Friday, July 22, 2022

The End [for the Deep State] Is Near

The demand for child sacrifice that has gone on for ages is about to come to an end. No more pretending the numbers don’t exist, that government corruption and “elite” adrenochrome-harvesting clubs have been “debunked”, or that we currently have taxation with representation in the U.S. I cite the avalanche of emerging evidence brought forth by  that indicates widespread and coordinated election fraud in 2020, which has gone on at smaller levels and used to be acknowledged by leaders on all sides. The establishment’s preposterous declarations that 2020 was the safest and cleanest election ever is quickly backfiring, shining an ever-brighter light on the liars, and the collective denial of reality is resulting in an increasingly dysfunctional constitutional republic. 

I also cite the increasingly apparent unconventional warfare, mostly information warfare now as the biological arsenal and the line-up of minions to fuel false flag operations seems to be growing thin. Speaking of information warfare, the posts are back after a 17+ month period of silence…

This one, the last in a few that showed up after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, gives me hope that periods of no posts are just one aspect of this operation going silent for a little while. While the author(s) have mentioned, You have more than you know, their return is still exciting. The posts in the past also frequently referred to a Deep State “playbook”. One of Deep State’s most notorious and cheaper dirty tricks is their ability to put out bullshit and stir up trouble with Divide and Conquer, painting one public group as the enemy, somehow deserving of vicious cruelty. Mass-formation psychosis can result, a kind of Lord of the Flies phenomenon where the masses become temporarily insane criminals, assisting the psychopaths in charge with their mostly-premeditated crimes against humanity. At one time the so-called enemy was the “savage” indigenous American or the black person. Then humanity’s true enemy called out the “Greedy Jew”. It went on and on with one group enslaved or sacrificed. The Bible mentioned their sick appetite for the sacrifice of children. Today it’s the push to get everyone—especially children inoculated with as many dirty injections as as possible, and it’s the straight white male or whites in general that don’t support the crooked establishment who have become the new “unwashed masses”. Somehow we’re racist for not supporting the white male who married the babysitter. The same crook the establishment picked to represent us in the US as “president”—a man whose entire political career is stained with scandal and racist faux pas, and more recently the traitorous betrayal by selling our entire melting-pot nation out to Marxist foreign interests with the help of his drug-addict pedophile son. I suspect the salacious “Pee Pee Dossier” was inspired by the real-life escapades of Hunter Biden. We shall see. As Dave of the X22 Report has been highlighting almost daily now in his reports, the corruption, as well as the crimes against President Trump, culminating in a bombastic sham election is increasingly becoming more undeniable; the corrupt mainstream media has been silent on several investigations that are continuing as the foundations of this corrupt worldwide economic system are failing. I suspect this is “the storm” President Trump spoke of years ago, sending the press into a buzz. I can count on one hand the number of people at work with whom I can openly discuss these realities. However, millions like myself are gaining a larger voice again thanks to @truthsocial. With each leap in gas prices, each day nurses like myself cover for another nurse out sick from a booster, each Supreme Court reality-check or eye-opening event like the Georgia Guidestones’ demise breaking through the legacy media’s blackout on truth, we are getting closer to getting through this storm. I should also mention, most importantly with each poll showing a public growing wise to things like the Jussie Smollett-style race-baiting lies, each day everyday people maintain their peace and dignity in putting food on their table and saying no to the sick banking cartels empty promises to build back better AND fighting this guerrilla warfare peacefully, thoughtfully and prayerfully worldwide, the sooner we are to righteous humanity reclaiming our planet back from hidden, historical and tyrannical bankster families. Below are some more links and curious memes documenting this journey. 


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