Saturday, February 2, 2019

Alt News Gems Deep State Wars Update πŸ’Ž 2/1/19 *UPDATED*

Some people are saying, "Nothing is Happening" with regards to Swamp Draining. Right (Not). Nothing except for the take-down of a 100+ year-old worldwide "elite" crime syndicate and S&M sex cult that worships and practices pure evil.

Nothing except for the Great Awakening, truly a second Renaissance where average people around the world are waking up to this and taking to the streets with yellow vests to fight their own Deep State Establishment corruption. Or like me, sitting behind a computer, learning and processing truths like the Deep State, hidden history, how geo-politics really works, how Babylonian debt slavery works, how war is a racket and how modern healthcare may be the third leading cause of death and disease, and actually deliberately so in order to cull the growing number of educated and angry patriots worldwide.

Here in the U.S., how many like myself are learning the ugly truth concerning Planned Parenthood, which I'm finding out was originally founded by completely racist eugenicists many years ago. I squirmed to learn about a year ago how it was caught selling aborted baby body parts to the highest bidders. Now we are left to consider how it is receiving hefty taxpayer funding, and to make matters more disturbing, how it has become apparent that some of that taxpayer money flows into Democratic Party coffers. And then to see the Democratic leadership support horrific evils of late term abortion, pushing the envelope further and further to the point of viable infanticide, like what was recently legalized in the State of New York and attempted in Viginia. It is thoroughly sickening.

As a woman has who utilized Planned Parenthood for gynecological healthcare services as recently as last year, and on the one hand very thankful for those low-cost services, I am very divided. Years ago I even underwent an early-term abortion. While I regret my decision, I like so many see the obvious necessity of birth control services and even in extreme cases, early abortion options. Yet late term abortion as birth control or even potentially as new form of criminal enterprise in the selling of human body parts is to me just so horrific, I am reconsidering any support at all for abortion whatsoever. Perhaps also, Planned Parenthood is just so thoroughly corrupt that it will need to be dismantled and replaced with much more ethical and transparent infrastructure to provide affordable birth control and other reproductive services. The reprehensible selling of aborted fetus/infant body parts needs to end. Normally wired-up people are not okay with this, and these sobering truths should lead a person to carefully choosing how they engage in sexual activity.

To me, it boils down to spiritual realities that underpin the material world: If we had a Service-to-Others (instead of Service-to-Self) focused culture and governance, we would have models and systems that support sound physical, mental, financial, and societal health. However, with each emerging scandal worldwide regarding "elites'" sick perversions for pedosadism, it becomes clear that a secret society "Luciferian Pedophile" death cult has been running the planet, and they are radically Service-to-Self oriented. They are so extreme in this they will sacrifice the lives of children to enrich themselves. Most people are not this extreme in their Service-to-Self orientation. For survival we have to in some respects be Service-to-Self oriented. Yet as a perfect Service-to-Others example in the case of survival, I think of those male penguins in the movie, March of the Penguins. It shows the male penguins protecting the egg with everything in their being. They are hardwired for Service-to-Others orientation, and this preserves the penguin species. Humans have the gift and responsibility of freewill more than penguins do, obviously. Each individual human is presently challenged to closely examine his or her own life to determine where changes can be made that holistically and beneficially impact society in a way that will help us defeat this pure evil we face.

And returning to the subject of the Democratic Party leadership who are presently obstructing the securing of a Southern US border wall, which would impact illegal human, drug, arms, sex, and even organ trafficking... while the Republican Party is not immune from levels of corruption so sinister and purely evil, the Democratic Party does seem to have their dirty little fingers in everything from sick cults like the busted NXIVM sex traffickers to voter and election fraud from coast to coast, to ties to Communist China, to extortion and bribery schemes, to obstruction of justice as it concerns lying to Congress and/or FBI when it comes to HRC's illegal e-mail servers (the apparent selling of US secrets to China) and how Obama's government illegally spied on Trump as well as millions of US citizens, outrageously criminally unconstitutional. Comey, Brennan and Clapper all lied to Congress and/or the FBI, and actually, more importantly, to We, the People. Where are the SWAT teams that should be raiding their homes, pulling them and barefoot spouse out of bed out into the cold wee morning hours?

When the lid on all of this brazen corruption is finally fully blown open, I expect to find that Democrat Party leadership utilize the services of MS-13 gang members like they are their private mercenary army, and this was how Seth Rich was murdered for leaking their dirty big secrets to Wikileaks.

It is no surprise to me that a large swath of the US, specifically the Bible Belt/Heartland areas are experiencing a freeze so cold and freaky that it will make the "mysterious" California fires look like no big deal when all is said and done. Potentially millions more are waking up to the realities of covert geo-engineering projects gone wild, out of control, or perhaps, very much in control by a sick group of rogue Deep Statists, their mad scientist minions, and their bankster criminal cabal bosses. I also expect Punxutawney Phil to be found frozen solid in a few minutes, ironically symbolic of the punctuated crescendo of epiphany regarding "Conspiracy". The average person, when hunkered down at home, trying to stay warm or even just alive amidst this growing blatant unconventional warfare will be unable to not consider the mountains of evidence that are amassing.

I often wish I were wrong, but again and again the evidence emerging points to conspiracy reality. Recently I was in a discussion with a cohort who warned me against "dangerous conspiracy theories". I had little time to go into details--nor did I have any notes or enough blood perfusing my higher reasoning centers to make a compelling argument after a long shift in the busy nursing home where we work, but I simply referred her to how JFK believed in conspiracies, urging her to find his famous discussion of "a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy". She said that she had never heard of it, or perhaps it hadn't yet sunk in. She proceeded to point at how Trump was in collusion with Russia. She even mentioned the terrible history of the Soviet Union and then in the same breath how communism may not be such a bad thing, and then how I'm probably hopelessly hoodwinked into supporting Trump. It took everything to keep myself together for her. I'm trusting that more evidence will just continue to avalanche into the public consciousness, and so looking forward to the day when she and thousands more walk away from the party of Deep State corruption.

Yes, We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy. JFK saw it and many, many, many others saw it. JFK and others (like key witnesses in the JFK assassination) unfortunately ended up mysteriously dead as we are warned against "conspiracy theories". There comes a time when the patterns are so clear. Consider how decades ago, elements of the same rogue criminal operations within the Establishment told my parents and grandparents there was no such thing as "The Mafia"--that it was just a figment of the public's active imagination. Same lie getting retold by the same "elite" criminals. I know in my bones that the suspicious deaths like the Clinton Body Count will slow to a stop when their mercenary army dries up, and when their criminal enterprise of drugs, guns, illegal organs and child sex trafficking dries up. A serious border wall will do exactly this, and this is what POTUS Trump and the Patriot Alliance is fighting to secure. And this may be already happening, yes HAPPENING while the Deep State bad actors are throwing a fit.

Below I'm posting the gems. Then I'm going to find a song to play on my ukulele. Time to do something lighter.

The White House (YT): President Trump's Message on Securing our Border

Edge of Wonder (YT): After his Qmap went viral he's Mapping the Ultimate Cult - Dylan Louis Monroe Exclusive Interview

Quite Frankly (YT): "The Rats Are In The Walls" 2/1/19

prayingmedic (YT): Qanon February 1, 2019 - Planned Parenthood Panics

SpaceShot76 (YT): Friday night LiveStream 11pm est/ 8pst

Pam Jones For Liberty (YT): THE BLACK EYE OF HORUS

HighImpactFlix (YT): Record-Breaking Lows & Highs - WEATHER WARFARE They Warned Us About?

dnajlion7 (YT): POTUS Taking 9th Circuit, Military Bio-Weapons Update, Superbowl Sting

PeopleCleaner (YT): QAnon: Latest News and Thoughts

RedPill78 (YT): Justice is Coming - The Wall is Coming, Ohr Testimony out, McCabe has 10 Days?

February 3, 2019 Edit

From Spaceshot76 (YT): Spaceshot Live w/ Rdocr, Hulkanator, Redpill78 Katie G TNFM- Guess WHQs Back? (18:58):

"Essentially a theory from someone on Twitter... that the whole thing with MS-13, the human trafficking, Democrats, Sanctuary Cities, that it's all connected... that the MS-13 traffic women and children into the country. Many of them get pregnant along the way. They create anchor babies. They receive support, and then they get to set up shop in sanctuary cities where they can then funnel money (and baby parts=$$) into Planned Parenthood through birth control, abortions, sonograms, that kind of thing, and then basically the Deep State, the Dems reap the rewards of this disgusting business cycle."

And I'll add, that these trafficked-in illegal immigrants are encouraged to participate in voting for Democrats, a majority of them minions for the Deep State and in MS-13 gang activities. An effective border wall disrupts this disgusting business cycle in many key areas.

RedPill78 (YT): Strzok Hid Intelligence on China

 *** Deep Dive Section ***

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