Friday, June 22, 2018

Deep State Wars Update 6/22/18

In most developed places if there is a natural disaster or traumatic situation like a hostage crisis or a plane crash, teams of healthcare providers are dispatched when the scene is secure to provide needed services. Those kinds of teams often include psychologists or psychiatric technicians that can aid in the psychological and emotional trauma that accompanies mass casualty incidents.

Here in the United States we have had one deliberately traumatic mass casualty incident after another for the past 54 or so years following the death of John F. Kennedy. Perhaps it predates even this if one considers that all the wars in the world for the last few hundred years appear to be manipulated by an "elite" ruling class of parasites. When historians are finally free to openly discuss the recently declassified materials concerning the death of JFK, records that President Trump released (without the derisive and career-toxic label of "Conspiracy Theorist" connected to challenging the Warren Commission's narrative), it will be clear that JFK's assassination was not the work of some isolated lone gunman. Thanks to so much dot-connecting work having already been done by brave researchers like the late Jim Marrs, it will quickly become apparent that a very powerful and organized crime syndicate working globally and prevalently within the US government was responsible for JFK's death. We will also likely come to find out that this shadowy group is responsible for countless other assassinations all over the world as well as many mass-casualty acts of terrorism like 9-11 and possibly even what we today believe to be natural disasters like the earthquake that devastated Haiti.

A movement that has probably taken decades to coordinate and gain traction currently appears to be in the end-game stages of finally bringing down this global crime syndicate that some people call "The Cabal", "Illuminati", "Deep State-Shadow Government" or "New World Order". I'm just some nurse, so the only way I even know about all this is through the work of researchers like David Wilcock and brave insiders, whistle-blowers and patriots who have come forward. All this info that has taken me years to read jives with the present Q-Anon phenomenon, which to date is not even a year old. If you have not yet heard of Q-Anon or not already up to speed, I have about an hour and a half worth of introductory material links below. Q-Anon is like icing on a cake that has taken a long time to bake.

I think it is, if nothing else, enormously intriguing, like reality-TV but even better, and I'll tell you why. Entertain the possibility that power still corrupts, and there is a massive global crime syndicate made up of morbidly wealthy families who can trace their lineage back to the Caesars. Is it possible? Is it also possible that all the perennial reports of ritual abuse and sacrifice of children that predates our current social order yet also allegedly pervades these morbidly powerful circles were also true? Is it possible that that there are many good people operating within power structures who have long suffered watching abuses of power, including sickening acts of evil and corruption like what is allegedly on Anthony Weiner's Laptop. And they've finally had enough? They too have gotten smart and have been organizing in secret? I think there is enough circumstantial evidence to warrant taking a closer look. I think of the steady trickle of Secret Service people coming forward against the Clintons; I think of WikiLeaks, Edward Snowden, Architects and Engineers questioning the Establishment's narrative on 9-11, Operation Paperclip, Operation Mockingbird, the Church Committee Hearings, JFK's "Secret Societies" speech, and the latest documents, most of which President Trump released last Fall on JFK's assassination. As a nurse, I look for a constellation of signs and symptoms at work to help point me in the right direction as it concerns disease and health. No different here. Massive collection of congruent data here that points to conspiracy reality.

If what I am alleging here were true, no doubt it would be a good time to get hip to what is happening and to consider what we may be about to witness. Q-Anon is a good place to start. One can get a window into this Deep State/Shadow Government take-down through watching the Q-Anon phenomenon. I personally contend that there's even more to it than just the informational/entertainment aspects. I suspect there is a therapeutic one as well. The public who are engaging in the MAGA/QAnon Movements appear to be receiving much-needed first responder psychological aid for historical traumas. People involved in this seem excited, engaged in purposeful, meaningful activity that is all about reviving the US Constitution, getting right with God, and even getting healthy. I've personally experienced this as well. It has dovetailed seamlessly into my awakening and healing process.

Some are calling the Q-Anon phenomenon a cult. Yet it involves no strange rituals, no abuse, no financial investment, no commitments. Just observation. Certainly there is some programming involved in the act of observation, yet the only "programming" is really a kind of deprogramming. Q-Anon has encouraged questioning, critical/logical thinking and personal connection with a higher spiritual authority. It would be like calling Alcoholics Anonymous or any other therapeutic 12-step program a cult.

I've heard people like Alex Jones call Q-Anon a "psy-op", which means it is a psychological operation. I contend this is true but that it is not the malevolent psy-op warfare tactics that many of us have come to expect from the Military Industrial Complex Beast. Instead it appears to be a beneficent or therapeutic and much-needed psy-op. Is that possible? I think it is. Over the last few months I have noticed that Q-Anon employs both right and left-brain tactics to widen perception and help break people out of the Establishment's toxic and divisive programming. I think it is critical to not make an idol out of this person or group that is Q-Anon. They are just people, and they/he/she frequently states that no one is really above another. There clearly has been no Messiah weirdness, no absolutes, just encouragement to question, think, speak up and resist tyranny. And to consider spiritual realities such Good vs. Evil, which many sacred traditions that include Christianity have employed for thousands of years. So far, no red flags in my humble opinion. Also no calls for armed revolution. So, I invite you to consider...

Imagine for a moment that you were born into a cult--or into a situation like in the movie, The Matrix or The Truman Show, but you began to get wise to the fact that something wasn't right once you were a young adult. You want to be free, but you really know no other way of life. So much of your perception is still influenced by the cult programming. It would be important to have someone assist your transition into life outside of the cult. There would be a learning curve and obstacles to overcome. So many of us are so war-torn and traumatized, it is difficult to trust any helping hand. The Alliance that is the unseen iceberg under President Trump and Q-Anon represents just such a trustworthy and major assist.

prayingmedic (YT): Q Anon for Beginners 

SGTreport: Q: THE STORM IS REAL - Resignations, Sealed Indictments & Pedo Arrests

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