Sunday, September 22, 2024

WW-WTF Update & Personal Log πŸ”₯ 🍳πŸ”₯

I took some time off because of returning inflammatory symptoms, fatigue that borders on exhaustion, and muscle aches that cannot really be explained. I wonder if there's something in the air or if this is just true weakness in my system that needs to be remedied with actual rest. I've been doing my best to keep up at work with unrealistic expectations that not even Olympic athletes could meet, keep a functional and reasonably clean home, be helpful to my family, and of course, watching/practicing discernment in what's going on in the world, a literal war between pedocrats and their congressional & agency sock puppets and patriots in these places. It's all catching up again. My nasal passages filled with mucous as I was trying to sleep the other night, draining and waking me up with coughing fits. That was after a lovely meal but followed by returning bladder spasms. I finally got some sleep after my 4 AM notification to my cohorts that I wouldn't be there. The over-productive mucous membranes also finally went to sleep, but waking up with fatigue and generalized muscle pain left me knowing that I'm fighting something. My tendency is to think the biolab people have "accidentally" released something else in the name of saving democracy. I thank God almost every day that me and my closest family members didn't take that VAIDS-inducing sacramental vaxxine, because we’d all be in the hospital right now or dead.

An aunt who was supposed to help a close family member get to her doctor's appointment fell ill, probably because she got the jabs. So, I was obligated to help over my weekend. That was preceded by my partner requiring a trip the ER that lasted 7 hours in the middle of the night before. He's reverting to binging on caffeine and sweets again with predictable consequences. The world has gone crazy, requiring everyone who can work to work overtime. Even after trimming down a workday, I’m still working 45 hours a week. My young colleagues are working regular 12-16 hour shifts, often 60-72 hours per week. My fiancΓ© is also working mandatory overtime. Residents and staff who got the mRNA vaxxine and boosters are all falling ill with COVID. I can't say that all the unvaccinated are immune, but they recover quicker. Hopefully I’ll do the same. Overworked and mostly vaxxed colleagues are also making serious mistakes. I'm on a group text, so I witness my workplace crumbling in real-time, even on my “days off”. The corporate entity that owns and manages our facility is likely handled by globalists (pedocrat sock puppets). I’ve come to this conclusion after watching the rollout of vaxxines and DEI. Even the most honest & honorable of management in healthcare would not be able to effectively manage business right now. The entire ground of our reality is starting to shift as predicted by ethical financial experts. Simultaneously we have this convergence of civil unrest due to inflation, open borders, rising crime, and the rest of the failing “woke” agenda. It’s disturbing and depressing.

This morning after breakfast I laid down in bed because my limbs were cold, and I was tired. Usually I just listen to a podcast and fall asleep. This time my mind was racing from the topics brought up in the podcast, but I also couldn't focus solely on the content. My psyche kept retreating inward to sensations in my cold feet and hands, then to something deeper. It felt as if I were a tree that had lost all its leaves, now left with a trunk and branches with smaller limbs snapping off in the cold wind. Inner visceral memories of my childhood life in a small mill town returned with strange vividness. I was back there again during a Fall day, walking towards the north end of the city limits and experiencing the smells and comforting emotions of home before life there became difficult. Redwood lumber has a particular scent, and the scents of childhood have almost a psychotropic effect. It struck me that my core inner child was trying to tell my adult self something special but could only convey it in images, a peaceful at-home feeling, reassuring visceral memories, and the embrace of a small town's energy. It's still with me as I type this out. Finally, some energy had returned enough to go start on a blog post that will be due in 2 days. And by "due", I've made a requirement to myself and to my country to lay down subjective truth about what's going on in one Public Health Nurse's mind and life, and I suppose just as a person who hopes this Constitutional Republic survives and one day thrives following the death of the horrid counterfeit corporate US Government entity, currently struggling like a thirsty vampire writhing in the sunlight. 

The whirlwind shitstorm of recent news is only winding at a higher pitch with each passing week. We recently had the televised debate, a 2nd assassination attempt of Donald Trump and the capture of the latest would-be assassin; P-Diddy's arrest; increasing tensions with Russia over the dying corporate beast's attempt to start nuclear WWIII using Ukraine as a proxy; election integrity efforts in some States that each side will attempt to use or game in their favor; illegal immigrants barbequing pets and park geese in Ohio, and more. It's flooding the zone, and may "wake up" some but definitely lead others to further tuning out anything political until it ends up hitting their back yard or wallet. I'm personally channeling my energy into what I can do at home besides just voting. I have little confidence in California's election integrity, but for a short time while currency still has some value, donations will go to local patriots, nationwide media with integrity and places like the local fire department. I've made efforts to have a well-stocked emergency kit and other things to help my family and maybe even neighbors weather out any currency crisis, local unlawful invasion, lockdown or other events that require sheltering in place. Today and possibly the next day or so I will further restore my health, my most important asset. To that end, I will make this post short and tack on a few interesting videos. Now that memes are "illegal" in Gavin Newsom's Corporate California, I may have to be more careful with those lol. 

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