Monday, January 14, 2019

Deep State Wars Update with Gems 💎 01/14/19

Time for a naturopathy update as well. I had my daughter recheck my blood pressure recently, and it was 120/70. (Oh yeah, and I'm still alive after my recent dental scare.) This is the follow-up to my last 3 months of daily serrapeptase and nattokinase to address particular causes of hypertension (in addition to other herbal remedies that include reishi, rhodiola, cordyceps, ashwaghanda, astralagus, CBD oil, plant-sourced vitamin supplementation and fulvic/humic acid with minerals to help with my "Americanitis"--as one TCM doc nailed it). I also practice intermittent fasting on most days of the week and consume a mostly organic and plant-based diet. I try to get out at least once a week for some good exercise at the gym, a hike, ice skating, something lovely and healthy for cardiovascular activity and stretching. At least once a month I go to a Yoga class. It could be better, but being a single mom, living in these times of ruthless and "quiet" unconventional warfare upon humanity with divide & conquer tactics, economic, biochemical, psychological, even weather warfare utilized in some parts of the world, it has been difficult to cover all my bases and still keep a roof over my head with basic domestic tasks done, also working full time, often overtime as a Registered Nurse in the traditional, barely functional, western sick-care milieu. Please note that none of the statements above have been evaluated by the Food and Drug Admininistration or the American Medical Admininistration. While I personally believe that I am positively impacting my own health conditions with diet and lifestyle measures, I am not qualified to evaluate anyone else. Please seek the advice of a qualified holistic doctor before any more of them are mysteriously killed in bizarre accidents or are found dead with authorities making the determination of suicide before the body is even cold and despite all the laws of physics and/or common sense. Unfortunately real health care providers have been clear casualties in these Deep State Wars (in my humble opinion). For more on that very disturbing rabbit hole, visit Erin Elizabeth's site

Most of my colleagues and supervisors smoke tobacco products and drink alcohol to cope with the general stress and cognitive dissonance of working in an environment that in countless many ways is highly untherapeutic. Once a person takes the "Red Pill" and can begin to see the grand design, this only adds to the horror, inevitably leading any rightly wired-up human to hypertension, and a need for multiple coping strategies. I choose functional coping strategies after seeing how the dysfunctional ones just make matters worse. It's helping to keep me strong, healthy, and focused during these difficult times. A person also has to also have and cultivate a foundation of faith and positive spiritual discipline to survive these unusual times. I choose New Age Christianity, but I think the Universe has provided many good avatars, resources & traditions for people around the world. The morbidly wealthy, "elite", Luciferian, parasitic ruling class families, their minions, and their system itself pits one faith against the other--by design, just as they're busy pitting Republican against Democrat, etc., etc. While it's true that the NWO Cabal seems to have a stronger foothold in the US Democratic Party and Muslim Extremists, it would be wrong to vilify all Democrats and Muslims.

I will conclude this brief post with links below that I believe help sum up the recent developments in the quiet yet very heated war now taking place between a positive global alliance and the Luciferian Dynasty families and their puppets. As with any other complex and untransparent phenomenon, there are differences in opinion and misinformation involved. I try to source my information from experts and other ethical researchers. At the bottom is a link to The Epoch Times, which I began reading after I found out that President Trump reads the paper. The link does provide unpaid access for some of its material, but I encourage readers interested in understanding FISAgate and other Deep State convoluted crimes to get a trial subscription. I recently started my one-month trial subscription for a dollar. What a deal! I was so impressed I got subscriptions for others in my family. I also recently learned via that the paper was founded in 2000 by John Tang and a group of Chinese-American Falun Gong practitioners. I am liking it more and more by the day as I read the articles and learn about its foundations.


FADE TO BLACK Radio (YT): Ep. 975 FADE to BLACK w/ David Wilcock : LIVE

prayingmedic (YT): Qanon January 11 2019 - Boom Friday

JustInformed Talk (YT): Grand Jury Testimony Underway In Several States?

Greg Hunter (YT): Catherine Austin Fitts – Federal Government Running Secret Open Bailout

(A juicy snippet from today's post at

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