Tuesday, November 22, 2016

53 Years Ago Today - 11/22/16

Although this day marks the 53rd anniversary of President John F Kennedy's death, and we are living in catalizing times indeed here in the United States, this post needs to be relatively short. Too many things in my personal life currently cast dark clouds over my heart and mind, compromising my holistic perspective on global events, and even at times my writing skills. It is taking a great deal of effort to maintain composure in simple mundane tasks at home. My work life is now easy by comparison which speaks volumes. On the bright side, however, all this is honing personal discipline for meditation. I'm also coming to the conclusion that I suffer fools too gladly. I've actually had a few thousand dollars worth of professional training in suffering fools gladly; so, now I am now tapping into what I remember of my assertiveness training and re-establishing firm boundaries at home.

These major quakes in my personal life make it difficult to successfully navigate the weighty material revealed in the latest Wikileaks data dumps. Admittedly, it's nothing new. Highly organized and ruthlessly protected pedophile rings still exist for the sadistic, thoroughly degenerate, parasitic ruling class.

I'm calling out all who commit the mistake of calling these degenerates "elite", because this is basically Stockholm Syndrome-induced neuro-linguistic programming which corrals the collective subconscience into letting them off the hook for their innumerable outrageous crimes.

And this Cabal is still apparently trying very hard to calls the shots in Washington DC. I believe they had every intention of putting Hillary in the Whitehouse and did their damnest. Due to massive voter turnout by millions of disenfranchised, once-middle-class working Americans, and due to the awakening processes going on at many levels, especially the once highly-insulated and compartmentalized deep state, these high-level organized crime sydicate bosses no longer have all good minions goose-stepping in perfect order. The parasitic ruling class has as a result unsurprisingly doubled down with their Mockingbird Media attempts to quash the truth, but as a number of alt news voices are saying, "the toothpaste is out of the tube".

Regarding Trump, I vascillate from resonating with alternative news voices hopeful of the president elect (like Alex Jones), to those like that of Truthstream Media (link below). The latter is highly critical of Trump and the people he's surrounding himself with. Much of their skepticism is very reasonable, yet it is likely influenced to some degree by a natural cynicism that is the result of the last 8 years' slow avalanche of broken "Hope and Change" promises. All that following the Bush and Clinton regimes and 9-11 constitute massive psychological trauma that can definitely skew a person's healthy perception of reality and judgment. Although I fully understand the cynicism, I can say with confidence that it leads to a great deal of misplaced aggression that really has no hand in fixing the problems we're facing.

After all of my samplings of different alternative news perspectives, I have concluded for myself that Trump is probably somewhat awake to the dilemma he's now in. He's a genuine male human--and has probably been to Epstein's Pedo Island a few times congruent with the reports I've heard. He's probably had sex with at least one of the resident 16 or 17 year-olds. Whatever his transgressions there, however, they probably pale in comparison to the Pizza Parties, possibly even the Eyes Wide Shut functions that Bill and Hillary and their closest comrades have engaged in. This apparent vote of no confidence by the Establishment can be concluded from the full blown mainstream media war on Donald Trump--not just before, but after the election, complete with George Soros' funded Color Revolution through mass-zombie-minion recruitments via Craigslist.

Trump is apparently not completely sold on the Establishment's goals of launching another full-blown world war, complete with massive planetary nuclear horror, loss of human life in the billions, while about a hundred very dirty old men go hide out with a few thousand young women in their underground palaces. Trump is now however mingling with all kinds of dark souls who work for this sinister group of 100 who truly want a descent into a hell not unlike the underground torture chambers they construct for toddlers they routinely rape and kill on certain holidays. These are the creeps we're dealing with. I hope the New York police officers and others staring the mountains of blatant evidence in the face right now can avoid the lure of Ambien and 12-packs of Miller Lite calling to them. We need sobriety as well as organization among the regular decent people all over the world who want just want life, liberty, pursuit of happiness that doesn't come at the expense of others as well as all other good things like fairness, peace, and prosperity--All things We the People used to think we stood for. It is indeed difficult to maintain a happy face knowing these creeps fully understand their back is to the wall, their reign is beginning to falter.

Cosmic Vision News (YT): CVN 11/18/2016

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Emergency Message To Leftists From Trump / Steve Bannon

SGT Report (YT): PEDO BROS. SMOKING GUN: The Podesta Brothers & Madeleine McCann

Joy Camp (YT): JoyCamp Podcast Ep 3 - "Pizza Party!"

Joy Camp (YT): JoyCamp Podcast Ep 2 - "11/9 Was An Inside Job"



WeAreChange (YT): The Best Decision Donald Trump Has Taken As President

The Richie Allen Show (YT): Jim Marrs "Trump Knows Who Really Controls Events But If He Named Names, He'd Be Killed!"

SGT Report (YT): BREAKING - CLINTON CAMPAIGN INSIDER REVEALS: Trump Protests Sponsored By Soros-Clinton Cabal

Truthstream Media (YT): What Happened to the Liberty Movement?

GlobalSkyWatch (YT): Melbourne Mass Asthma Event

David Icke (YT): Aspartame and the Chemical Attack on The Human Body Computer - David Icke

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