Tuesday, September 11, 2018

#DeepState War Update & Gems ๐Ÿ’Ž Special September 11th Edition

I'll add one more line to that, WE WILL NEVER SHUT UP! At least not until the real perps are doing hard time. Then some of us will forgive. It's healthy to forgive, good for mental and cardiovascular health as well as spiritual health. HOWEVER, first we must see some TRUTH coming from the mouths of our leaders, and then we must see some JUSTICE.
Now, I understand it's difficult if not impossible to have worldly justice as long as we have a tightly woven crime syndicate net that includes judges, police officers, CPS workers, FBI & CIA agents, and many, many others. This crime syndicate is vast, which means that, indeed, it is a huge conspiracy. The rising number of federal sealed indictments and the unprecedented number of child predator arrests are just two of several enigmatic signs that confirm the suspicions of hundreds of thousands if not millions of very fed up conspiracy theorists worldwide, but also some reassurance for us that something very big is about to happen.
 #GTMO4XMAS is what I've been posting lately on social media referring to my prayers for all the different convoluted crimes with Deep State fingerprints all over them--some, like 9/11 or JFK's assassination, just massively criminal and treasonous. Others incredibly, are even bigger crimes against humanity that have been happening day after day for decades, affecting hundreds of thousands, even millions (if not billions) of lives--like the medical mafia malpractice, the covert geo-engineering programs that dump tons of toxins on the public and the rest of life on our planet, and of course, the horrific Satanic ritual abuse. The latter is not as obviously large, but what we do not see are the real numbers of missing children every year worldwide, especially the ones from impoverished areas of the world like Haiti after massive disasters, which I suspect will cauterize the Clinton tentacle of this massively evil hydra. As if Bill's seriel raping or Hillary's defense of this sick criminal behavior alone isn't enough. The Clinton body count speaks for itself, saying much with regard to why we see no justice yet: Too many Deep State "elites" into criminal, sadistic sexual behavior, they protect each other or they fear becoming yet another suicided statistic.
All these things are finally getting the massive exposure and validation they deserve via social media networks, regular people doing research and posting on platforms like Reddit; whistle-blowers, insiders and others involved in The Alliance that has been working diligently to undermine and defang this huge Deep State Beast. Lately we also have the uncovering of the apparent weaponization of federal agencies in the United States for political purposes and "charitable" organization fraud also becoming more and more undeniable by the day. Meanwhile, the bad actors keep screaming "RUSSIAN COLLUSION!" and "IMPEACH!" All this has the fingerprints of this Deep State all over it. Curiously, this large network of bad actors can no longer accurately be called "Deep" State anymore because their cover is now totally blown. 
Just yesterday I saw that David Wilcock had finally posted material related to all the latest things going down: https://divinecosmos.com/davids-blog/22005-stunning-new-briefings-spy-satellites-down-deep-state-arrests-finally-imminent/. I was able to start into the article yesterday as I was waiting in the DMV, even missing my number when it was called. It was that interesting. The particular article on the website is not coming up on my laptop right now, but it is still working on my iPhone. It could be related to the traffick the site has been getting lately or updates needed on my computer. David spends some money on his website's security, but occasionally it gets hacked or attacked. I'm hoping that isn't the case today. Also of interest, Ben Fulford's offering for this week:
In other news that's related...
Very sad day for me and many others in a multitude of ways. Like with the apparent "Luciferian" infiltration that the GaiaTV Employee Movement (GEM) brought to public attention and compelling enough to have me cancel my subscription (and reportedly also David Wilcock's ending his involvement with the company), Qanon is highlighting something that many of us have been hearing for years about Alex Jones, that he's truly a Mossad agent, his own special brand of Manchurian Candidate perhaps. He is seemingly out there doing what he is doing to capitalize on the truth movement and to make regular people all over the world who question corrupt authorities and the Deep State Beast Establishment look crazy for doing so.
When Jones "debunked" Pizzagate nearly 2 years ago, kissing the butt of James Alefantes after his social media obviously connected him to the sick pedo-sadist Washington "elite" network, I began to have grave concerns. I kept an open mind, however, considering that perhaps Jones was under too much pressure with his previous marriage destroyed and his current family unit being literally threatened. Yet too many dots are now coming together, making me suspect that Jones truly is LIMITED HANGOUT and a witting (or perhaps more likely unwitting) agent set up to discredit the Truth Movement. He's an excellent example of how convoluted this Deep State War truly is, thanks to the power of fear, dark secrets, unchecked ego, and especially the toxic power of wealth and influence. It keeps me mindful of the need to remain sober, humble, even struggling financially more than I'd like to be, maintaining personal connection to Source at all times and oriented towards service to others. If that means owning up to recent mistakes, even outing the secrets of my past and enduring some temporary discomfort, well then that's a price I can bear, considering the reward is liberation from a hellish system based in pyramid schemes, slavery and deception. Other rewards include health and true progress for society as this personal cleansing process helps to support the emergence and growth of a much healthier paradigm for personal living, symbiotic business models and fair governance.
A relentless alarm clock is reminding me now that it is time to wrap up this post and get back to normal life with being a Mom, taking care of personal hygiene, and making a blackberry cobbler. Below are a few gems:
https://qmap.pub/ (a user-friendly site for following Qanon)

secureteam10 (YT): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8bM2iBm4nI

JustInformed Talk (YT): Q Anon | "WE WILL NEVER FORGET!"

futuremoneytrends.com (YT): 9/11 Conspiracy Fully Uncovered, Rebekah Roth, Author of Methodical Illusion & Methodical Deception

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