Friday, November 22, 2013

I am an holistic health nurse. So, the literature I read includes the usual peer-reviewed (establishment-sanctioned) articles. Much more fascinating research and theory exists that does not meet the Establishment's prerequisite dogma which adheres strictly to a linear, materialistic, reductionistic, petro-dollar-obsessed and otherwise prejudiced worldview.

Some of those professionals opening the windows of our decaying institutions, letting fresh thought into the stuffy, moldy air of our stagnant sciences include Bruce Lipton, Lynne McTaggart, David Wilcock, Steven Greer, Gregg Braden, Benjamin Fulford, Amit Goswami--people some--in the know--would expect to hear speaking at a Conscious Life Expo. So-called "skeptics" would dismiss them as New Age Nuts. Disdainful labels such as this are common to pioneers of new thought throughout history. These brave souls are eventally remembered & honored hundreds of years later as heroes, but while alive the Establishment persecutes them in every conceivable way. Things don't change much.

The fascinating research going on with the Global Consciousness Project brings a Cheshire-Cat smile to my face. A New Renaissance is emerging. In my mind I see it playing out as a fair, complete with workshops on the power of individual & group consciousness, booths demonstrating acoustic art, fractals, and toroidal science. And who can forget the car that runs on water? Or the thousands of other CLEAN, SAFE AND AFFORDABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES THAT HAVE BEEN SUPPRESSED IN THE NAME OF THE ALMIGHTY OILY DOLLAR. This excitement could only be punctuated with the eye-opening presentations of whistleblowers--some who speak about just those energy technologies that could turn our dystopia into a Golden Age.

Night life brings fair-goers around a bonfire to hear the teachings of native elders from around the world & throughout time, their prophesies uncannily similar. They also speak of a Golden Age... The following day at my fantasy fair Amit Goswami explains the theory of quantum physics in a way most anyone can grasp. This not-so-new science allows room for our new line of thinking. What it does not support, however, is our Establishment's cherished divide & conquer, back-stabbing paradigm as well as its carbon-tax solution to our petro-polluted planet (any real surprise, lol).

Quantum physics supports oneness, vindicates cooperation, and encourages respect. It contains the secrets to limitless clean energy. The world according to the so-called skeptics by contrast is psychotic--even fascist with its sociopathic bonds between government and industry, but it is non-the-less honored because because it is promoted by an über-rich mafia (aka elite?) that fear loss of their pseudo-power. Yes, let's talk conspiracies. I am also a conspiracy theorist. I believe that power corrupts. (Wow.) This seems to be a huge leap for some. We, the Conspiracy Theorists--at least some of us are beginning to enjoy this New Renaissance, fueled by whistleblowers and empowered with science & reason backing up our beliefs, like the Swiss study that found curious links between large multinational corporations. Connect that to how they have bought our governments.  This is fascism, Nazi Germany, Hitler, yes, evil. Sorry. The Nazis won WWII, at least up until now. We win when we stop pretending there is no elephant in our living room, that we live in a democracy.  Most doctors, policemen, engineers, lawyers, teachers, postmen, soldiers, grocery store clerks and stay-at-home moms find the idea of fascism hideous. They aren't psychopaths like these life-forms at the top of the corporate ladder (there's some cool research on that too).

I find it deliciously ironic that this Swiss study discovery was birthed from Chaos Theory.  Out of Chaos,  everything is relative. If you haven't yet, read the info here:

These words are but a primer for my next entry when I'll speculate on the reasons for DNA check-points and how some scientists studying DNA have been finding new strands of DNA popping up in human cells. Of course we don't hear about such things EVEN IN OUR ALTERNATIVE MEDIA because it is so fantastic it might alarm the public--or is it the Powers That Be (Were)?? :-) Or is it that it might empower the public?

                   Blessings & Good Health!