Monday, October 22, 2018

Deep State & Disclosure Wars Updates PLUS Alt Health Gems 💎 10/22/18

Red October Surprise Revelations: #WalkAway Winning Despite Communist Chinese Collusion in U.S. Election Interference & Other Deep State Stunts 💎 FISA DECLAS Coming Soon 💎 Pizzagate Not Forgotten 💎 Khashogi Psyop 💎 Secret Space Programs Going Mainstream?! 💎 Economic Reset Imminent, but first...

How many of us have a family member afflicted with cardiovascular disease or disabled by stroke or heart attack?  I see cardiovascular disasters every day that I work. It breaks MY heart! During my last personal physical and even leading up to it as I was teaching my child how to check blood pressure, I started to see that my blood pressure was consistently too high, 150/90 being the common record. As someone who routinely sees the problem of conventional medical model solutions to these kinds of health issues, primarily one Big Pharma solution after another with their long lists of adverse side effects to include death, erectile dysfunction, and suicidal ideation, I decided to pray, scout, research, and follow what information emerges. What eventually crossed my path was nattokinase.

Nattokinase is an enzyme found in a traditional Japanese dish that they have been consuming for centuries, and is probably (along with a diet high in vegetables) responsible for their long lives and low rates of heart disease. I'm including a number of links below to help further explain nattokinase in a way that health professionals can appreciate and regular people can understand.

THIS IS NOT MEDICAL ADVICE. It is always best to talk to your doctor about these things. I am no doctor, just a registered nurse and public health nurse with holistic leanings and a growing disgust with what appears to be a highly fascist medical model utilized by a parasitic corporate leadership that finds it better to keep people sick in order to extract the most profit and leveraged power over the masses. The naturopathic and holistic wellness/prevention models work very well, superior in ways to modern western (allopathic) medicine in my humble opinion, just as symbiotic business models also provide rewards. It's the difference between millionaire and billionaire levels, however. Most of us would be perfectly happy to be symbiotic millionaires or at least enjoy prosperity with most of our needs and many of our wants easily met by such a system. Versus the system we've had for the last 70-100 years in the U.S. that rewards "elite" criminals who amass enough wealth to buy off, extort or assassinate in order to grow in power. That's not a club I want to have anything to do with.  Many other health care professionals, including doctors are coming to the same conclusion about corruption in our healthcare system. I will include at least one link to a Dr. Dave Janda interview below that goes into this. He has the medical and political experience to explain this much better than I can.

I will be mentioning nattokinase to my doctor the next time I see him, but after some preliminary checking into it I just began treatment a couple days ago. Again, this is not medical advice. This is just what I am doing. It may take a couple of months to see the benefits, according to the research, but I will be reporting on this in January. One of the links above references the specific study I thought was compelling. And no, this research doesn't include hundreds of thousands of subjects, long term studies over generations, and triple-blind controlled with billions of dollars to fund the research, as some Big Pharma studies can boast. However, it is compelling along with the mounting anectodal information, enough for me to give it a try.

In Deep State War news, the Big Tech giants continue to censor independent media as Qanon warned with many of my favorite sources affected. Speaking of Q, as of this writing on October 20, there have been no new Qanon posts since October 9, but the last message was a long and straightforward one that needs digesting. The following screenshots come from

I will just wrap up this post with the rest of the gems, since they deliver the news and analysis better than I can do at this time. Like many others, my time is crunched with making sense of local election information.

Dustin Nemos2 (YT): Dustin Nemos and Dr. Dave Janda discuss Healthcare, Q, And WHY We Have Yet To See Promised Arrests.

Greg Hunter (YT): Dave Janda - Deep State Lashing Out Because It Is Losing

Lori Colley (YT): Q: Trust the Plan for the Fight of our Lives

Tracy Beanz (YT): News Roundup: Lost Activists, Early Ballots, McCaskill, and FinCEN

prayingmedic (YT): Where is Q: Live Question and Answer

Dauntless Dialogue (YT): Declassifying the Secret Space Program | 2018 Short Film

Destroying the Illusion (YT): ABOVE MAJESTIC: The Implications of a Secret Space Program OFFICIAL TRAILER

Quite Frankly (YT): Frank & Jordan Sather DESTROY All Illusions

Collective Evolution (YT): Notable Scientist Publishes A Book About "Real Magic"

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