Sunday, November 6, 2022

Blood Moon Tuesday Thoughts ๐ŸŒ 11/6/22

Last month’s post ended with some thoughts concerning the spiritual (Biblical, metaphysical, energetic, “Good versus Evil”) big-picture aspects of the undeclared World War that’s been raging hot for the last 3-6 years now. I’d like to share more on that, but I’ll preface first with some generalities. 

I’ve always suspected there’s been a large amount of hijacking of world religion. So, while I can appreciate most of the world’s religions that have love at the core of them, I have affinity for the teachings of Jesus but don’t align myself with any particular denomination. I respect the Bible, but I do not worship the Bible. I enjoy the Jewish traditions and also the study of the Tao de Ching and Yoga. I think there’s something to the Mayan Calendar and am certain we entered a new age in 2012, but I am extremely cautious about anything with the New Age label. Jesus warned us that the “elect will be deceived”. 

I experienced a mystical week of revelation that was a lot like a family reunion back in 1988 or 89 that led to a lifetime of commitment to self improvement and service to others. While I’ve not been perfect, there have been setbacks and dark periods, I have found that faith or trust in an unseen, benevolent Creator, prayer, and adhering to the teachings of Jesus to be indescribably rewarding. I’ve felt a great deal of guidance through what could have been devastating experiences. I’ve experienced healing and resilience in a very hostile work environment because I took and continue to take leaps of faith. 

These are things that must be experienced, because for some, no amount of preaching or teaching conveys the reality of this unseen world. To the atheists, I am functional but mentally ill for merely believing in a higher power. For some others, I am hell-bound for not adhering to a particular faith or denomination’s protocols. For yet another segment of the population, however, I am welcome, even appreciated. Whenever I feel isolated or “fringe”, I reflect upon the experiences back in 1989 and return to contemplation on all the miracles I’ve been blessed with. Feelings of self-pity fade and I can return to being helpful in an otherwise hostile environment that should be therapeutic. 

I get very excited when I read or hear of similar experiences. Lee Carroll’s has been one of those. Kryon, a curious name for the Holy Spirit, seems to be navigating successfully the mine field of YouTube, one of the Establishment’s domains. If you have a large enough following and do anything contrary to the current pop culture’s narrative, you will find yourself banned or shadow-banned. Being able to side-step the Establishment’s cancellation algorithms is an art and science. Doing it with grace on spiritual topics are a few content creators like Magenta Pixie and Lee Carroll. They are both giving insight into the times we’re living through.

Tying this back up in a nice bow at the top where the title is, next Tuesday we have the US Midterm Elections. Both sides of this war between Good and Evil have traditionally recognized the power in planning events on days with celestial happenings. It stirs up a larger audience. This Tuesday is one of them. I believe that the more purpose-fueled faction of US military-industrial complex that respects the US Constitution and has partnered with other nations to overcome the global despots will prevail in not letting one side cheat, steal, murder and deceive the masses into complete slavery. We must all do our part, however, so the shift in power back to the people is expedited. These are to be “End Times” for the despots, not the masses.  

This needs to be a short post so that I can get back to study. I’ll share a screenshot from, Lilah Harper’s course on Compassion Fatigue and Burnout in Nursing Second Edition:

…everything clicks. We feel we belong. 

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