Monday, August 8, 2016

Alt News Gems - 8/8/16

"If it bleeds it leads," I used to hear frequently in my second career this life. Above and below I present the much-censored but unstoppable meme of election fraud developing in the U.S. The Corporate Establishment Beast bleeds, and no amount of heroic life-saving efforts will save it or fix it. 

Enough of us are long-past ready for Truth, Prosperity, Happiness, Justice, Fairness, Transparency, Insight, Goodness, Sovereignty, Wisdom, Health, and Many Other Miracles... Real Hope and Change. 

Included in the links below are many signs of the corrupt and crumbling Establishment as well as life-friendly options to help endure these unsettling times we navigate today and possibly ahead of us.

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Puti Destroys Fareed Zakaria o U.S. Elections

DAHBOO77 (YT): "We know about Fukushima"...

DAHBOO777 (YT): Another Mysterious (Clinton-Related) Death


The Alex Jones Channel (YT): First-Hand Witness to Voter Fraud Speaks Out


TheHealthRanger (YT): 5 Natural Antibiotics that Kill Superbugs

The Natural Way of Healing (YT): SHILAJIT | Conquerer of Mountains & Destroyer of Weakness

Simon Parkes (YT): Simon Parkes new 2016 Great Interview

William Wallace (YT): Massive Spaceship over NYC Disclosure is Now...

Event is Coming Soon (YT): Cobra Prepare for Change July Interview

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News (YT): Celebrity Holistic Doctor Dies After Arrest, while in Custody! #DrSebi

Global Mission of Peace TV (YT): The Circle - Evolving the Medical Paradigm

Buddha at the Gas Pump (YT): Richard Miller Interview

Monday, August 1, 2016

Alt News Gems - 8/1/16

Katy Perry, the Satanic Illuminati's Latest Fatal Attraction False Light-Emitting Minion (who looks like she'd screw you then stab you to death while you slept in order to get her next fix of heroin or maybe even pure loosh)

I'm certain I'm not the only one feeling irritable, unsettled, and even nauseous, but at times at peace with surrender in traversing something like the Grand Canyon on what appears to be a flimsy rope bridge. Yet I am so sick of this side of the canyon with its Madison Avenue/Washington DC corporate deception--with all of its heroin-addicted skinny supermodel vacant stares; all of its now undeniable fascism with once-unconscionable conflicts of interest, the latest and most notable being the FBI letting Hillary Clinton off the hook for crimes that no one else on Earth would be allowed to get away with, but she is getting away with because she's the current figurehead of a powerful crime syndicate at the heart of most global ills today. I am speaking of the Satanic Illuminati, also known as the Global Cabal.

On this side of the canyon we have the continually escalating taxes to pay for agricultural and pharmaceutical industry-leveraged Sick Care (because it's surely not "healthcare", according to the findings of Dr. Barbara Starfield whose research published over a decade ago in peer-reviewed journals like JAMA basically indicted the US "Healthcare"/Medical industry as our 3rd leading cause of death here in the US). It has done this in collaboration with Big Ag and the Bio-tech industries, just two more arms of this Global Cabal hydra. When looked at in this true light, the Cabal is the leading cause of death, period.

And let us not forget the bullshit wars of aggression sold as heroic efforts to keep us safe from the latest CIA/FBI/NSA/DHS/Fed-ETC bogeyman creations. Or the last 50 years or so of covert operations--the School of the Americas-style bloody crimes against humanity, the Gladio operations and "Color Revolutions" all over the world with the latest being an attempted coup in Turkey with the corresponding NBC propaganda lies (that taxpayers here en-masse would never willfully fund). I'm leaving the delusion of "democracy" for this is NOT democracy.

Now here we are in the middle of this rope bridge with the latest disorienting and nauseating revelations about how the Nazis basically never lost WWII. According to military industrial complex whistle-blowers like William Tompkins and analysts like David Wilcock, the Nazis were the latest recruits of what's being called the Draconian Alliance--an interplanetary bully group with its leadership made up of reptilian extra-terrestrial/interdimensional beings. As kooky or disturbing as this all sounds, this is what major exopolitical analysts, even writers of Veterans Today are trying to tell us as well.

With regards to the warnings of Wernher von Braun or others regarding Project Blue Beam, etc., or even some of what Steven Greer is saying to alledge that negative or regressive ET/ED species don't exist, that all of the war-mongering and advanced technology is the result of a very smart but crooked and well-organized band of Earth humans--this really makes no sense either and discounts what thousands have stuck their necks out to tell us about large, vicious, sometimes-horned and winged reptillian creatures, and that's just in the last few decades. This isn't even considering the reports that span the last few thousand years, some of which are documented in "prehistoric" cave art.

This is not easy material. This complex topic, especially how it relates to issues that currently threaten all life on this planet, can no longer be ignored. We must grow up as a species and face certain facts which include "We are not alone in the Universe". Neither can these facts be over-simplified into the Special Ed: "Them Either All Good or All Bad" arguments, all of which may have worked well years ago on a public under the influence of fluoridated Kool Aid that put its unquestioned trust in government Mommy and Daddy. Those days are long gone for most of us.

For decades we've been convinced by government experts and other allied authorities that Earth humans were the only advanced lifeform in the entire solar system, perhaps the entire galaxy or even the whole universe. All who dared to argue otherwise were mocked and threatened with psychiatric diagnoses, loss of livelihood, just as Galileo Galilei was threatend with death for his observations by the corrupt authorities of that time, the bloody Roman Catholic Church.

Lately the Drake Equation science-babble is starting to lose its grip as some factions of the military industrial complex are forced to publicly concede logical probabilites. We now know with what information telescopes have gathered that billions of Earth-like planets exist throughout the universe. The odds that some of these "Goldilocks-Zone" planets have life even more advanced than us are obviously pretty good. So, we must concede that intelligent life very likely exists and make the leap that they have in the past visited this planet and continue this activity presently, which would be congruent with the millions of reports to MUFON and other agencies. A vast majority of these reports really cannot be reduced to satellites (the new "weather balloon") and swamp gas with a few special exceptions being relegated to the "We may never know" shelf. And this isn't even taking into account the multitude of reports regarding direct physical contact, not to mention even more accounts of non-physical "telepathic" contact, which authorities usually no longer even address, implying these are the delusions unworthy of their time. The scales are tipping, however. The lady washing her hands over and over again protests too much, I say.

Returning to WWII and how this UFO coverup began and why, accounts from whistleblowers like William Tompkins paint a picture that reveals how WWII never really ended. It just transformed or merged into a secretive WWIII, going deeply underground--literally and figuratively with the Nazis in underground Antarctic bases allied with Dracos hiding there and through Operation Paperclip here in the US.

Operation Paperclip with its Nazi Fascist logic thereafter infected most governmental agencies and eventually most of US corporate culture--every aspect of it. It also literally and figuratively left the reservation, going far over our heads and out of sight of the general public or any healthy representative government oversight in secret space programs as well as in secretive multi-national population control agendas and in other schemes that reak of Nazi, like euphamistically named eugenics programs (for example "Planned Parenthood" with its founder being guilty of saying some blatently racist things, up until this very day with aborted fetus parts being sold to the highest bidder)--DOESN'T ALL OF THIS STINK OF NAZI?

It explains all the UFO coverup, as well as corporate and governmental corruption, Eisenhower's retirement speech, warning of the military industrial complex, and JFK's warning about secret societies, and his mysterious death, explained by authorities as the result of some lone-wolf nut job. It explains the mind control programs revealed in the Church Committee hearings of the 1970s--and why THAT never really went anywhere. It also explains why toxins, illegal in many countries all over the world are legal to add to vaccines, now forced on the public in increasingly more tyranical ways, and in a large part of  the US food supply. Europe has had its taste of fascism, and the collective there has consciously decided against it. Here in the US, however, a shrinking but loud-mouthed portion of the population would violently argue that 'Murica is still the best democracy ever. I'm guessing that 30% or so is still so distracted that it has never even heard of Operation Paperclip, or if they have, they think it's just some crazy conspiracy theory, thanks to massive multifaceted propaganda efforts (characteristic of war) we see today in typical mainstream media. Similarly this same ignorant portion of the public insists that vaccination is necessary for good health and that it's perfectly fine to ignore and even brutally violate basic individual human rights, ironically recognized in the Geneva Convention, in favor of "security" that just stinks of Nazi. Today the uncoincidentally draconian forced-vaccination of children has everything to do with skyrocketting rates of once-unheard-of diseases like Autism. Some of the public, successfully programmed through these propaganda efforts will not open their minds until their own loved ones struggle with a debilitating disease like autism. They have been convinced that mercury and aluminum "adjuvants" in vaccines are perfectly safe.

It is not an outlandish leap to say that our psychopathic authorities could probably just continue this path, adding high levels of some other neurotoxin like lead or even depleted uranium, convincing their brainwashed minions that these too are wonderful adjuvants, necessary for the vaccine to work correctly--even if this resulted in even higher rates of again, "acceptable" risks like lead poisoning or even death, complete with otherwise well-intentioned doctors telling me with a straight face they cannot in good conscience write a medical exemption so my daughter can go to public school without enduring these "acceptable" risks. "It's the law" worked well in Nazi Germany just as it does currently in Nazi America. However, I am thankful that many doctors aren't so brainwashed anymore, but not coincidentally, holistic doctors are increasingly dying of mysterious causes, "suicide", or "accidents" that logical people and private investigators are finding to be professional hits. Again, it stinks of Fascism that the Europeans endured for years with loved ones disappearing and otherwise "good" people saying nothing.

The new concentration camp requires no bars, no concrete walls, no electric or barbed wire fences. Massive levels of neurotoxin and televised propaganda is much cheaper or more well-tolerated. This is the outrageously unacceptable place we're in right now, and why I have left this end of the canyon, braving what appears to be a flimsy rope bridge.

Returning to how it all began--how it all ended up this way with what I have gleaned from the corroborating whistle-blower material, other leaked exopolitical intelligence and work of analysts like David Wilcock who do the heavy lifting that includes hundreds of footnotes and references:

The major US military leadership, notably some US Presidents, the so-called commanders-in-chief of those times back in the 1940s and 50s were sufficiently traumatized in order to make some very bad judgments--the highly secretive and monumental decisions that would impact this whole planet for years to come. They felt pressured to keep their Operation High Jump wounds secret as well as speaking for the entire US Democratic Republic, resulting in the successful Fascist Slippery Slope Gradualism that lead to our present-day hundreds of millions of unwitting income tax-paying slaves funding what has become an enormous beast that is destroying the health of humans and all life on this planet.

This traumatized leadership turned down the offerings of technology from a far more benevolent ET/ED alliance that would have sooner leveled the playing field as we all confronted the Draconian problem together. This is where the information on Valiant Thor and the Friendship Visitation Case of Italy accounts come in (and anyone with "eyes to see or ears to hear" and internet access can look all these things up; some sites are better than others, and it does require some investment of time and discernment). Again, more corraborating accounts of Kumbaya-Singing Asshole Hippies from Outer Space trying to convince war-hardened US generals their ways and the ways of the Draco were just bad news.

Instead, the Father-Knows-Best Daddy Authority Archetype at work in the highest levels of human leadership at that time and to some extent even now, felt it necessary to hide the horrific truth from the public concerning the historic Draconian presence on this planet, as well as the truth about advanced life hiding in inner-earth areas as reported by people like Admiral Byrd and now Corey Goode or advanced life "in the heavens", even if all of it completely jived with this same disclosure offered in the Christian Bible, Gnostic Christian literature, and many other sacred indigenous traditions that fully recognized "Star Nations".

It appears the private boardroom cigar-smoking good-ol-boy patriarchs felt it necessary in a fatalistic way to choose to join them if they couldn't beat them. They chose to dismiss and then hide the truth about the (later-named) "Asshole Hippies from Outer Space", who merely required the end of nuclear development in favor of safer technologies and pressing us to develop spiritually, morally and ethically. Yes, it would have been a hard correction, but a swifter end to the Kali Yuga. It would have ended the already dwindling dominance of the Catholic Church and other to-a-fault paternalistic religions, complete with their sadistic Draco/Satanic Pedophile elements hiding in places of power.

This is the gut-wrenching nausea, the dizzying heights experienced at the center of the rope bridge--fully taking all of this in, accepting that the mainstream minions and their sadistic daddies will fight the truth of this Full Disclosure picture until their bitter ends. They will hurl verbal assaults at us and feign being able to cut this rope bridge, which they cannot. What awaits me and all of us who brave this journey cannot be understated. It means the end of the never-ending wars for more petro-enslavement, the end of other brutally dysfunctional systems with their dystopian biohack "singularity is near" fixes--like the secret space program brain-drain fix. It means the end of religious deception and the validation of true benevolent spiritual experiences, the reconciliation of science and spirit, the further expansion of consciousness and the development of once-suppressed human gifts.

This is just the beginning of the prophesied Golden Age. While it is unstoppable, our personal choices determine how smooth this journey goes. I leave you with a few gems, heavy on the "woo" this time:

Gary Larabee (YT): Benjamin Fulford News Flash - This Could Finally Bring Down The Rothschild Dynasty..

Spiro (YT): Newsbud’s Call to Action #ConfrontNBC: Join Us at NBC HQ in NYC to Demand Accountability

TolecfromDakote (YT): Tolec on Becoming A Galactic Citizen Radio Show, 07.25.16

Awake 2 Oneness Radio (YT): Going With the Flow in the Now Moment

studio9jam (YT): 2016-07-17 Ever Beyond -The Lyran Trauma

Steve Judd Astrology (YT): Global August -2016

Steve Judd Astrology: Sunday sermon end July 2016

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News (YT): Me just coming off the stage at packed California Jam : ) About to rock w the band!

Frank Castle (YT): WatchTower (End The Fed)