Monday, July 22, 2024

Personal Log and Orange Man Bad (Ass) Update 🐸 7/22/24

It's National Play Day today as I'm carving out this post, a beautiful Friday with somewhat hazy blue sky above and a nice breeze to keep me cool. I have a very compressed window of playtime today now that I'm back to being solidly on the floor at work again for 10-12 hours a day, 5 days a week. I've got to do several hours worth of housework today so that I can get more than 6 hours of sleep at night during the workweek. The corporate consultant team is in there again working their Scaramouche magic, carving out a path to the next big event. We never used to have the place so full in the middle of Summertime, but cancer numbers have mysteriously skyrocketed. So have cardiac problems and strokes. 

The corporate administrative consultant caught me in my office putting in doctor's orders on the laptop. I share space with a social worker who recently quit. Mine is a very humble corner with a mobile desk and kitchen table topped with boxes of CPAP supplies, faxes that need filing or shredding. Administration recently kicked me out of the stuffy, windowless office I used as a sanctuary from the noise of 15 televisions all turned up too high, chair alarms, the front door alarm that regularly "tests" itself, and never-ending interruptions from every other person who walks by. Someone needs ice water. Another needs to know when the podiatrist is here. Another is getting ready for discharge and needs a hospital bed sent to her home. A nurse tells me she needs help putting a urinary catheter into a 350 pound woman with undiagnosed borderline personality disorder. I’m the nurse with the bandages but is expected to help out with everything else. Teamwork makes the dreamwork, they say, and the aides are all busy giving showers and overburdened charge nurses are even more overburdened. So, my little desk is always a mess because I have no time to do things right. Corporate is back to outrageously unrealistic expectations again, resulting in staff leaving, increased numbers of falls and many other preventable unfortunate occurrences. This ambitious lad was scouting the office out for some other purpose apparently, and told me "don't get too comfortable". 

I waited until he left, then laughed thinking that I've not been comfortable at all for the last 24 years of my entire nursing career, but especially so for the last 4, watching peers bow to the gods of $cience, suffering from adverse side effects of the sacramental vaxxines. So many just end up disappearing from my life. They find a new job, or a new profession maybe. Some are even dead now. Occasionally for therapy I pluck on my ukulele, playing the song that Johnny Cash and Nine Inch Nails made famous with these thoughts in mind. It's a song that describes perfectly the predicament of the average nurse who went along with the nonsense. I sing it, putting myself in the place of someone who was coerced into giving up their organic humanity. It could have been me had I not been open to receive insight into what was really happening. It could have been me if I hadn't mustered the courage. What if I owed tens of thousands in student loans or was locked into a mortgage?

Every once in a while I like to think that I'm not working for spawn of Satan, but then I remember their DEI hires and the last few years of Safe and Effective. Then there’s the constant doing more with less, gaslighting and pressuring staff into cutting corners until everything bleeds. Or just lying, charting it was done when it wasn't. I saw the COVID rewards happening in real time as I dipped my toes into MDS nursing. MDS stands for minimum data set. MediCare and other insurance providers require particular assessments--the Minimum Data Set assessments. MediCare reimbursements improve with vaxxine compliance, I learned. I've addressed the unprecedented numbers of deaths and disabling conditions logged on the VAERS reporting system in previous posts, but I have to say it again:  The fact that authorities are dismissing tens of thousands of deaths, attributable to something still being called "Safe and Effective" is beyond Orwellian and criminal, but that's not all. During these last 3 years we've had other curious incremental changes here and there to include now asking the patient/resident what their preferred pronouns are. The new admissions usually look at me like I'm crazy, and that provides me relief I cannot adequately describe. This still new gender $cience goes right along with Vaxxine $cience and even the latest Climate $cience. Ultimately, the monsters--the literal monsters at the very top of the world's organizational pyramid call the base of the pyramid a danger to their democracy. It's our Carbon Footprint that allegedly threatens all life on the planet. So therefore, these "elites" deem it necessary for the population to be reduced by about 95%. That's the Climate $cience. It legitimizes the Vaxxine $cience and even the more bizarre and conflicted Gender $cience. Gender affirming care is certain to lead to sterilization and even death with more mass shootings, suicides and the latest assassination attempt. The untreated mental illness of (gender) dysphoria is not even recognized as a word in this writer’s smartphone or the blogger site's dictionary, let alone a mental illness anymore. I suspect the Pedo Elites are memory-holing dysphoria because it’s “the new normal”. All of this $cience is rooted in bad economic science, one that's based in a scarcity model, utilizing fear as the predominant motivator and violent trauma as a massive tool. They break whatever rules they deem need to be broken to further their agenda and meet their goals. Their goals and agendas include the protection of private islands like the one that Jeffrey Epstein used to run. 

Just going viral in the last 2 days, the disaster capitalists were caught putting in a 12 million share bet that Trump's $DJT stock would lose value just before his attempted assassination. At one time these monsters had plausible deniability. It's gone, all gone. President Trump and his Team threaten all of this beyond-corrupt mad science, and that's why the usual globalist suspects and their henchmen tried to kill him. Saturday, July 13, 2024 was just the latest, most public attempt that may have been captured and utilized in a very Jiujitsu way by White Hats to further deprogram the masses. Whatever happened happened because God has been intervening with the course we were on as a planet, and because it’s such a massively-impacting event, it’s sure to have some strange aspects. I'll plug in the links below, giving the larger, more 4-5 dimensional picture of the events of the last few weeks and years.

But No Felonies!