Friday, November 22, 2019

[Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming] Deep State War Update - 11/22/19

Holy Streisand Effect, Batman! Hold on tight because it's happening again!
8Kun is up and we're getting lots of Q-posts.

Novemeber 22, 2019, marks 56 years since the death of President Kennedy. His death caused a bit of the American Dream to die. With each passing year now since Trump took office we are closing in on true justice for Kennedy's assassination, official disclosure of the truth regarding the real assassins and their elaborate cover-up. We are also well underway in a process of unconventional truth and reconciliation for an untold number of other covered-up truths and real conspiracy facts. Some of these amount to massive conspiracies with trillions of dollars worth of fraud and crimes against humanity. I've read and listened to enough over a large portion of my lifetime, and pondered considerably on these topics so that my Overton Window is all but fully shattered. I'll likely spend the next 5 years of my life in some form of therapy, sipping on chamomile and Lion's Mane tea, but that's okay. I'd rather know and live in the truth. Most of us would need hospitalization if debriefed too quickly on these matters. Q-Anon wrote, "The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital" (see  Instead, and thankfully so, we have a slow and steady process of debriefing, deprogramming and healing for the majority of the population, thanks to patriots or "white hats" in control.

We are watching a nation that has been on life support for at least a decade come back to life. Hillary would have certainly finished us off if she'd won the presidency. I thank God for Trump and the Alliance every day. If it weren't for them, many in my family and I would be in FEMA camps right now, if not already murdered for daring to question the Clinton Crime Family and the entire corrupt Establishment with its all-encompassing synthetic agendas. I am quite certain that our wannabe oligarchs like Hillary, these leaders of "The Resistance" opposing Trump and protectors of powerful pedosadists, many of them participants in this sick pastime or religion themselves would have had no problem murdering a few million Americans, perhaps even a few billion people worldwide in order to roll out full-blown socialist rule on U.S. soil and the rest of the planet with their sick New World Order. So, as this Thanksgiving approaches, I am even more aware of and grateful than last year for big blessings. As surreal hyperbolic and crazy as it sounds to me at times, this is truly bigger than we know.

It was about 35 years ago I began my red-pilling process or journey through disclosure of conspiracy reality, starting with some popular and a few obscure late night radio talk shows. With the advent of the internet and the blossoming of alternative media, I followed a wide variety of researchers like Kerry Cassidy, David Ike, David Wilcock and others, some of them with conflicting information. Over time I saw certain things overlapping or repeating. I've had to do a lot of weeding through disinformation, some of it very convincing. The conflicting info and infighting in the Truth Community waxes and wanes, which is and expected aspect of the information warfare. Good researchers have been mindful of this and the typical "divide and conquer" tactics at work. The challenge is to keep an open mind without letting your brains fall out, and staying mindful that even the best of researchers and leaders in the Truth Community are regular humans with blind spots and other weaknesses the Deep State will prey upon.

While fascinating and providing my life with color and mission, this process has been very difficult and isolating at times, dealing with a wide range of very strange, taboo topics, some very disturbing and even traumatically horrific information. At times I wondered if I was descending into serious mental illness as I would obscess on this information. I would go into the typical grieving process, starting with denial, often questioning whether it was real at all. Then evidence would again re-emerge to confirm its reality. This process was disorienting, depressing and anxiety-inducing.

My red-pilling process overlapped with other stressful life experiences, notably working with some corrupt people in a prison as a correctional nurse for nearly 7 years, leading to a couple different nervous breakdowns which contributed to broken marriages. All this and the fallout has required me to do a lot of cultivation of spiritual practices (mainly prayer, meditation, gratitude, forgiveness, and service to others) in order to cope and maintain stability in order to raise a child as a single parent. I was led to explore naturopathic biohacks (adaptogens, carbon-60, Ayurveda, medicinal mushrooms, etc.) that have been critical to my survival and maintaining livelihood with gradual improvements in health, overcoming the anxiety, depression and debilitating migraines, despite a grueling profession and the challenges of an aging body. I feel greatly pressed to share the importance of naturopathic healthcare for getting my fellow Americans through the current Americanitis Crisis (the skyrocketing of chronic health problems like diabetes, obesity, and autoimmune disorders), and the growing pains of waking up to knowledge that many of our leaders and celebrities have been doing unimaginably awful things.

Today I am relieved to be finally witnessing the beginnings of healing of self and nation, signs we are finally noticably winning the Deep State War, waking up to and quite capable of handling difficult truths, and part of a larger worldwide movement that is all about uniting in a benevolent way to get through our challenges, as opposed to the creepy dark global socialist solutions. This "Great Awakening" movement is fresh air and healing balm. Below are more pieces of the puzzle, more gems and Rabbit Hole Tours.

White Hats Media Group (YT): White Hats Report#48 - Episode I - Follow The Money

X22Report Spotlight (YT): Support For The [CB]s Are Being Removed One By One, This Is A Coordinated Effort:Jim Willie

Informative Info (YT): Dilleys Daily Dose. National Security Breakdown, Impeachment Hysteria, Global Revolution and Kanye

Lori Colley (YT): POTUS Survives Ass'n Attempt?

Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel (YT): Great Awakening: It's All Becoming Obvious - Is The 2020 Show Beginning?

Craig Mason's Reasonable Conversation Channel (YT): Great Awakening: When Reality Goes Mainstream

RedPill78 (YT): Red Pill News - Saved In America W/ Kirby Horrell

TRUreporting (YT): TRUreporting And Redpill78 Thoroughly Discuss "Project Looking Glass"

SGTreport (YT): The Next Massive Disclosure Will Shock The World -- John Paul Rice

SGTreport (YT): THIS IS IT! THIS is What They're HIDING!! [Pt. 1] -- Justen Faull


MAGA for Healthcare
The White House (YT): President Trump Delivers Remarks on Honesty and Transparency in Healthcare Prices