Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Cosmic Disclosure - 7/22/15

Major disclosure news to link to today. It's a mix of good news and bad news. The bad news begins with the overused restatement that the truth is stranger than fiction. It's more bizarre than we could ever dream up in a B-Grade Sci-Fi/Horror flick showing in Mystery Science Theater 3000. The bad news also includes the fact that power still corrupts, and the corruption runs deep and complex. It encompasses not just the simple lying, stealing, bribing and extortion, but also the policies of plausible deniability and compartmentalization. This has led to ignorance that most of our elected leaders can claim and would claim if they really knew what happened to all the trillions of taxpayer dollars the pentagon has just "lost" over the years.

Part of the good news promises that we are going to be provided with compelling evidence regarding where most of that money was spent. The evidence only begins to see the light of day with the following interviews. These allegations are so fantastic that they require corroboration with other evidence offered by thousands of other whistle-blowers and researchers, some of whose work has been around for decades, scoffed at by authorities as part of a successful campaign to cover up the "elites'" extreme decadence. Going beyond the money, however, is a greater body of knowledge that has been kept from 99.99999% humanity for thousands, maybe millions of years. It is the truth about who we are, how amazing the Universe is, and how simple life should be. Life shouldn't be ruthlessly brutal as most of us have known since childhood. We shouldn't have to be born super-model gorgeous with materialistic attributes needed to slave or cheat to "get ahead". The core tenets of all major religions that teach or taught at one time to Love Others And Yourself, the truth regains its reign as happens in most fairy tales. The meek will inherit the Earth.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Alt News Gems - 7/6/15

Websearch "Greferendum", arguably THE hottest news story on the planet right now, and you'll hear crickets chirp from MSM. The people of Greece deliver a collective middle-finger salute to the world's (soon) most infamous banking mafia as the US celebrates its pitiful delusion of independence, and (drum roll, please)...

No News Coverage outside RT and a small handful of other alternative news sites with ovaries like Zero Hedge?! (Search "Greece News" and you'll find a a few MSM sites like CNBC providing bankster damage control, fear spin or Machiavellian commentary, but it's not worthy of the term "news coverage"). And that deserves some commentary, or at least some epic satire rant. Of course I won't do that because I'm all love and light right now. For once--my brain, heart and gut are all smiles. It appears the Diebold voting machines didn't make it to Greece, so the vote is neither legal nor official, so say The Powers That Be Now Rabid And Cornered.

The fuse on the real fireworks has been lit, Thank You, People of Greece!

The birthplace of democracy promises to light up the dark recesses of collective consciousness with a fiery display of something I'd like to name, Iceland 2.0. No guarantees, just my prayer, mine and a few other thousand, maybe a million people awake and aware of this event in progress. It would be a difficult but good place to start. It might take a year of some serious detox, debriefing and deprogramming of what portion of the Western World's people remain alive a year from now. Perhaps next year I'll feel like lighting sparklers. I'm not happy it's that critical, but now we've at least entered the tunnel, and one day we'll see a ray of light at the end of it.

The true song of crickets here tonight at my humble home in the heart of the Northern California Redwoods helps me to view it all with some insight and gratitude. The next 48 or so months will be difficult for much of the western world--no matter what, but this morbid abscess we call the banking cabal has to be lanced. They have already killed large portions of goodness in this wold with their sepsis. About 10% of us, the ones the in-crowd called crazy, are prepared to lead the way to sanity and health.

RT YT Covers Greek "No!" Vote

The photo at the top has no connection with the Greferendum No! Vote. I utilized it here because of its Iceland connection. I found it at