Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving - Deep State Wars Update with Gems 💎 11/22/18

55 years ago today U.S. President John F. Kennedy died because he wouldn't play ball with the shadow government, a global ruling "elite" Luciferian crime syndicate and its partners. Some call this or parts of this the "Deep State". Other names include "The Cabal" or New World Order.

Today we celebrate Thanksgiving for other reasons, yet they are loosely connected to JFK's work and his assassination. The renown "Thanksgiving" pilgrims who left Europe to settle on the continent that later became a democratic republic, the United States of America, did so because they were fleeing the same tyrannical families and system that JFK would later struggle with--the same sinister network we find ourselves collectively in an epic showdown with today. For a primer on that showdown, check out Even after reading this post, it might still be dismissed by those who have not yet taken the "Red Pill". However, with each passing year, perhaps now with each passing month, it will be more and more difficult for the normies to keep their head in the sand. Perhaps it will take the impending economic collapse to wake the deep-sleepers.

Bottom Line:  The tyranny that the pilgrims fled only festered and infected the United States. HRC is clearly part of it as are many "Republicans". We are now seeing the fruits of letting a trillion-dollar global crime syndicate infiltrate our republic which includes massive voter "irregularities" (and other fraud) in several states with the most blatantly incompetent examples of it nestled in Broward County, Florida. These fruits even appear to include the the highly suspect fires that, as of this writing, continue to destroy property and lives in California. The latest California fires have even sent radioactive material into the atmosphere due to a radioactive Superfund cleanup site being involved. (See This combination of the blatant in-our-faces election/voter fraud, along with the latest round of mystery fires in California AND the current suit against acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker, appears to be the Evil Empire striking back.

President Trump and a U.S. military alliance working with many other countries equally as horrified and fed up with the Luciferian trillionaire dynasty families are truly working overtime and mostly behind the scenes to excise the cancer. While this Deep State war is getting hotter and hotter, it is still getting& no honest coverage in the mainstream media, and only a select few within the alternative media dare to cover it if they even know how to cover it. Of them, even fewer dare to honestly report on the Q-Anon movement which is likely the public representative for the U.S. faction of the Global Alliance against the Cabal.

It is heartbreaking to me that most people are not aware of true extent of the Swamp Draining so far since Presideent Trump was sworn into office. This includes hundreds, maybe even thousands at this point of corporate and government resignations, the unprecedented number of arrests and conviction of child sex traffickers, and tens of thousands of federal sealed indictments getting us ready for the Justice Phase of The Plan. To see the latest Q posts or get the latest on the resignations or sealed indictments, a great site/app is And if you know nothing of The Plan, please start with the very bottom link, a foundation for all my other links. Thanks to an information dissemination campaign called Q-Anon and the community of "Anon" decoders and analysts, some like myself are getting a major heads-up on the news. For this and many other reasons, of course, I Am Thankful!

Sarah Westall (YT): Unsealing and Declassification, California DEW Arson w/ Wayne Jett (1of2)

Dustin Nemos 2 (YT): Dave Janda & Dustin Nemos on Vote Fraud, Cali Fires/Radiation, and Thanksgiving's Capitalism

X22 Report Spotlight (YT): It's Coming,Economic Transition,Unsealed Indictments, Arrests,Martial Law & The Truth:Bix Weir

Greg Hunter (YT): Rob Kirby - Massive Amounts of Dollars Must Be Fed into System or It Blows Up

Destroying the Illusion (YT): [11.20] New Q: Huber Talks Dec 5th! / Facebook Problems / Worldwide Protests / Vaccine Propaganda

SGTreport (YT): The Deep State VS. Trump & America -- Robert David Steele

Edge of Wonder (YT): The Cabal’s Silent War on the American People Part 1 [Tentacles of the Deep State]

Edge of Wonder (YT): How the CABAL Infiltrated Every Aspect of Your Life | War on the American People Part 2

SGTreport (YT): The DEEP DEEP Hidden History -- Donald Jeffries

Storm Is Upon Us (YT): Q - Killing The Mockingbird

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