Saturday, June 22, 2024

WW-WTF Update and Personal Processing ❤️‍🩹 6/22/24

I'm back on the floor 10-12 hours a day again doing wound care, which is satisfying in some respects--definitely more satisfying than trying to normalize or justify polypharmacy. The system that I'm working in still has these epic levels of unreasonable expectations (corporate always trying to do more with less); that being directly related to the exponential rise in turnover in this industry which frustrates me. I can't believe they're normalizing the 72-hour workweek; as usual, burnout ensues very quickly now. I'm constantly having to learn new names, help with orientation, go through the "Forming, Storming and Norming" phases of new working relationships and deal with the fall-out in the patient milieu. This 10-16 hour workday being "The New Normal" drives deeper cuts into proper homemaking time, family relationship and self-care time. It's taking a toll on me in a multitude of ways. Yet the news and undeniable disturbing trends are continuing to validate my common sense and gut instincts finally. As depressing as it should be to see the natural consequences of evil and poor decision making, at least it's finally getting called out by more and more influencers. After years of media gaslighting, one begins to wonder if only in the back of the mind, is this all in my head or truly some delusional, lunatic fringe's conspiracy theories? 30-40% at best spoke up against a very loud and organized 60-70%. Naomi Wolfe called it out very succinctly when she said "this (—the COVID fraud and democide event was and still) is Mengele-level Nazi science," and considering undisputed historical facts like the Tuskegee Experiment, I'll add "Season 66, Episode 6". 

I go through the stages of the grieving process--profound anger mostly and resonating with a snowballing collective righteous anger, and then hitting a wall of despair that recognizes this is just what this profound evil wants. While I'm angry mostly with the degenerate ruling class monsters that snookered billions into getting vaxxinated; I'm also angered by my colleagues who clearly show signs of denial and with misplaced anger themselves. We lost a good doctor, one who's battling cancer now, just as I feared would happen to loved ones caught in the greatest medical holocaust ever. I'm angry at the shrinking time for daily self-care and plummeting value of our currency. Angry with political texts clogging my feed and pop-ups from people/companies trying to stay afloat. I become debilitated in my fits of anger. My abilities to reason and communicate begin to shrivel up. Then I see that I could become my mother and lose my mind and ability to be a person who I want to be around. This is how early onset dementia happens, and all the nootropics in the world won't help if one cannot lay the proper foundation with states that facilitate functional neural networks. The body's natural neuro-protective mechanisms fail in a state of constant fight or flight. So, I retreat into prayer (bargaining) and denial. Then something in the body fails me, the latest being the genital-urinary system. A couple months ago, I started a liver cleanse with milk thistle that triggered release of kidney stones, something that is quite possible. After switching to the Stone Breaker kidney cleanse, it left my insides raw and over-sensitized. Bladder spasms made it difficult to stay on the floor for more than 20-30 minutes. Corporate is cramming us with more admissions. We're nearly at capacity, and my boss tells me that my position is an 8-hour/day position. I tried hard to not laugh because that would lead to another awkward bathroom trip. The last 2 days I've been home with uncomfortable symptoms of urinary tract infection that is not urinary tract infection, confirmed yesterday for about $200. Today symptoms are partly under control with phenazopyradine, but it's not something I want to be on for too much longer. 

Part of the problem I'm almost certain now is the exposure to spike protein shedding. It may have even been stored up in my liver. The vaxxine is a bioweapon. I'm working closely 10-hours a day on average now with people who are fully boosted and shedding. And spike protein has been found in people's urine, according to research (,%2DCoV%2D2%20spike%20protein.). I've yet to test my urine to be absolutely conclusive on this, but I can use deductive reasoning. I've listened to enough doctors and scientists with integrity saying as much, so the tendency to think this is just some simple genito-urinary syndrome of menopause is tempting but I can't do it. Thankfully there may be a simple fix. I take nattokinase and serrapeptase every morning first thing, and that has been a Godsend and cornerstone of my naturopathic approach with COVID-19. Other holistic providers are using nattokinase in their arsenal for long COVID and Vax detox, and I was one of the early adopters before it was even mentioned by those providers. I was led to these enzymes after prayer years ago. What I haven't done yet is take these enzymes twice a day regularly. By next month I should know if I can stay in the trenches without Depends and Pyridium.

Again this month we have fire hose levels of news on the war front: Anti-WHO and End the Fed legislation combined with Trump repeatedly talking about resisting tyrannical medical mandates and even ending income tax. He is still making appearances despite the enormous lawfare efforts against him--complete boomerang effect there. As predicted, Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0 is also making headlines for Normies, Saint Fauci's neon halo is dim and flickering, combined with more laser-like focus on offshored gain-of-function "studies" in Wuhan; Ukraine increasingly making mainstream news for their bio-warfare labs as well. Like the dozens of trips to Epstein Island made by the Clintons, this will not easily be swept under the rug and forgotten. The entire Military Industrial Complex is finally having a long-awaited talk with Jesus. The tipping point realization phase of the global deprogramming operation is finally dawning. As Trump’s sham trial sentencing closes in, it will be interesting to see if Loy Brunson’s Supreme Court case is finally overtly acknowledged and receives a positive outcome.

I'll begin the links with a Lindsey Graham interview. This isn't the Lindsey Graham most would recognize but the "good Lindsey Graham". I have to laugh because the NeoCon branch of bankster/pedocrat defenders is getting as much fire as the Commie Demoncrat branch is now. That delights me almost as much as xylophone music and sidewalk chalk mandalas.