Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Open-Source Swamp Drain Update & Other Alt News Gems - 5/16/17

Above image sourced from
This year may be the first year many middle-class American soccer moms like myself ever heard of, let alone cared about terms like "Shadow Government" or "Deep State". We are living in times that are forcing us to grow up and educate ourselves on such terms and to take seriously others like "Military Industrial Complex" and "Secret Societies". They make up the anatomy of The Swamp. I am nowhere near confident that Trump could ever "Drain The Swamp" on his own--if he even in reality planned to do more than just some limited hangout. For more on why I am not completely sold on Trump, see StormCloudsGathering (YT): The REAL Reason Trump Fired Comey (Worse Than You Think) . In the same way, however, I am not completely sold that President Trump is a wolf in sheepdog's clothing either. There is something to be said for the positive Alliance that David Wilcock and others speak of, and how nobody within this alliance really has clean hands. Trump would make for a great Alliance leader, as would Putin.

I am, however, more confident in the awakening or renaissance of consciousness that is happening worldwide among regular people (people who aren't completely psychopathic). I am quite confident, thanks to the various NWO austerity programs, that hundreds of millions of regular people are now sick enough and hungry enough to take seriously allegations of endemic corruption throughout established authorities and institutions, mainstream media and government being two rock-bottom right now in public polls. And when I say "corruption", I am not referring to just the simple quid-pro-quo or bribery examples, but systemic theft of trillions of taxpayer dollars here in the US, ruthless and highly un-American hit squads that routinely "suicide" (aka "terminate with prejudice") whistle-blowers and inventors of "disruptive technologies" (aka clean, economic energy devices that would free up innovation and propel us into a Jetson's-like Golden Age). When I use the term, corruption, I refer also to what amounts to elaborate schemes to lure leaders into attending parties, drugging them and then filming their abberant behavior for later use in extortion and other manipulative schemes. The latter is known as a "Brownstone Operation", and these have been routinely conducted by rogue elements of the CIA, it appears. All this is just the beginning.
Below I've included a number of links to videos that uncover such outrageous treason and have helped me to put current events into context as well as to just better understand the ecology of "The Swamp" in general. With each passing year I'm finding out that what is going on in reality is more hair raising than any fictional spy tale. It is more convoluted and epic because it involves things that seem to be ridiculously science fictional and then also paranormal elements, which some of us have a very hard time accepting. Yet the re-emerging evidence indicating the reality of secret space programs and widespread Satanic Cult involvement among so-called "elites" can no longer be ignored. See SGTreport.com (YT): IT'S US VS. THEM. In the same way, research on the power of prayer and positive intention can no longer be dismissed either. This is where David Icke's input becomes highly relevant. We need to keep an open mind.
It wasn't so long ago that some doctors dismissed the importance of handwashing. Today no one in this field disputes the importance of handwashing between patients or after toilet use. We take for granted basic hygiene, but most adult Americans have looked through a microscope in elementary school and have witnessed microscopic germs. In the same way I believe a time will come when the larger population will just take for granted spiritual realities and basic elements of good spiritual hygiene. I am a strong believer that we live in a multidimensional universe with beneficent and malevolent elements. This comes from personal experience and knowledge that is difficult to qualify and quantify, only because the emerging science of quantum physics is still young, and I am also no quantum physicist. Yet I know enough to say the power of consciousness is now well-established by this branch of science. The power of placebo and nocebo are examples that many regular people can begin to understand. We also have other emerging sciences like that of scalar physics still in their infancy and brutally suppressed by the current parasitic powers. I suspect these emerging suppressed sciences will also only day help to affirm the reality of "spiritual" dimensions. Again I mention all this because it factors into the realities surrounding The Swamp and its Swamp Creatures, some of it just off the chart evil and only make sense if demonic possession were indeed real.
There is a lot of exciting open source work happening right now that I interpret as a collective effort to Drain The Swamp with George Webb's work good enough to watch in a guarded way, because it's surely next on the co-opt block. That, however, will be harder to do with so many eyes now opening to the magician's tricks like this. In the same way the Truther Community has taught the general public about the reality of conspiracy, like it ever ended with Nero or Nixon, the public is rapidly learning all about False Flags, another NWO Playbook essential.

The Common Sense Show (YT): Trump Using Serial Criminality to Disrupt the Deep State

The Common Sense Show (YT): The Pioneers in the Movement to Stop the Most Horrible Crime on the Earth

Steve Pieczenik (YT): STEVE PIECZENIK ST CMD MAY 14 17 OPUS 5


StormCloudsGathering (YT): The REAL Reason Trump Fired Comey (Worse Than You Think)

The Official Hagmann & Hagmann Report (YT): Untangling Dyncorp & Dead Bodies With George Webb


thirdphaseofmoon (YT): This Might Scare You! Dr Greer Unacknowledged Sirius Interview! UFO Insight 2017

Greg Hunter (YT): Catherine Austin Fitts-They're Trying to Centralize Control

David Seaman (YT): Hillary Clinton: WTF, Let It Go Already

Press For Truth (YT): PROOF: FBI Infiltrated Bundy Ranch

Destroying the Illusion (YT): 5.11 - Uptick in FBI Trafficking Arrests, GOP Firm Raided, & Gowdy to Replace Comey?

iHealthTube.com (YT): The Real Reason Aluminum is in Vaccines!

APOD Videos (YT): Lightning Storm Moves Across the USA

Victurus Libertas VL (YT): High Energy Physicist, Dr. Katherine Horton, Tells of her Debilitating Attacks From Govt Weapons