Saturday, March 17, 2018

Deep State Wars Update Plus Mega Red Pill Alt News Gems for 3/22/18 💎Early Edition💎

Update 3/20/18: I woke up today, and still no worldwide Samvartaka Fire event... yet. I am not giving up hope, prayer, visualization, preparation and expectation. I WILL NOT dismiss sacred Hindu texts, multiple other worldwide historical sacred traditions, as well as modern day dreams and prophesies that describe an "Event" such as this. It is as imminent as the fall of the Cabal.  

When I first began this blog a few years ago the United States was still very much entrenched in a certain paradigm that troubled, even deeply disturbed some to the point of needing hospitalization--especially the more Red-Pilled of us. I nurtured hope and faith that kept me going, reading stories about insiders who were just as horrified as I was (and still am--knowing the truth about much of the darker stuff doesn't get any easier). Supposedly "White Hat" alliances were forming and bucking up against the New World Order system on and on over the last couple decades. I would hear whispers, read curious articles and blog chatter, praying it was real.

Today I am seeing very real indication that requires less and less faith that we are on the cusp of a Golden Age that promises real prosperity for the masses and the release of many technologies horded by depraved, degenerate and inbred "Elites". The release of these technologies will lead to real healing of so many diseases and mysterious new illnesses that just continually pop up every day in my world as a nurse. Also there's the promise of real justice that all those "Social Justice Warriors" truly want, but many are too mind-screwed by these degenerate Establishment powers to know up from down, let alone who the real enemies are. I pray that Source helps us to stop them without becoming tyrants like them in the process, and I understand that a great deal of this involves forgiveness.

As a Californian I am living in the heart of this Deep State War where Brownstoned politicians here welcome MS-13 illegal immigrants and promise them sanctuary cities where they'll be given taxpayer money support to include the finest health care with the expectation they will perform as good little pawn assassins for the nihilist "elites". Former President Obama helped to arm these pawns with Operation Fast and Furious (see

Thankfully President Trump is sending the finest of our military to deal with the mess that Obama helped to create. Plus Trump has at his command all the executive orders laid down in the recent past to completely enslave the regular public, and even a few new ones designed to help free us. See Instead of utilizing these extra-constitutional constructs against us, however, our current POTUS is apparently turning them onto the rogue Marxist/Luciferian Deep State aligned with multi-national legacy banking and other global nihilist power elite families. As Wayne Jett alludes to in the interview with Sarah Westall (see link below), a growing number of professional people are coming to the same realization that I am coming to: This is about effectively neutralizing parasitic ruling class families and their multi-dimensional principalities that have guided them for thousands of years. I know I probably sound like I'm constantly hyperbolizing here, but when this thing is all said and done, my little diary won't barely do it justice.

Despite efforts of the "White Hats", they will be inadequate without as many of us as possible continuing to wake up, healing and growing into wiser, kinder, and stronger people. Our allignment with Source needs to be focused and committed. Many of us need to learn about banking and finance--and how these have been weaponized against us. Some of us need to learn about real healthcare and good self-care practices. Most of us probably need to learn something about agriculture. Having a little backyard garden is one of the best things a person can do during this transition process. Also the more we boycott products and services that contribute to the problem, the quicker things will change for the positive in micro and macro ways. There's probably a million things that could be done and do get done when we align with Source and resolve to be part of the awakening and healing process currently in progress on our planet. It is a very, very exciting time to be alive here on Earth. I cannot emphasize how this is bigger than just a political movement inside of the United States. There is a much larger global element, and even galactic fractal--good vs. evil, evolutionary healing process happening.

Today I am at home practicing some of the self-care that I preach daily. I've been pushing myself a little hard recently and started to fall ill. I need to continue to push things--stretching myself quite thin as a single mom dealing with a car in the shop again, taking public transportation and adhering to a schedule that doesn't always allow for adequate rest. So, I'm recovering with some much-needed sleep and chi kung, bone broth and tamarind tea. A blog post is always cathartic too. Below are some gems.

David Seaman/FULCRUM News (Bitchute 3/14/18): President Donald Trump Pledges To Fight "Horrific" Child Trafficking, "Evil Practice"

Titus Frost (Bitchute 3/19/18): David Seaman Interview: Unify Against Google, PizzaGate, #QAnon, and more


Sarah Westall (YT): #Qanon #Meganon, Revolution is Underway, American Life will Change Forever

Infowars (Bitchute 3/16/18): Full Show - This Is A Must See Friday Broadcast Of The Alex Jones Show - 03/16/2018 (And for those who don't want to watch the full show but are interested in the heart of why I posted, skip to 27:16 where Zach, one of Alex's insiders joins the show for another 27 minutes.)

roypotterqa (YT): Who Cannot Love This Guy?

You Are Free TV (YT): #Q 3/11: H_itler's Daughter ID'ed, "N"WO Ideology Source Exposed #GREATAWAKENING

Destroying the Illusion (YT): DTI Vlog #2 - StopGeoengineering

You Are Free TV (YT): #CARBON60... Update on Growing Younger!

Allison Coe (YT): Before, During and After the Event - QHHT Client Sessions

Suzanne Spooner (YT): The Event Part 6 ~ Suzanne Spooner & Ron Head


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Does Making White Bean Soup = Racism? and Other Alt News Gems 💎 3/1/18

I could have picked red beans or black beans, maybe even pintos or split peas, but no, I chose white beans tonight. Does that make me racist? Null question. Of course it doesn't. How ridiculous, LOL. Yet this is the level of insanity many red-pilled people are witnessing right now. There is all-out race baiting, white-shaming (like the Russian colluder witch-hunt hysteria), as well as dozens of other bonafide psychological warfare tactics being ramped up in the mainstream media: More unconventional warfare waged upon the U.S. public as the rogue Marxist Deep State elements attempt to further divide and conquer us and then take our guns. These creepy-weird Luciferian/technocratic death cult members want a complete take-over of the U.S., they want to assassinate President Trump and put educated people like myself into re-education camps like what happened during every other radical socialist revolution in modern history. This is very real. It sounds bizarre, surreal, hyperbolic, and I wish it were just alarmist conspiracy delusion. The evidence is overwhelming, however, that we are dealing with the fight of our lives, our planet and the future of our species. More important than ever we need to learn to fight the spiritual warfare at the heart of all this.

I work with people of differing nationalities every week. I see people of multiple races, religious and philosophical tendencies getting along well despite the divide-and-conquer tactics. Those of us getting along well are operating from the heart. Race and even culture has nothing to do with how well we work together. In contrast regular people have a hard time dealing with those who want to parasite off others, dangerous people who would recklessly lie, commit other fraud, criminal negligence or violence against others. Most of us have a hard time with people who want to hide awful secrets and rewrite history to fit a narrative that allows for the disarming of law-abiding citizens, deconstructing the Second Amendment and shredding the rest of the Bill of Rights here in the U.S.

People with heart like myself are the majority, however. Yet we are still working within a system that has been hijacked by a degenerate deep state cult that is doing its best to make it seem like regular people who want a Constitutional Republic, not a totalitarian collectivist one are in the minority. The real minority, this shadow ruling class is now in full panic mode, utilizing every social-engineering tool at their disposal. That includes Antifa minions and other radical groups following Rules for Radicals, the mid-level operatives--the global socialist engineers like George Soros who fund and orchestrate the minions. At the very top of this evil hierarchy are some very morbidly wealthy and inbred families. Many if not all of these trillionaires and a portion of their underlings in this dark cult rape kids as a sacrament, drinking the blood of their tortured victims for an adrenochrome fix. No joke. This is what the whistle-blowers have been saying for decades. We have been living under a very sinister shadow government, a high-level criminal cartel for so long, it can take years down the "rabbit hole" sorting things out in order to come to this conclusion. Yet this is the conclusion of many of my peers, and myself.

Thanks to the recently released documents regarding the Kennedy assassination alluding to multiple gunmen and a 50+ year-long high-level cover-up; thanks to the widespread knowledge of Operation Mockingbird, MK Ultra, Operation Northwoods, Project Paperclip, the widely-recognized U.S. taxpayer-funded engineering of endless warfare and other suffering all over the globe, the ongoing breaking news regarding pedophilia cover-up in high places, this shadow-government (yes, "conspiracy" reality) is getting tougher and tougher to debunk. It wasn't very long ago the same Establishment was trying to convince the public that The Mafia was just some crazy figment of our imaginations. We are now very loudly questioning all of the Establishment's narrative--with good cause. The same toxic Establishment is now trying harder than ever to silence any dissent with every dirty trick in the book.

If you were feeling very sick and went to a doctor who eventually gave you a diagnosis of systemic parasite infection, would you brush the whole thing off and say, "oh those people in the lab, they just made a mistake"? Probably not. Some might get a second opinion, even a third. But if you got the same diagnosis of systemic parasitic infection again and again, you would probably just take the medicine the doctor prescribes. If the initial Big Pharma cure didn't work, you still felt the same, and the doc told you that you had a "Resistant" strain requiring hospitalization, you might then choose to explore alternatives. There are many dietary and other naturopathic approaches for effectively dealing with all kinds of infection. Same goes for this socio-geopolitical parasitic infiltration/infection. The analogy above is fitting as parasitic and symbiotic life are literally multidimensional. The Great Awakening is a natural immune response.

Like post-9/11 questions, we have mounting evidence that challenges the Establishment's narrative regarding other big events that made MSM news like the recent Las Vegas and Florida school shootings. The mercenaries truly responsible at the ground level for many recent events like these and the death of people like Seth Rich are getting ready for massive roll up, in my opinion and the opinion of others who have been paying close attention to the Deep State Civil War. News of very recent work to expand GITMO, POTUS's quiet declaration of a national emergency with intent to confiscate the assets of human rights violators, and the build-up of some 13K+ sealed indictments tells me we are getting ready to defang the beast. This cornered beast is now writhing and whipping its tail all over, creating a lot of drama. The recent Gestapo-style censorship in mainstream social media will backfire. I am currently watching it backfire in real time, like all of their other tactics of late; #Hoggwash and the image at the top of this post being two of the more powerful memes emerging from the growing red-pilled community. All the rogue Deep State's dirty tactics, especially those targeting children, will only awaken and mobilize even more people, and those who woke up a year or so ago will only be further fortified, filled with the energy and conviction needed to endure the last phases of this war and throw wrenches in the diabolical plans. The migration to platforms friendly to open, healthy dialogue regarding conspiracy reality has begun for many of the vloggers I follow. Below I've posted some gems.

The Hagmann Report (BitChute 3/1/18): FULL SHOW - Saddle for Battle; Censorship Salvos Are Flying

FULCRUM News (BitChute 2/27/18): Parkland Shooting: TWO SHOOTERS, Emotionless Student Witnesses?

SGTreport (BitChute 2/27/18): THE You Tube PURGE... & New #Q

Infowars (BitChute 2/28/18): Full Show - WARNING: Massive False Flag Incoming, Globalists Pushing To Destroy Free Speech

SphereBeing Alliance (YT): Ancient Aliens Return - David Wilcock & Corey Goode - Secret Space Programs