Sunday, December 30, 2018

Happy New Years Alt News Gems 💎 12/30/18

... And Deep State Wars Update

Material life is so very short. Most of us never know when our present incarnation will end or how, so I do enjoy it, savor it, finding love and joy every day because that's all that really matters. I contemplate these things as I approach a dental extraction with a broken and abscessed tooth that really isn't responding to penicillin (or any of my holistic remedies like colloidal silver and MMS) at a dentist training clinic tomorrow. It's a tooth with a "silver" filling that I should have had fixed years ago to remove the neurotoxic amalgam but didn't. Lessons learned a little late. I'm hoping that my last 6-7 years of holistic investment in a strong overall constitution will help me get through a procedure that has killed more than a few people.

On a very loosely related note, the image above is that of silver bullets, which according to mythology are able to end the life of vampires. I find it a curious metaphor to what is happening to the vampire giant that is The Federal Reserve, the morbidly abscessed tooth of the United States, perhaps modern Western Civilization in general. It is a most curious Sun Tzu Art of War analogy that all eyes are on the gold with regards to ending "The Fed". Yet truly, everyday people with their silver coins will be able to weather the transition during the inevitable global financial meltdown and reset with the possibility of internet and electrical services also briefly going down, making cryptocurrencies viable only after the fact. Every one of those silver coins will act like a silver bullet. I strongly believe that POTUS Trump is working to finish the work that JFK started or attempted and will finally help us slay this ruthless historical beast.

Today I'm going ice skating--for a little while forgetting all the heavy stuff, but first I'll leave a few notes and gems here for the world, another expression of my joy. I celebrate the end of the old year and a more diseased world today with hopes and prayers for a more wonderful new year to come!

PeopleCleaner (YT): QAnon: Do You Understand The Fed? (discussion) - No New Q today

Destroying the Illusion (YT): Secret Space Programs Get Mainstream Coverage on Christmas!

Greg Hunter (YT): Dave Janda – Hammer of Justice Falls in 2019


Garth Brooks Song Lyrics (YT): Garth Brooks - The Dance (With Lyrics)

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Deep State Wars Update 💎 12/22/18

Shutdown or Showdown?

Last-minute-me, this will have to be more of an informal journal entry with minimal filtering, just some summary thoughts typed out for the time-stamp of 12/22/2018, and some Merry Christmas Greetings, although the cookies are not even close to getting baked yet.

The last few weeks have been so fast-paced, so much happening personally, nationally and globally, I am quite challenged to keep up. From time to time I say this, but truly things are speeding up and ramping up qualitatively. It is like the dot of an exclamation mark in the last couple years of following the patriot movement (with the very last year a narrowing in with the Q-anon phenomenon). It's been like a raucous refresher course over what I learned in high school and college with US government, civics, political science and US History. And as I study more on the nuance of politics as it really is, how it really plays out in light of hidden "Control Files", well, this process has been a journey of learning that I really don't know that much at all. It's causing me to question everything as I sift through concepts of Common Law vs. Corporate Law vs. Natural Law, the possibility of several secret space programs existing and that unacknowledged Special Access Programs to include amazing anti-gravity technology were sold the highest bidder for kickbacks to the Clinton Crime Family. All of this is on the one hand interesting, but on the other very disorienting and distressing. To undergo this challenge in light of the constant day-to-day dramas inherent in working in the field of healthcare, it is a wonder I am able to do much, do it politely and with any amount of grace, and without any bupropion, lorazepam, nicotine or alcohol. I am thankful for the Ayurveda secrets and a little THC. Not much of the latter, nothing close to intoxicating levels, but instead a fairly good dose of CBD with just a little THC.

A person needs something to take the edge off when coming to the firm realization that his or her country was on the edge of a downright hideous nightmare, the kind that the people of Russia or China experienced when their countries fell under communist control with millions dying during the "Revolution", and even more perishing during the aftermath. To really comprehend that this or something very similar is what would have taken place if Hillary were elected POTUS, this is what the Cabal was planning--this can be overwhelming. Making things more convoluted, some can see it clearly, while others will argue until blue in the face that this is what was taking place. Well, more likely, the 30% who don't get it just look at you with that far away look and change the subject if you bring it up. Like I have been repeating over the last few years, I still have to remind myself that there is ruthless unconventional warfare going on, targeting the 99.9%. Many other professionals like Wayne Jett clearly see it. I know I am not losing my mind. This is very real despite the clamor of very compelling propaganda throughout every corner of controlled media, including most internet search engines, and other psychological warfare designed to discredit the Truth Movement.

Others going through this Redpilling process will understand my dilemma. Not only is it disturbing and overwhelming in its scope, but it's sometimes quite lonely. One can meet like-minded people online, at events like Trump Rallies or what some are calling far-right conventions, but for the most part, there is still so much triggering and polarization happening--again, just part of the unconventional warfare, the divide-and-conquer tactics being a very basic part of the Cabal playbook, that you dare not bring the subjects up at work or anywhere in mixed company.

I often have to take breaks from it for my sanity. Today I had an outing for lunch with my daughter, giving me opportunity, forcing me really to think and talk on lighter subjects. Foodie pursuits, Yoga, online word games, and time with my dog or ukulele provide needed breaks during the rainy season here in northwest USA. And there's always the immersion in naturopathic healthcare with my latest lessons being the MMS protocols. Yet because of the gravity of what is truly occurring geopolitically and macro-economically, my mind never strays away from the heavy things for too long.

Now as January approaches, an executive order will be going into effect which could trigger the unsealing of many of the mysterious 60K+ federal sealed indictments some have been following over the last year or so. Chatter about this in Truth Movement and Q-anon circles has many of us sitting on pins and needles again with approaching dates. The links below help more fully explain. Some of us aware of "The Plan" for a decade or longer have an even harder time not being all squirrely-fidgety. Because this battle with the Deep State is truly as epic as I think it is, no hyperbole possible in my humble opinion, it is truly unprecedented in its historic and pivotal nature, and likely to determine whether we will perish as a species, perhaps even rendering the planet yet another asteroid belt--or, the polar opposite if things go well: We graduate into a fantastical Golden Age not unlike the Jetsons cartoon. It becomes almost impossible not to be like a kid with A.D.D. waiting for Santa to come down the chimney, going on an on about it all with clumsy sentence structure. AND at the same time I know better about getting my hopes up for sweeping change. These are epic end-game stages now in what is likely a battle that has gone on longer than I've been alive. I constantly have to remind myself to stay grounded with a sense of equinamity about what's unfolding. I've had my hopes up for ending the criminal Federal Reserve and for mass arrests, filling facilities like GTMO dashed a few times now. I know we're getting closer, but I also know the beast is more rabid than ever.

Anyway, enough of my babbling on. In this year's Christmas Post I'll share a photo of my tiny Christmas tree topped with an angel holding a USA flag. It's so humble, not unlike the Charlie Brown Christmas tree with hardly any branches or presents under it, so I'm showing just the part that makes it meaningful to me...


With that, Merry Christmas Wishes going out to not just those fighting the good fight, but even to those so screwed up in the head, heart and soul that they know no better but to sabotage themselves and the planet. Below, of course, are the Gems.

Unbiased & On the Fence (YT): Power of 8 at 8 - Joy to the World


Edge of Wonder (YT): 11:11 Quake is Retribution to Deep State for Paradise Fires | Interview with Dr. Michael Salla

Edge of Wonder (YT): Why the Deep State Despises the American Constitution Exclusive Interview with Dr. Michael Salla

Federation for American Immigration Reform: (YT) Walls Don't Divide Us, Hypocrisy Does

Bonus Breaking News Gem: Clintons Not on Santa's Nice List

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving - Deep State Wars Update with Gems 💎 11/22/18

55 years ago today U.S. President John F. Kennedy died because he wouldn't play ball with the shadow government, a global ruling "elite" Luciferian crime syndicate and its partners. Some call this or parts of this the "Deep State". Other names include "The Cabal" or New World Order.

Today we celebrate Thanksgiving for other reasons, yet they are loosely connected to JFK's work and his assassination. The renown "Thanksgiving" pilgrims who left Europe to settle on the continent that later became a democratic republic, the United States of America, did so because they were fleeing the same tyrannical families and system that JFK would later struggle with--the same sinister network we find ourselves collectively in an epic showdown with today. For a primer on that showdown, check out Even after reading this post, it might still be dismissed by those who have not yet taken the "Red Pill". However, with each passing year, perhaps now with each passing month, it will be more and more difficult for the normies to keep their head in the sand. Perhaps it will take the impending economic collapse to wake the deep-sleepers.

Bottom Line:  The tyranny that the pilgrims fled only festered and infected the United States. HRC is clearly part of it as are many "Republicans". We are now seeing the fruits of letting a trillion-dollar global crime syndicate infiltrate our republic which includes massive voter "irregularities" (and other fraud) in several states with the most blatantly incompetent examples of it nestled in Broward County, Florida. These fruits even appear to include the the highly suspect fires that, as of this writing, continue to destroy property and lives in California. The latest California fires have even sent radioactive material into the atmosphere due to a radioactive Superfund cleanup site being involved. (See This combination of the blatant in-our-faces election/voter fraud, along with the latest round of mystery fires in California AND the current suit against acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker, appears to be the Evil Empire striking back.

President Trump and a U.S. military alliance working with many other countries equally as horrified and fed up with the Luciferian trillionaire dynasty families are truly working overtime and mostly behind the scenes to excise the cancer. While this Deep State war is getting hotter and hotter, it is still getting& no honest coverage in the mainstream media, and only a select few within the alternative media dare to cover it if they even know how to cover it. Of them, even fewer dare to honestly report on the Q-Anon movement which is likely the public representative for the U.S. faction of the Global Alliance against the Cabal.

It is heartbreaking to me that most people are not aware of true extent of the Swamp Draining so far since Presideent Trump was sworn into office. This includes hundreds, maybe even thousands at this point of corporate and government resignations, the unprecedented number of arrests and conviction of child sex traffickers, and tens of thousands of federal sealed indictments getting us ready for the Justice Phase of The Plan. To see the latest Q posts or get the latest on the resignations or sealed indictments, a great site/app is And if you know nothing of The Plan, please start with the very bottom link, a foundation for all my other links. Thanks to an information dissemination campaign called Q-Anon and the community of "Anon" decoders and analysts, some like myself are getting a major heads-up on the news. For this and many other reasons, of course, I Am Thankful!

Sarah Westall (YT): Unsealing and Declassification, California DEW Arson w/ Wayne Jett (1of2)

Dustin Nemos 2 (YT): Dave Janda & Dustin Nemos on Vote Fraud, Cali Fires/Radiation, and Thanksgiving's Capitalism

X22 Report Spotlight (YT): It's Coming,Economic Transition,Unsealed Indictments, Arrests,Martial Law & The Truth:Bix Weir

Greg Hunter (YT): Rob Kirby - Massive Amounts of Dollars Must Be Fed into System or It Blows Up

Destroying the Illusion (YT): [11.20] New Q: Huber Talks Dec 5th! / Facebook Problems / Worldwide Protests / Vaccine Propaganda

SGTreport (YT): The Deep State VS. Trump & America -- Robert David Steele

Edge of Wonder (YT): The Cabal’s Silent War on the American People Part 1 [Tentacles of the Deep State]

Edge of Wonder (YT): How the CABAL Infiltrated Every Aspect of Your Life | War on the American People Part 2

SGTreport (YT): The DEEP DEEP Hidden History -- Donald Jeffries

Storm Is Upon Us (YT): Q - Killing The Mockingbird

Monday, October 22, 2018

Deep State & Disclosure Wars Updates PLUS Alt Health Gems 💎 10/22/18

Red October Surprise Revelations: #WalkAway Winning Despite Communist Chinese Collusion in U.S. Election Interference & Other Deep State Stunts 💎 FISA DECLAS Coming Soon 💎 Pizzagate Not Forgotten 💎 Khashogi Psyop 💎 Secret Space Programs Going Mainstream?! 💎 Economic Reset Imminent, but first...

How many of us have a family member afflicted with cardiovascular disease or disabled by stroke or heart attack?  I see cardiovascular disasters every day that I work. It breaks MY heart! During my last personal physical and even leading up to it as I was teaching my child how to check blood pressure, I started to see that my blood pressure was consistently too high, 150/90 being the common record. As someone who routinely sees the problem of conventional medical model solutions to these kinds of health issues, primarily one Big Pharma solution after another with their long lists of adverse side effects to include death, erectile dysfunction, and suicidal ideation, I decided to pray, scout, research, and follow what information emerges. What eventually crossed my path was nattokinase.

Nattokinase is an enzyme found in a traditional Japanese dish that they have been consuming for centuries, and is probably (along with a diet high in vegetables) responsible for their long lives and low rates of heart disease. I'm including a number of links below to help further explain nattokinase in a way that health professionals can appreciate and regular people can understand.

THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. It is always best to talk to your doctor about these things. I am no doctor, just a registered nurse and public health nurse with holistic leanings and a growing disgust with what appears to be a highly fascist medical model utilized by a parasitic corporate leadership that finds it better to keep people sick in order to extract the most profit and leveraged power over the masses. The naturopathic and holistic wellness/prevention models work very well, superior in ways to modern western (allopathic) medicine in my humble opinion, just as symbiotic business models also provide rewards. It's the difference between millionaire and billionaire levels, however. Most of us would be perfectly happy to be symbiotic millionaires or at least enjoy prosperity with most of our needs and many of our wants easily met by such a system. Versus the system we've had for the last 70-100 years in the U.S. that rewards "elite" criminals who amass enough wealth to buy off, extort or assassinate in order to grow in power. That's not a club I want to have anything to do with.  Many other health care professionals, including doctors are coming to the same conclusion about corruption in our healthcare system. I will include at least one link to a Dr. Dave Janda interview below that goes into this. He has the medical and political experience to explain this much better than I can.

I will be mentioning nattokinase to my doctor the next time I see him, but after some preliminary checking into it I just began treatment a couple days ago. Again, this is not medical advice. This is just what I am doing. It may take a couple of months to see the benefits, according to the research, but I will be reporting on this in January. One of the links above references the specific study I thought was compelling. And no, this research doesn't include hundreds of thousands of subjects, long term studies over generations, and triple-blind controlled with billions of dollars to fund the research, as some Big Pharma studies can boast. However, it is compelling along with the mounting anectodal information, enough for me to give it a try.

In Deep State War news, the Big Tech giants continue to censor independent media as Qanon warned with many of my favorite sources affected. Speaking of Q, as of this writing on October 20, there have been no new Qanon posts since October 9, but the last message was a long and straightforward one that needs digesting. The following screenshots come from

I will just wrap up this post with the rest of the gems, since they deliver the news and analysis better than I can do at this time. Like many others, my time is crunched with making sense of local election information.

Dustin Nemos2 (YT): Dustin Nemos and Dr. Dave Janda discuss Healthcare, Q, And WHY We Have Yet To See Promised Arrests.

Greg Hunter (YT): Dave Janda - Deep State Lashing Out Because It Is Losing

Lori Colley (YT): Q: Trust the Plan for the Fight of our Lives

Tracy Beanz (YT): News Roundup: Lost Activists, Early Ballots, McCaskill, and FinCEN

prayingmedic (YT): Where is Q: Live Question and Answer

Dauntless Dialogue (YT): Declassifying the Secret Space Program | 2018 Short Film

Destroying the Illusion (YT): ABOVE MAJESTIC: The Implications of a Secret Space Program OFFICIAL TRAILER

Quite Frankly (YT): Frank & Jordan Sather DESTROY All Illusions

Collective Evolution (YT): Notable Scientist Publishes A Book About "Real Magic"

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

#DeepState War Update & Gems 💎 Special September 11th Edition

I'll add one more line to that, WE WILL NEVER SHUT UP! At least not until the real perps are doing hard time. Then some of us will forgive. It's healthy to forgive, good for mental and cardiovascular health as well as spiritual health. HOWEVER, first we must see some TRUTH coming from the mouths of our leaders, and then we must see some JUSTICE.
Now, I understand it's difficult if not impossible to have worldly justice as long as we have a tightly woven crime syndicate net that includes judges, police officers, CPS workers, FBI & CIA agents, and many, many others. This crime syndicate is vast, which means that, indeed, it is a huge conspiracy. The rising number of federal sealed indictments and the unprecedented number of child predator arrests are just two of several enigmatic signs that confirm the suspicions of hundreds of thousands if not millions of very fed up conspiracy theorists worldwide, but also some reassurance for us that something very big is about to happen.
 #GTMO4XMAS is what I've been posting lately on social media referring to my prayers for all the different convoluted crimes with Deep State fingerprints all over them--some, like 9/11 or JFK's assassination, just massively criminal and treasonous. Others incredibly, are even bigger crimes against humanity that have been happening day after day for decades, affecting hundreds of thousands, even millions (if not billions) of lives--like the medical mafia malpractice, the covert geo-engineering programs that dump tons of toxins on the public and the rest of life on our planet, and of course, the horrific Satanic ritual abuse. The latter is not as obviously large, but what we do not see are the real numbers of missing children every year worldwide, especially the ones from impoverished areas of the world like Haiti after massive disasters, which I suspect will cauterize the Clinton tentacle of this massively evil hydra. As if Bill's seriel raping or Hillary's defense of this sick criminal behavior alone isn't enough. The Clinton body count speaks for itself, saying much with regard to why we see no justice yet: Too many Deep State "elites" into criminal, sadistic sexual behavior, they protect each other or they fear becoming yet another suicided statistic.
All these things are finally getting the massive exposure and validation they deserve via social media networks, regular people doing research and posting on platforms like Reddit; whistle-blowers, insiders and others involved in The Alliance that has been working diligently to undermine and defang this huge Deep State Beast. Lately we also have the uncovering of the apparent weaponization of federal agencies in the United States for political purposes and "charitable" organization fraud also becoming more and more undeniable by the day. Meanwhile, the bad actors keep screaming "RUSSIAN COLLUSION!" and "IMPEACH!" All this has the fingerprints of this Deep State all over it. Curiously, this large network of bad actors can no longer accurately be called "Deep" State anymore because their cover is now totally blown. 
Just yesterday I saw that David Wilcock had finally posted material related to all the latest things going down: I was able to start into the article yesterday as I was waiting in the DMV, even missing my number when it was called. It was that interesting. The particular article on the website is not coming up on my laptop right now, but it is still working on my iPhone. It could be related to the traffick the site has been getting lately or updates needed on my computer. David spends some money on his website's security, but occasionally it gets hacked or attacked. I'm hoping that isn't the case today. Also of interest, Ben Fulford's offering for this week:
In other news that's related...
Very sad day for me and many others in a multitude of ways. Like with the apparent "Luciferian" infiltration that the GaiaTV Employee Movement (GEM) brought to public attention and compelling enough to have me cancel my subscription (and reportedly also David Wilcock's ending his involvement with the company), Qanon is highlighting something that many of us have been hearing for years about Alex Jones, that he's truly a Mossad agent, his own special brand of Manchurian Candidate perhaps. He is seemingly out there doing what he is doing to capitalize on the truth movement and to make regular people all over the world who question corrupt authorities and the Deep State Beast Establishment look crazy for doing so.
When Jones "debunked" Pizzagate nearly 2 years ago, kissing the butt of James Alefantes after his social media obviously connected him to the sick pedo-sadist Washington "elite" network, I began to have grave concerns. I kept an open mind, however, considering that perhaps Jones was under too much pressure with his previous marriage destroyed and his current family unit being literally threatened. Yet too many dots are now coming together, making me suspect that Jones truly is LIMITED HANGOUT and a witting (or perhaps more likely unwitting) agent set up to discredit the Truth Movement. He's an excellent example of how convoluted this Deep State War truly is, thanks to the power of fear, dark secrets, unchecked ego, and especially the toxic power of wealth and influence. It keeps me mindful of the need to remain sober, humble, even struggling financially more than I'd like to be, maintaining personal connection to Source at all times and oriented towards service to others. If that means owning up to recent mistakes, even outing the secrets of my past and enduring some temporary discomfort, well then that's a price I can bear, considering the reward is liberation from a hellish system based in pyramid schemes, slavery and deception. Other rewards include health and true progress for society as this personal cleansing process helps to support the emergence and growth of a much healthier paradigm for personal living, symbiotic business models and fair governance.
A relentless alarm clock is reminding me now that it is time to wrap up this post and get back to normal life with being a Mom, taking care of personal hygiene, and making a blackberry cobbler. Below are a few gems: (a user-friendly site for following Qanon)

secureteam10 (YT):

JustInformed Talk (YT): Q Anon | "WE WILL NEVER FORGET!" (YT): 9/11 Conspiracy Fully Uncovered, Rebekah Roth, Author of Methodical Illusion & Methodical Deception

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Deep State War Update and Alt News Gems 9/4/18

Above should show the Global Mind Dot from the Global Consciousness Project website, It may not show up on mobile devices, but you can access it from the above link. I like stuff like this and things like Schumann Resonance spectrograms (see, space weather websites like as well as other graphics that help stimulate and expand the mind. I think our world is much more magical and complex place than the priests of scientific materialism would have us believe.

As I write it is the mid-morning hours Pacific Time, and the dot is transitioning from green to yellow and back again, which I interpret as the population not having strong coherent focus right now: a typical variation of focus. From what I understand, there are some electronic random event generators placed around the world doing the equivalent of flipping a coin. Results should be random 50/50 or close, but every once in a while the machines all go very un-random, especially when there are events that capture world-wide attention or sentiment. When the dot is yellow, it reflects normal randomness. Green or orange reflect slightly less random activity or a some common focus. Blue and red should alert us that something big is going on somewhere in the world causing increase in the collective focus or sentiment.  Events like what happened with 9/11 or the O.J. Simpson verdict somehow produced highly unrandom activity in these random event generators. With this information alone we have enough data to school the scientific materialists--or at least shut them up for a minute. This little dot is a very handy Red Pill, in my humble opinion.

I am moving on now to the big news of late from the Qanon source(s) which I believe to be a faction of a larger group that David Wilcock and others call The Positive Alliance, the REAL ELITES fighting against a degenerate and wealthy crime syndicate that has been mismanaging the global economy, pop culture, geopolitics and other world affairs for at least 2 hundred years, possibly even controlling things throughout all of what we've known as "recorded history". People wonder why cleaning up the corruption (or "Draining the Swamp") is taking so long. This is a huge beast with billions if not trillions of dollars at its disposal. What they no longer have is the advantage of large-scale human ignorance. They never did have the moral high ground--or at least they haven't had it for a while. Moral high ground I believe is key to managing people. Rallying the hearts and minds of regular people in large populations takes more than just brute force and money anyway.

If you are wondering what is Qanon and need a primer, please check this out this 13 minute viral video: Storm Is Upon Us (YT): Q - The Plan To Save The World (Subtitles) . If this creator's YouTube site is taken down, his work will likely still be up at the Bitchute site: Storm Is Upon Us (Bitchute): Q The Plan To Save The World.

Several dozen, maybe a hundred Q-drops have happened over the past few days. I sense that we have a huge data dump to sort through. However, the time it takes to initially load and then scroll through the last week of posts from Qanon tells me the traffic on the website is very high. Navigating through this website has become impractical if not impossible. Sometimes it won't even load on my laptop. I understand that there are some other Qanon sites and apps for those like myself who can't make sense of the 8Chan site where the posts originate. I have yet to explore these newer sites, but now finally have motivation to do so.

Preliminary analysis from my favorite sources indicates that a number of Cabal satellites were taken out on or around the 30th of last month; President Trump may be getting ready to declassify material that will help make sense of FBI and US Department of Justice corruption; the hammer is about to come down on social media monopolies that have been censoring conservative and other anti-Establishment information/opinions; also US Attorney General Jeff Sessions may be about to give everyone a big surprise. Qanon's mention of the POTUS declaration of September being Emergency Preparedness Month is also noteworthy. I have to get on to more mundane domestic tasks here very soon, so I'm just going to dump the gems.



Bill Mitchell (YT): YourVoice™ Steel Truth (9/3) "DeepState Exposed!"


Destroying the Illusion (YT): [9.4] New Sealed Indictment Count / Prisons Being Prepped / Trust Sessions

Operation Freedom (YT): Trump Issues National Preparedness Advisory

prayingmedic (YT): Qanon August 30 - Witch Hunt: No Deals

TheHighersideChats (YT): Magnora 7 | Anthony Bourdain, Kate Spade, & The Suicide String Conspiracy

Sarah Westall (YT): One Unknown Family Rules the World; Two Dueling Branches; w/ Dr. Dave Janda Pt 2


Tuesday, August 21, 2018

#DeepState War Update Alt News Gems 💎 8/22/18

The more I observe current events involving the Trump Administration (including what appears to be in my humble opinion a benevolent psychological operation plus public awareness/information dissemination campaign by US military intelligence people—this “Q-Anon” phenomenon), the more I feel like I’m witnessing a highly unconventional truth and reconciliation operation and disclosure movement. Perhaps I’m reading too much into it, but I don’t think so. 

It’s hard to summarize in a few paragraphs what’s really happening because the corruption being brought to light is so huge, so complex and so alarming, it’s not only disturbing but very disorienting. I used to think I was awake and “Red-Pilled” a few years ago. It’s as if there’s a few thousand cans of worms all opening up at once. If we live through the next year or so we will probably need another 20 to make sense of the convoluted levels of corruption that appear to have been the norm during the Obama, Bush and Clinton Administrations. And many of us will need professional psychological help in order to stay functional.

Because I don’t know how long the above link will work, I have screen-captured the superb work within it...

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Deep State War Update Fourth of July Edition 💎 7/4/18

I was recently talking with a friend and stated that U.S. is like a dog with a bad case of worms. Back in the day when JFK was assassinated and the Warren Commission presented their "findings", it was like the worm coming out briefly from the dog's rear end. Much of the public probably caught sight of it but asked themselves, "Did I really see that?"; following up with a "No, I didn't see that." At that time the collective was not ready to acknowledge that a very powerful and sinister element (a parasite) had hijacked the U.S., assassinating a president who threatened their secret societies and their beloved Central Banking and other "elite" Ponzi Schemes, their plans to even further enslave and even depopulate much of humanity, their various organized crime networks, and their hoarding of amazing technology that could solve the problems of pollution, disease, famine and war. They want no such solutions because at the core of their value system is Luciferianism which embraces sadomasochism and other degeneracy. The NXIVM cult leader arrests are just the beginning. The masses will find out very soon about all the sick and evil cults that have infested the very highest socio-economic levels of our planet.

By 2016 the dog was emaciated even though we tended to him daily with good food and exercise. The election of Donald Trump to position of POTUS was the not only the beginning of The Great Awakening, but also The Great Deworming, and today we are watching the death throes of the slithery parasites. They are obviously fighting the Great Cleansing, but this is only leading to movements like #walkaway. While I think this is bigger than just Right vs. Left or Democrat vs. Republican, the public is beginning to question the narrative in a big way, and the above link refers to this awakening and questioning.

Metaphors are powerful. They, like memes, help convey powerful truths, especially when the fog of war leaves so many of us incapacitated. I recently stumbled upon Ben Garrison's website. What a great resource to help us lighten up and put things into perspective in a simple yet powerful way. Below are a few other Gems. Happy Independence Day!

Joe M (YT): Q The Plan To Save The World (Subtitles)

Friday, June 22, 2018

Deep State Wars Update 6/22/18

In most developed places if there is a natural disaster or traumatic situation like a hostage crisis or a plane crash, teams of healthcare providers are dispatched when the scene is secure to provide needed services. Those kinds of teams often include psychologists or psychiatric technicians that can aid in the psychological and emotional trauma that accompanies mass casualty incidents.

Here in the United States we have had one deliberately traumatic mass casualty incident after another for the past 54 or so years following the death of John F. Kennedy. Perhaps it predates even this if one considers that all the wars in the world for the last few hundred years appear to be manipulated by an "elite" ruling class of parasites. When historians are finally free to openly discuss the recently declassified materials concerning the death of JFK, records that President Trump released (without the derisive and career-toxic label of "Conspiracy Theorist" connected to challenging the Warren Commission's narrative), it will be clear that JFK's assassination was not the work of some isolated lone gunman. Thanks to so much dot-connecting work having already been done by brave researchers like the late Jim Marrs, it will quickly become apparent that a very powerful and organized crime syndicate working globally and prevalently within the US government was responsible for JFK's death. We will also likely come to find out that this shadowy group is responsible for countless other assassinations all over the world as well as many mass-casualty acts of terrorism like 9-11 and possibly even what we today believe to be natural disasters like the earthquake that devastated Haiti.

A movement that has probably taken decades to coordinate and gain traction currently appears to be in the end-game stages of finally bringing down this global crime syndicate that some people call "The Cabal", "Illuminati", "Deep State-Shadow Government" or "New World Order". I'm just some nurse, so the only way I even know about all this is through the work of researchers like David Wilcock and brave insiders, whistle-blowers and patriots who have come forward. All this info that has taken me years to read jives with the present Q-Anon phenomenon, which to date is not even a year old. If you have not yet heard of Q-Anon or not already up to speed, I have about an hour and a half worth of introductory material links below. Q-Anon is like icing on a cake that has taken a long time to bake.

I think it is, if nothing else, enormously intriguing, like reality-TV but even better, and I'll tell you why. Entertain the possibility that power still corrupts, and there is a massive global crime syndicate made up of morbidly wealthy families who can trace their lineage back to the Caesars. Is it possible? Is it also possible that all the perennial reports of ritual abuse and sacrifice of children that predates our current social order yet also allegedly pervades these morbidly powerful circles were also true? Is it possible that that there are many good people operating within power structures who have long suffered watching abuses of power, including sickening acts of evil and corruption like what is allegedly on Anthony Weiner's Laptop. And they've finally had enough? They too have gotten smart and have been organizing in secret? I think there is enough circumstantial evidence to warrant taking a closer look. I think of the steady trickle of Secret Service people coming forward against the Clintons; I think of WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden, Architects and Engineers questioning the Establishment's narrative on 9-11, Operation Paperclip, Operation Mockingbird, the Church Committee Hearings, JFK's "Secret Societies" speech, and the latest documents, most of which President Trump released last Fall on JFK's assassination. As a nurse, I look for a constellation of signs and symptoms at work to help point me in the right direction as it concerns disease and health. No different here. Massive collection of congruent data here that points to conspiracy reality.

If what I am alleging here were true, no doubt it would be a good time to get hip to what is happening and to consider what we may be about to witness. Q-Anon is a good place to start. One can get a window into this Deep State/Shadow Government take-down through watching the Q-Anon phenomenon. I personally contend that there's even more to it than just the informational/entertainment aspects. I suspect there is a therapeutic one as well. The public who are engaging in the MAGA/QAnon Movements appear to be receiving much-needed first responder psychological aid for historical traumas. People involved in this seem excited, engaged in purposeful, meaningful activity that is all about reviving the US Constitution, getting right with God, and even getting healthy. I've personally experienced this as well. It has dovetailed seamlessly into my awakening and healing process.

Some are calling the Q-Anon phenomenon a cult. Yet it involves no strange rituals, no abuse, no financial investment, no commitments. Just observation. Certainly there is some programming involved in the act of observation, yet the only "programming" is really a kind of deprogramming. Q-Anon has encouraged questioning, critical/logical thinking and personal connection with a higher spiritual authority. It would be like calling Alcoholics Anonymous or any other therapeutic 12-step program a cult.

I've heard people like Alex Jones call Q-Anon a "psy-op", which means it is a psychological operation. I contend this is true but that it is not the malevolent psy-op warfare tactics that many of us have come to expect from the Military Industrial Complex Beast. Instead it appears to be a beneficent or therapeutic and much-needed psy-op. Is that possible? I think it is. Over the last few months I have noticed that Q-Anon employs both right and left-brain tactics to widen perception and help break people out of the Establishment's toxic and divisive programming. I think it is critical to not make an idol out of this person or group that is Q-Anon. They are just people, and they/he/she frequently states that no one is really above another. There clearly has been no Messiah weirdness, no absolutes, just encouragement to question, think, speak up and resist tyranny. And to consider spiritual realities such Good vs. Evil, which many sacred traditions that include Christianity have employed for thousands of years. So far, no red flags in my humble opinion. Also no calls for armed revolution. So, I invite you to consider...

Imagine for a moment that you were born into a cult--or into a situation like in the movie, The Matrix or The Truman Show, but you began to get wise to the fact that something wasn't right once you were a young adult. You want to be free, but you really know no other way of life. So much of your perception is still influenced by the cult programming. It would be important to have someone assist your transition into life outside of the cult. There would be a learning curve and obstacles to overcome. So many of us are so war-torn and traumatized, it is difficult to trust any helping hand. The Alliance that is the unseen iceberg under President Trump and Q-Anon represents just such a trustworthy and major assist.

prayingmedic (YT): Q Anon for Beginners 

SGTreport: Q: THE STORM IS REAL - Resignations, Sealed Indictments & Pedo Arrests

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Deep State Wars Update & Alt News Gems 💎 Early Post for 5/22/18 With Updates

I may be very busy here soon with a friend possibly coming to visit, and I need to finish work on my garden over the coming weeks, so I will post this a week early.

When I began my blog a few years ago, it started as a public diary--something similar to The Diary of Anne Frank if the worst happened. My hopes and dreams which are increasingly manifesting, however, were that this blog would be a chronicle of my personal journey, a snapshot of our revolution, a humble view on a blossoming age of enlightenment and transition into a Golden Age for regular humanity. This Great Awakening would mean the long-awaited liberation fom a creepy, inbred group of mega-wealthy families who've been traumatizing this planet and its people for centuries (if not millennia) with one evil empire and dark cult after another, and one contrived world war, one bloody collectivist revolution after another.

For the last few decades these tyrannical shadow government oligarchs and their Deep State goons nearly had the ability to surveil everyone and control perception, micro-managing nearly every aspect of life on this planet--including all resources, currency, politics, religion, education, philosophy, pop culture, news, business, technology and invention, law, healthcare, the weather, world population, fertilitiy, even food using genetic modification.

The more time that passes and truth is revealed, the more obvious it becomes that these super-wealthy comic book villain-level antagonists apparently have their own vision of a long-foretold Golden Age, a solidification of their "Golden Rule" where whoever has the gold makes the rules. We have heard about their sick appetites and how they've been diligently working on making a number of perversions, including child rape, sacrifice and cannibalism perfectly legal for these sick monsters and their secret society minions to commit under a one world government and "New World Order". There exists copious open-source evidence that this is not "Conspiracy Theory". This Is Conspiracy Fact.

Meanwhile, relatively benign "Pursuit(s) of Happiness" for those who are not wired up for sadomasochistic activities, simple pleasures like owning a home, vacationing in some other state or some other country, camping in the woods somewhere, roasting marshmallows by a campfire, or creating a life of self-sufficiency through gardening, ranching, running a small business would be made illegal or nearly impossible with the deliberate elimination of the Middle Class incomes, utilizing treasonous market-rigging, deals like the one Crooked Hillary made with Uranium One, the Trans-Pacific Partnership or Agenda 21/2030.

These megalomaniac monsters and their D.C. Swamp Creature puppets realize that regular people are onto them. These sociopaths who like to vacation at places like Jeffrey Epstein's Pedo-Island surely can observe if not directly feel the work of the different movements pitted against them and their agendas--be it the Tea Party, "Truthers", the Full Disclosure and Patriot Communities, the Anonymous Movement, and have obviously launched operations against these groups, infiltrating them like they did with the Occupy Movement, using classic co-intel pro tactics, and utilizing all kinds of other tools of unconventional warfare. The most obvious one being campaigns of disinformation and distraction. I'm seeing a lot of Divide and Conquer tactics being employed against people who are already traumatized from getting death threats over speaking truth and just seeing enough evidence to come to the firm conclusion that we are dealing with a powerfully evil global crime syndicate that specializes in transnational child sex-trafficking. It includes powerful politicians, European royalty, MSM talking heads, Hollywood celebrities, corporate industry leaders, and federal judges. Then there's the police officers, teachers and Child Protective Services employees at the ground-level all making this real reign of terror very, very big and daunting. Normal people crack learning the truth of how big this is.

And the weirdness only gets weirder. There is very likely an off-planet component that includes several different secret space programs and hundreds if not thousands of non-human species of intelligent life carving deals with the super-wealthy global crime syndicate bosses. Getting "Red-Pilled" on this stuff and things like 9/11 Truth on top of all the other silent warfare we're under with endocrine-disrupting and neuro-toxic pollutants in our environment (including our food, water, vaccines and other "medicines"), the economic warfare (the over-taxation that should have US Founders turning over in their graves), and the information warfare that is the mainstream media (including the sitcoms that show regular men as low-IQ dumbasses and successful women as evil bitches). The decades of social-engineering campaigns to divide the family and attack heterosexuality through mainstream media TV and pop music in order to curb "overpopulation" is also noteworthy. There is also a spiritual warfare component that I've elaborated on, in fact I've elaborated on this whole quiet warfare model at length in several of my early posts, providing links to back this all up. Again, this is all very real. Many insiders have come forward and soon after died in suspicious circumstances, people like William Cooper and Ted Gunderson; now we have WikiLeaks to dump truckload after truckload of damning evidence indicating that the diabolical intrigue, high-level power struggles, sick appetites and evil conspiracies never ended with Nero or Caligula.

The point I'm trying to get to here is that most people who've been following this high strangeness and other creepiness for years, people like Alex Jones and others with larger followings are quite traumatized by just knowing [JUST KNOWING] what is going on behind the scenes. Jones' "style" of ranting and his contradictory bizarre trantrums of late, as well as his weight problem despite measures he's taking to right it tells me he's suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. I'm no doctor, so I cannot officially diagnose this, but I've personally dealt with PTSD, and I have worked with enough PTSD in patients over my 18 year long career in nursing to be confident in my assessment. Jones and successful people like him also have normal ego structures, which is a good thing and a bad thing at times. A normal human ego structure helps successful people keep their heads above the water despite the onslaught of attacks by the powerful elite parasitic ruling class and their insidious crime syndicate. So, when I see the Truther/Patriot/Disclosure community infighting, it's very sad, but it's also not surprising. It is more indicative of how fragile and war torn we are, and the real evil we're up against who are actively manipulating us in every way conceivable.

So, getting to the Bottom Line here: I personally believe in overlooking the relatively harmless shortcomings of these Truther/Alternative News/Patriot and Disclosure Movement leaders--like the over-puffed egos, the PTSD-driven tirades, the paranoid ideation regarding every supposed newcomer to the scene by some of the veterans, the fact that some won't cover certain subjects, the fact that some sell products or services to make a living; even most of the other examples of misplaced aggression I am witnessing lately. For all I know, these people like Jerome Corsi, Alex Jones, David Seaman, Robert David Steele, David Wilcock (lots of Davids--very curious and leading some to think of "David vs. Goliath" larger-than-life mythical forces at work here), even this QAnon individual or group may he targeted with directed energy weapons as well as the obvious paid troll and sock puppet/bot campaigns and frivolous lawsuit harassment as in the case of Roger Stone & Alex Jones, not to mention the death threats and assassination attempts these leaders endure. The sick creeps at the top even send mercenaries to kill pets and friends of those with large audiences who dare to speak out--to promote their sick political agendas. Truly, to call this phenomenon terrorism is an understatement. They are enemies of 99.99% of humanity. It should rally all of us, or at least call the naïve to look more deeply.

President Trump is obviously (to me and to many others who follow this movement to restore the Republic) pitted against the parasitic ruling class. It is clear that Trump has an alliance of patriots embedded within the military and intelligence communities who aren't into raping toddlers and drinking their tortured victims adrenalized blood. We have a growing number of sealed indictments, just a couple of these recently unsealed being the NXIVM Cult arrests of late. These are just the tip of the iceberg that is a massive sting in the works. It has taken many years to get to this point, and it will may even take a few more to successfully pull it off if we succumb to things divide and conquer tactics. I get it that many of us are tired, very traumatized, and very disempowered. As QAnon posts regularly, "Use Logic", "Expand Your Thinking", and "This is not a game". I will add that we must forgive each other for fairly benign shortcomings when compared to those of the parasitic ruling class. I leave you with The Gems.

FADE TO BLACK RADIO (YT): Ep. 855 FADE to BLACK w/ David Wilcock : LIVE

Sarah Westall (YT): Trump's Strategy: Koreas, Dollar Reset, Middle East - with Robert David Steele

Steve Judd (YT): Timetable of the coming Astro - faecal storm

The Alex Jones Channel (YT): Travel Industry Slowly Accepts Child Sex Trafficking Epidemic

Destroying the Illusion (YT): [5.13] - Q: Stay The Course

Destroying the Illusion (YT): [5.15] - Q: Honeypot Billboard/Flag-Firetruck Confirmation/ALL FOR A LARP?

Lori Colley (YT): U.S. Embassy Opens, Hamas Retaliates... Plus New Q


X22Report (YT): Q Warned Us, Bad News About To Break - Episode 1571b

Mark Dice (YT): They're Lovely