justify France’s entry into the Syrian arena 2) possibly justify martial law at some later date, perhaps in anticipation of the financial meltdown
3) Maybe get in with Putin, they did join the AAIB with Germany and China. 4) possibly to allow them to hunt down members of Khazarian mafia- but this last one seems less likely as they could do that no matter what, France has always been fundamentally anti-semitic.
Wolfintimber: TURP, trans urethral resection of the prostate. They basically trim the thing down so you can live your life again, but it’s very surgeon dependent. My husband was considering it because of exhausting night time urination urges. One friend had had it done and got great relief, others shared horror stories about bacterial infections, mishaps, etc.
In the end he did it, about 6 months ago. He’s feeling much better, normal urination patterns. There may be a loss of libido and performance may be affected, but, despite longer intervals between activity, he’s quite normal for 58.
Good luck, if you go for it, search seriously for your surgeon.
Mandatory vaccines for Vets should be the last straw, I would think that would have the entire military establishment, vets or not, over the wall in attack mode. Funny, how they’re starting with vets first…

Whoa. Check out this list of nearly identical stories that goes on and on. Similar to the Conan O’Brian link someone posted that showed newsman after newsman on local TV stations using the identical wording on identical stories.
This search is showing the exact repetition of language over and over in many, many different kinds of news sources. Similar to how wikipedia is truth by popular consensus, we have the same thing going on in the news, as we all know. BUT, it is just so blatant. Scroll on down, it is nearly endless:
this is another move by these bigfish psyco/sociopathic demonic chickenhawk cowards that is delivering their neutralization…..
sure im just another naive useless eater of the general population(not)…..
pain and suffering,death and destruction continue yes for now…..
its like michael tsarion says-something like if their is evil-the seeds of that evils destruction are contained in
within that same evil…..
this is what is playing out here absolutely……maddogs getting more and more desperate as they lash out and it continues to reduce the size of their sword…..
universal natural laws are constant and their is no escape from its processing…..this is the only judgement-the laws of the multiverse-heavens laws-whatever wed like to call it…..
the mass population of earth humans will not murder today,or assault anyone today,or even insult anyone today….so these whacked out political fronts for the dark are in fact mostly responsible for the carnage…..
all we need to do is get some of us who actually care for their brothers and sister,and grasp reasonably how this universe works…..
the change will be so fast and profound for all then…..
for now the oligharks bla bla bla while our peoples get whacked completely unneceessarily…..
time for all to speak their truth-their done then real fast…..
thats my rant for the week-we are the the lightforces,and we aint leving until the job is complete….

Comment by jujubean on November 25, 2015 @ 9:36 am
“Mandatory vaccines for Vets should be the last straw, I would think that would have the entire military establishment, vets or not, over the wall in attack mode. Funny, how they’re starting with vets first…”
I can think of 3 possibilities at the moment.
1. It’s a plan to deliberately provoke the vets into an armed rebellion. That could be the first step in establishing martial law.
2. It’s an attempt to render trained fighters brain dead so that they can’t participate in an armed rebellion.
3. It’s a test. If the vets role over and submit,then the rest of the population can be coerced to do the same.

Comment by wolfintimber on November 25, 2015 @ 8:43 am
anyone know a remedy for enlarged prostate…..
Beta Sitosterol is supplement that is readily available. It is the active ingredient in popular prostate plant remedies such as saw palmetto and pygeum.
Usually I think that extracting one chemical from a natural remedy is a bad idea. But beta sitosterol seems to work well with no known unwanted side effects.
A Cochrane review of 4 randomized, controlled trials comparing β-sitosterol with placebo (or other BPH medications) investigated the effects of β-sitosterol on the outcomes of urinary symptom scores and flow measures. The treatment duration was short, with no study lasting longer than 26 weeks, and fewer than 600 men were evaluated. β-sitosterol improved urinary symptoms and flow measures and was generally well tolerated. The authors of this review suggested that β-sitosterol may be a useful treatment option for men with mild to moderate BPH . . .
BPH = Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (enlargement)
You can google for more info and for dosage recommendations.

BPH = Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (enlargement)
You can google for more info and for dosage recommendations.
Comment by scottfree on November 25, 2015 @ 10:06 am
thanks a lot scottfree-ill check that one out for sure…..

from this article-quote—–(NaturalNews) A 40-year-old Wisconsin man stabbed and decapitated his mother with a four-foot sword after he reportedly stopped taking his prescribed medication following the discovery of the drug’s side effects online. Accused killer Matthew Skalitzky began taking them again just a few days before the vicious attack, according to his father, Joseph Skalitzky.
While horrific, the association of violence and prescription drugs is not uncommon. At, you can view an extensive database of cases where people on psychotropic medication have carried out horrific acts of violence, including school and workplace shootings, family murders and rampages on military bases.—-unquote…..
Learn more:

You can also get concentrated Beta Sitosterol from Nikken Corp. It is derived from the Bergamot plant.

Syrian Girl reporting the truth feels Russia must retaliate otherwise it’s standing as a world power would be diminished. Putin knows , however, that the cabal is trying to start WWIII. We need to arrest them all and now.

psychotropic drugs- also a cause for the substantial increase in suicides of military veterans…..
there is change for the better slowly but surely in process though… will speed up now exponentially even perhaps…..hahahahaha…..
from this article-quote—–A heart centered cause versus symptom rehabilitation approach, fueled by gratitude and forgiveness, for active duty veterans suffering from PTSD has been implemented at the Concord Vets Center with great success. Under the direction of Salvador Ueda, MSW, and the encouragement of team leader, Jeff Jewell ~ a total of 18 Band of Brother’s transformation support groups have been accomplished with well over 100 veteran graduates in the last five years. I have helped both initiate and implement this program as a heart centered volunteer consultant with my ability to connect the heart dots of their individual life charts and utilize my proven self-healing exercises and Kindle book as a guide for their self-healing: Allen L Roland, PhD—–unquote…..

Comment by wolfintimber on November 25, 2015 @ 10:22 am
You are welcome, wolfintimber. Happy to help another member of the Olde Farts Club.
Back atchya Namaste

You can also get concentrated Beta Sitosterol from Nikken Corp. It is derived from the Bergamot plant.
Comment by azure on November 25, 2015 @ 10:24 am
coooool…..thanks azure…..lightwarrior spectac cest vous…..
selamat jalwa…..

A global shift away from animal based foods is absolutely an essential key in saving the planet and not just from climate change.

I have a feeling that Russia/China will retaliate together, not militarily but financially. They have the power to flip the switch.

Making progress in the health of our planet begins with unfiltered and comprehensive awareness. It begins with dissemination of truth and the uniting of those willing to make a difference in advancing peace and health. The furthering of any environmental movement will ultimately depend on our evolution as a society beyond the anthropocentric manner in which we currently view things. We can no longer afford to exclude what we decide to eat from social, economic, and environmental reform and true wellness. A paradigm shift is necessary by all those individuals and organizations seeking positive change as we move forward. And the very real time lines associated with global depletion demand a sense of urgency.

What is conspiracy theory and why does it exist? Is it just there because certain types of people would like to discredit and question government motivation? is it there because a faction of the public has decided to abuse authority and make life difficult for everyone?
And if the government wanted it to go away, wouldn’t it be easy to just turn the tables and discredit its detractors by simply being open and transparent. It would probably be as easy as taking a list of all claims made against it and simply proving them wrong by answering questions with answers and solid proof of evidence.
But instead, those running the entity called government have chosen a different tact, one that’s necessary to obfuscate and cover up all traces of truth and replace it with an “official” construct that fits their story. And anyone that questions the official story is branded a conspiracy theorist or fringe lunatic.
Government turned into a belief, or a religion a long time ago, it morphed from what it used to be into a large corporate monolith used for the purpose of insulating the criminals that own and operate it, from those it imposes its rules and regulations upon.
“Y o u, The Oracle”

Now would be a good time for Erdogan or someone close, to get into some trouble.

Comment by gillfinn on November 25, 2015 @ 11:29 am
“This video contains content from Universal Pictures (ZEFR), who has blocked it on copyright grounds.”
You must have said something that was too true, Graham.

Hey scottfree, they’ve been messing with hit counts on everything on youtube and I’m trying to mirror all my videos to vimeo for now. Sorry about this but I’ll provide a new link ASAP. Thanks.


‘Jake’ says for information Only to all the Bible Followers
on the ‘Blog’— from the (King James Version) (KJV)—
You decide—
Tuesday, November 24, 2015 19:55
(Before It’s News)
Ararat, Minni, and Ashkenaz were mountain tribes in parts of present-day Turkey and Armenia
-26– And they shall not take of thee (BABYLON USA) a stone for a corner, nor a stone for foundations; but thou (BABYLON USA) shalt be desolate for ever, saith the Lord. -27– Set ye up a standard in the land (GET READY WAR IS ABOUT TO START), blow the trumpet among the nations (GIVE A WARNING), prepare the nations against her (BABYLON USA WILL BE DESTROYED BY FOREIGNERS AND FROM WITHIN BY THE GOVERNMENT, OBAMA, AND 10 KINGS OF THE UN), call together against her (BABYLON USA) the kingdoms of Ararat, Minni, and Ashchenaz (AREAS OF TURKEY & ARMENIA); appoint a captain against her; cause the horses to come up as the rough caterpillers.
-28– Prepare against her the nations with the kings of the Medes (AREA OF IRAN & IRAQ), the captains thereof, and all the rulers thereof, and all the land of his dominion.
-29– And the land (BABYLON USA) shall tremble and sorrow: for every purpose of the Lord shall be performed against Babylon (USA), to make the land of Babylon (USA) a desolation without an inhabitant (NOT ONE MAN OR WOMAN LEFT, NO ONE LEFT ALIVE, ONCE IT’S ALL SAID AND DONE).
-30– The mighty men of Babylon (THE SOLDIERS OF THE USA ARE UNABLE TO ATTACK, INCAPACITATED AT THIS POINT) have forborne to fight (GAVE UP FIGHTING), they have remained in their holds (HIDING IN THEIR FORTIFIED PLACES): their might hath failed (NO STRENGTH TO FIGHT); they became as women (WEAK AGAINST THEIR ENEMIES): they have burned her (BABYLON USA’s) dwelling places; her bars are broken (NO WAY TO KEEP THEIR ENEMIES OUT, DEFENSES DOWN).
—King James Version (KJV)–

Comment by belle3 on November 24, 2015 @ 10:07 am
“Although, on my beeday weekend, the dark ones attacked again, I was struck and truly couldn’t walk/wobble for two days. I later found out I was standing in front of Xander as (he let me know), as it was meant for him. “Xander” so glad we stopped all this, you are now forever safe and protected.”
Don’t know what to say Belle. Do hope you are over it, did you take any anti inflammatory or pain killers?
I’m still permanently mildly aching in my right upper thigh & knee. But it’s nothing to what happened before.
But I have now had all my chakras & kundalini removed with their & my Higher Self’s total consent. Feeling lighter & more grounded, & more connected to my HS. I understand the chakra energy vortex system was installed during the late Atlantean period & was done so as a means of control as in ‘controlled growth’. So they are a form of implant.
For some it is & for others removal is not appropriate.
In my case the bottom line to healing is about giving & receiving love along with more self love. I’m working on it.
My love to you.

Michael, can you get a fix on this “USA from space” angle downing the Russian bomber?
Might the Skop??s genderless apparatchiks in the Russian space command be wanting to ’speed things up’?

Okay, I’m back up with a new link. Sorry for the trouble.
Y o u, The Oracle

…”But I have now had all my chakras & kundalini removed with their & my Higher Self’s total consent. Feeling lighter & more grounded, & more connected to my HS. I understand the chakra energy vortex system was installed during the late Atlantean period & was done so as a means of control as in ‘controlled growth’. So they are a form of implant.”….
Comment by xanderboy1 on November 25, 2015 @ 1:11 pm
HUH :?:

reply to wolfintimber re info request, check out
read testimonials for MMS Learn about it. Worth knowing.

reply to wolfintimber re info request, check out
read testimonials for MMS Learn about it. Worth knowing.
Comment by grills on November 25, 2015 @ 2:10 pm
thanks grills… taking some MMS,also im taking some clepatras health medicines-monolauren(monoester of the laureate acid of the coconut),and the abyss(diatomoceous earth)-heres a link in case you havent heard of cleopatras…..
Ill probably start guzzling MMS as of tommorow-8 hour treatment a day-one glass an hour for a few days-increasing dosage each batch,like i did one day this week…..
absolutely MMS and clepatras health are real and effective medicines…..
my mother in law in china who was semi bedridden from cancer-they offered her radiation and she opted for the medicines i sent her-MMS and cleopatras health monolauren and abyss…..quickly she regained her energy and health,able to be the great matrarch to her family that she is…..afte close to 2 years she continues to experience optimum health…..
thanks again grills…..
a votre sante…..

Comment by xanderboy1 on November 25, 2015 @ 1:11 pm
Belle, I will also say that my conclusion came from myself & asking my HS for guidance.
Regarding parasites/negative entities & their attraction I would say that to deal with them not only can require the need for psychic healing help & subsequent revocation of contracts (& all the rest – right living, eating, thinking) but also the understanding of the emotional hooks upon which they get hung up on in the first place. That’s their way in.
Know thyself is of course the big secret.
Yes Ukdenadreamer, I was pretty skeptical at first. This husband & wife team were told by their HS to desist from the (chakra/kundalini clearing) practice about three months
ago, but evidently in my case there was complete concurrence with my request to undergo this procedure since it relates to the physical effects of my parasitical interference.
This was after dissolving a large dense metallic spheroid implant creating a disconnect to my HS. Only once in 19 years had they come across anything like it, but it was less dense. As Andrew Bartzis said, just before the start of the big game I was duly hit with a sledgehammer, a psychic one leading to a mental breakdown.
So this couple at come with my highest recommendations & I’ve been to around six ‘healers’ before this. It’s one step at a time & I have so far had two sessions & may or may not go back for a check up.
I do my HS re-connect & Mother Earth grounding exercises daily. If anybody wants any clarifications, feel free.

Comment by wolfintimber on November 25, 2015 @ 2:33 pm
Good for you, I also heartily recommend MMS.
My Dad’s prostate cancer has spread. I had told him to take what I do – bicarb. of soda & lemon daily, & he now does.
With the new update perhaps I should recommend MMS? What dosage was your mother in law doing, any help appreciated.

I think that rainbows form an arch because the earth is a holograph and there is a dome of some sort that creates that phenomena. Whether the solid part of earth (if it’s even really solid) is flat or whatever shape, it is enclosed within (or surrounded by) a dome in which is the atomosphere needed for humans to survive. Except of course that it is being poisoned by those we came to control humanity eons ago. I tend to be Matt Kahn’s version of how Earth was created and that an advanced and benevolent ancient civilization – the Pleiadians/Plejarens – seeded humans here.
I guess I’ll post that link again:

…. that should have said I tend to believe Matt Kahn’s version….

With the new update perhaps I should recommend MMS? What dosage was your mother in law doing, any help appreciated.
Comment by xanderboy1 on November 25, 2015 @ 3:19 pm
hi xander- my mother in law found the MMS a little strong on her stomach,and opted to take the monolauren with the abyss from cleopatras healt,also i sent her immunerenew mushroom blend that has about 7 different extracts from the musgroom,and also astralugus,or quang chi in chinese,one of the most powerful herbal remedies utilized in chinese traditional medicine…..
your father may want to take this imunerenew mushroom blend also… metis elder friend told me about that one,and he took it for about 9 years until he passed on,and no longer needed needles in the stomach every year or so anylonger to shrink the prostate afetr beginning to take the mushroom blend…..he definitely didnt die from his prostate cancer…..
ive been taking the mushroom blend for over 19 years now…..
Im going to crank a month treatment starting tommorow of MMS…..Mr.Humble of course recommends to start off with a small dosage-1 drop solutions-then 2-then 3 etc….
im starting off with 5 drop glass an hour solutions tommorow,thats because i already did 3 and a half drop solution this week,no problem…..
I may have prostate cancer,the MMS and or cleopatras will most likely purge it from my avatar…..
a votre sante…..

My Dad’s prostate cancer has spread. I had told him to take what I do – bicarb. of soda & lemon daily, & he now does.
Comment by xanderboy1 on November 25, 2015 @ 3:19 pm
thanks xander,im going to drink some lemon with sodium bicarbonate also now…..

I just cut off my head
and Mail it to all the space agencies
Because the Amount of Vacum in such a small container is remarkable.

Mr Timbre Wolfman
Massive Hydration
O2 the Nth degree

Xander has surgically removed his chakra system?
Belle and Xnad make AI sound like a cold you catch.

Comment by stefie444 on November 25, 2015 @ 3:01 am
Yes Stefie, thanks for the reminder. Have located a store in Beijing for spirulina & will buy online.

Caleb, you’re a bigger scream than Belle sometimes, & that’s saying something!

My luminal body is just fine thank you.
It may be just a candle but it still gotta lotta light

Caleb, you’re a bigger scream
Xand ,Did a website remove your chakras and kundalini
how’d that go?

I just cut off my head
and Mail it to all the space agencies
Because the Amount of Vacum in such a small container is remarkable.
Comment by calebbrennan on November 25, 2015 @ 4:18 pm

Each human is a visionary factor in our catapult.

this weeks cosmic disclosure with corey and david is mindblowing primo intel…..
massive crimes on mars by these traitors of humanity in collusion with their draco piles of dark anomolies…..
this is easily the best esoteric intel available to the general public,and very relevant to our situation on the earths surface…..
exoterically speaking id say its veterans today…..
and benjamin fulfords weekly news and analyisis…..
and theirs more of course on the esoteric and exoteric intel disclosure scene…..
these earth based ones above are primo in speaking the earth humans language…..

Comment by wolfintimber on November 25, 2015 @ 3:53 pm
Ta & g’luck.

Sheldan Nidle
3 Lamat, 1 Yaxk’in, 12 Manik
Dratzo! The world continues to move in a positive direction. All settlement funds and reserves are moving and most have reached their points of distribution. All such movements are done under the highest security. In the past, the main worry was the great masses of sympathetic minions to the dark’s delay retribution. These worries are no longer the prime motive for this massive security. The new wrinkle has been the general faux pas created by sudden glitches in the overall telecommunication process. Most of these things have been corrected. Nevertheless, a large degree of money wires, critical web sites and movement of key preliminary documents was disrupted. A lesser degree of this problem still exists. However, this difficulty is no longer the primary concern that it once was. To counter this, a number of key arrests were carried out. This operation is still ongoing. Our services were largely employed to gather intelligence on what other desperate moves were next for these dark oligarchs. This combined operation has prevented any large-scale terrorism from hijacking the distribution procedure.
We are now in the final step of delivering funds and establishing a new worldwide financial system. This process has yielded new centers for the disbursement of your blessings and a means to prevent large or small-scale fraud. In addition, a currency wire system is ready to be introduced to counter the discrepancies of the old SWIFT process. Introductory instructions have been sent to a number of important nations and financial institutions. A set of special replies was needed to move forward and these vital elements have been received. Caution has long been a foundational element for the ancient families and select royals. They have long lived in dictatorial realms run by the dark oligarchs. Thus, there was the slow-moving process by which all was dutifully carried out. We are presently in a receiving mode, which is expected to permit some of you to receive the first testing of this new, recently implemented delivery system. So, expect the first funds shortly.
As you prepare for finally receiving your blessings, those who have defeated the cabal are in the last set of negotiations regarding the dark’s surrender. This momentous event requires you to realize what this profoundly means. In Atlantis, you began a grand journey that is presently to end in your final victory over the dark. The Anunnaki, who were their original overseers, set up a society to enslave you in a number of different ways. This 13 millennia system is to be replaced with a system to give you the freedom, truth and prosperity that you richly deserve. Take time to assess the implications of what is now happening. Not only are you to regain the truth, but as well the society that is the precursor to our arrival. This grand series of transitions is the final link needed to restore this orb and permit you to make the adjustments, which can return you to full consciousness. This process reunites you with your spiritual and space families. It as well makes you the denizens of a truly special solar system.

Message from ZAP: “We Are On The Verge Of The Matrix Release”
6:06:00 PM Message, POOFness


Garrith Lamanov El Melchizedek
Just received a short transcript from the Pleiadian and Sirian Councils in which it was decided that landings of ships would be initiated by these two councils after our global interception of all network enabled devices. Heaven has decreed that non compliance of global disclosure would mean intervention from who we are, the Angelic Realms of the Galactic Council of the Galactic Federation of Light.
With 1.000.000 ships now deployed and positioned within the atmosphere just above major population cities and remote areas all over and around the Earth, we are now stationed and more than prepared to reveal all our ships in their vast and diverse shapes and sizes.
Upon our first Extraterrestrial contact and delegation with a human representative who carries a pure heart with pure intentions, to conclude to what must then follow after our first meeting, we will then communicate with our commanders to commence in the descension and employment of huge vessels carrying advanced technologies necessary for healing the earth, bringing many benefits to the entire human species, restoring balance upon the surface, all in this Now.
November 24 2015 at 6:15 am
Mobile Uploads · 3 hours ago ·
Garrith Lamanov El Melchizedek
December 29, 2014 at 5:16am ·
Know that starseeds are a group of ancient souls who have incarnated from millions of years in the future, where these beings have voluntarily chosen to descend from their higher dimensional Christ Consciousness state , into living within a lower frequency limited consciousness environment which is 3rd dimensional Earth, within a dense body, as it was agreed upon after a clarion call that reverberated and was heard throughout the universe.
The starseeds are on the forefront of ascension; their awakening is essential for the restoration Light work needed to raise the Earth’s frequency into the 5th dimension. This is occuring in this Now moment all through an open heart, where unconditional love is the most powerful frequency in the multiverse.

I am shaking like a leaf!
I have just spoken to my daughter. There is a huge bushfire blazing it’s way through their area and they were evacuated this afternoon. She doesn’t know if they still have a house or if they have been burnt out.
The dogs were having a holiday here so they are safe thank goodness.
She grabbed the two boys and a few clothes for them all and had to evacuate. Hubby was at work so couldn’t get home.
If anyone would like to send prayers to the people of the area and surrounds, Freeling South Australia, that would be so appreciated!
Will let you all know when I hear more. I am shaking all over. Like I said to her, you are all safe so that is what matters. She is 4 months pregnant and I am worried for her and the baby’s wellbeing. She is very upset as would be expected.

Rob – OK, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to another special edition of the Victory of Light radio show. This is a “double your pleasure double your fun”. This will be the 2nd interview with Cobra this month. We’re very honored to be sharing this interview with The Goldfish report, Louisa and the Red Dragon Ambassador today. We have lots of things going on in regards to the finances of this planet and we’re doing this because Louisa and I are both passionate about unity and supporting each other in the truth movement.
For those of you who know I have interviewed the Red Dragon Ambassador, I was a little tough on him in the first interview. I do have some differing views of the financial system should be open. He was very gracious in allowing me to have my differing views. He mentions that the Red Dragon Elders are reptilian in origin; one of them is a reptilian. I had a little issue with that and I kind of feel like the financial system should be “even Steven” around the world and not really in control of the Chinese or any one group – especially a Reptilian .
Of course, if they’re (The Chinese Red Dragons ) the ones to tip the scale, that’s good. I think it has to be a holistic circle. That was our only difference. I feel the ambassador is sincere. The Red Ambassador was again, very kind, very understanding of my “testy Rob” vibration in our last interview. Today we have a four-way conversation going on around the world. I’m in Hawaii. We have various points on the globe: in New York is where Louisa is. Louisa is working with the Ambassador. She’ll be here on this and she will be asking some questions too.
So you know the Ambassador and Cobra have not really met or talked to each other, but they both respect each other. They’ll be asking each other questions. This is not a battle of ideals or things. We’re going to try and get clarity for all of us out there in the light worker team to see what is going on out there and see if we can pick through the various challenges that we have here.

Comment by getem on November 25, 2015 @ 6:17 pm
Freeling looks really close to Adelaide. At least she’s safe. Sending a little prayer.
“. . after our global interception of all network enabled devices.” Oh yeah?
This before Disclosure? So what are they waiting for? To hell with expectations for the financial re-set, they’ll be bickering forever, we want Exposure & we want it now!
Cameron Day among many suggest these guys in all their fine light also have an agenda that will no doubt be hidden from us.
“The beings of True Divine Light are supportive, loving, nurturing, and they care about you as an individual.  You are not just a cog in a machine to them, for they understand that you are a vitally important aspect of an intricately interconnected creation. They have the utmost respect for those of us who volunteered to incarnate into the “beast system” of the corrupt demiurge in order to help dismantle it from the inside.  Indeed, there must be Divine Agents working both from within and outside of the corrupt demiurge in order to dismantle it.
In order to capture and control the widest possible spectrum of souls, the corrupt demiurge split its agents into two seemingly opposing teams:  Dark vs (false) Light.
The corrupt demiurge is an entropic system of artificially-induced separation consciousness that is slowly dying, and it depends on harvesting the energy from the souls incarnated within its system in order to preserve its existence. In order to harvest the largest amount of soul energy possible, it created the dark-light duality paradigm to ensure that every being incarnated on a world that is under its spell would serve as a “soul battery” to help keep the demiurge energized.  The “good” souls would seek out the (false) light team, and the “bad” souls would seek out the dark team, but unknown to most of those souls, they are all serving the same system.
In order to keep the duality game interesting for its participants, the demiurge set up densities of existence that “initiates” on the dark and light paths could ascend through.  This gives the beings moving through these densities a feeling of accomplishment, when in fact they are navigating through a labyrinth of demiurgic illusion. The players at the higher levels of the hierarchies know that they are in a self-serving system, but they are fine with the deal, because they get to wield power and receive the energy of worship from beings further down the ladder.
The dirty little secret is that these beings are beholden to the corrupt demiurge, and are waging a psychological battle on people that don’t want to be associated with any formal religious structure.
In other words, the “new age” is a multidimensional psychological operation designed to channel the soul energy of the “believers” of these teachings up to the “ascended” teachers.
We are, at this very moment, in a struggle for our freedom.  The spiritual liar-archy wants to move us from our current, extremely uncomfortable cage into a slightly more expansive state of existence, but one that they are firmly in control of.”

Comment by suppqueen on November 25, 2015 @ 6:06 am
A shared experience. It happens. It happened to me.
Malama pono,

Comment by wolfintimber on November 25, 2015 @ 7:22 am
I am bloodline to a bloodline. You may one day find out why this one is different and important. It’s a secret, trade secret that is, to whom it may concern.
No hard feelings for lack of full disclosure on subject matter. I understanding why the negative connotation.
Malama pono,

Comment by kuuleimomi on November 25, 2015 @ 7:46 pm
Hm, correction, I understand why the negative understanding.
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