Sunday, September 22, 2024

WW-WTF Update & Personal Log πŸ”₯ 🍳πŸ”₯

I took some time off because of returning inflammatory symptoms, fatigue that borders on exhaustion, and muscle aches that cannot really be explained. I wonder if there's something in the air or if this is just true weakness in my system that needs to be remedied with actual rest. I've been doing my best to keep up at work with unrealistic expectations that not even Olympic athletes could meet, keep a functional and reasonably clean home, be helpful to my family, and of course, watching/practicing discernment in what's going on in the world, a literal war between pedocrats and their congressional & agency sock puppets and patriots in these places. It's all catching up again. My nasal passages filled with mucous as I was trying to sleep the other night, draining and waking me up with coughing fits. That was after a lovely meal but followed by returning bladder spasms. I finally got some sleep after my 4 AM notification to my cohorts that I wouldn't be there. The over-productive mucous membranes also finally went to sleep, but waking up with fatigue and generalized muscle pain left me knowing that I'm fighting something. My tendency is to think the biolab people have "accidentally" released something else in the name of saving democracy. I thank God almost every day that me and my closest family members didn't take that VAIDS-inducing sacramental vaxxine, because we’d all be in the hospital right now or dead.

An aunt who was supposed to help a close family member get to her doctor's appointment fell ill, probably because she got the jabs. So, I was obligated to help over my weekend. That was preceded by my partner requiring a trip the ER that lasted 7 hours in the middle of the night before. He's reverting to binging on caffeine and sweets again with predictable consequences. The world has gone crazy, requiring everyone who can work to work overtime. Even after trimming down a workday, I’m still working 45 hours a week. My young colleagues are working regular 12-16 hour shifts, often 60-72 hours per week. My fiancΓ© is also working mandatory overtime. Residents and staff who got the mRNA vaxxine and boosters are all falling ill with COVID. I can't say that all the unvaccinated are immune, but they recover quicker. Hopefully I’ll do the same. Overworked and mostly vaxxed colleagues are also making serious mistakes. I'm on a group text, so I witness my workplace crumbling in real-time, even on my “days off”. The corporate entity that owns and manages our facility is likely handled by globalists (pedocrat sock puppets). I’ve come to this conclusion after watching the rollout of vaxxines and DEI. Even the most honest & honorable of management in healthcare would not be able to effectively manage business right now. The entire ground of our reality is starting to shift as predicted by ethical financial experts. Simultaneously we have this convergence of civil unrest due to inflation, open borders, rising crime, and the rest of the failing “woke” agenda. It’s disturbing and depressing.

This morning after breakfast I laid down in bed because my limbs were cold, and I was tired. Usually I just listen to a podcast and fall asleep. This time my mind was racing from the topics brought up in the podcast, but I also couldn't focus solely on the content. My psyche kept retreating inward to sensations in my cold feet and hands, then to something deeper. It felt as if I were a tree that had lost all its leaves, now left with a trunk and branches with smaller limbs snapping off in the cold wind. Inner visceral memories of my childhood life in a small mill town returned with strange vividness. I was back there again during a Fall day, walking towards the north end of the city limits and experiencing the smells and comforting emotions of home before life there became difficult. Redwood lumber has a particular scent, and the scents of childhood have almost a psychotropic effect. It struck me that my core inner child was trying to tell my adult self something special but could only convey it in images, a peaceful at-home feeling, reassuring visceral memories, and the embrace of a small town's energy. It's still with me as I type this out. Finally, some energy had returned enough to go start on a blog post that will be due in 2 days. And by "due", I've made a requirement to myself and to my country to lay down subjective truth about what's going on in one Public Health Nurse's mind and life, and I suppose just as a person who hopes this Constitutional Republic survives and one day thrives following the death of the horrid counterfeit corporate US Government entity, currently struggling like a thirsty vampire writhing in the sunlight. 

The whirlwind shitstorm of recent news is only winding at a higher pitch with each passing week. We recently had the televised debate, a 2nd assassination attempt of Donald Trump and the capture of the latest would-be assassin; P-Diddy's arrest; increasing tensions with Russia over the dying corporate beast's attempt to start nuclear WWIII using Ukraine as a proxy; election integrity efforts in some States that each side will attempt to use or game in their favor; illegal immigrants barbequing pets and park geese in Ohio, and more. It's flooding the zone, and may "wake up" some but definitely lead others to further tuning out anything political until it ends up hitting their back yard or wallet. I'm personally channeling my energy into what I can do at home besides just voting. I have little confidence in California's election integrity, but for a short time while currency still has some value, donations will go to local patriots, nationwide media with integrity and places like the local fire department. I've made efforts to have a well-stocked emergency kit and other things to help my family and maybe even neighbors weather out any currency crisis, local unlawful invasion, lockdown or other events that require sheltering in place. Today and possibly the next day or so I will further restore my health, my most important asset. To that end, I will make this post short and tack on a few interesting videos. Now that memes are "illegal" in Gavin Newsom's Corporate California, I may have to be more careful with those lol. 

Thursday, August 22, 2024

WW-WTF Update πŸ™ˆπŸ¦ 8/22/24

This month’s due post snuck up on me, so it will be brief and concise. Since we’re in election season, we have a massive uptick in COVID cases at work with mask mandates slowing me down and only adding to the complexity of life in Commiefornia. On top of that we’ve had an unconfirmed scabies outbreak at work. At least it’s not Monkey Pox, my wound doc reassured me. Looking back, I wonder now if it was it was a form of shingles in some of them, autoimmune blistering in at least 2 others, and heat rash on the rest. It seems like every new admission has orders for Nystatin powder three times a day—lots of candida. So, research & writing time has been crunched. I’ll go ahead and post memes and podcasts.


Monday, July 22, 2024

Personal Log and Orange Man Bad (Ass) Update 🐸 7/22/24

It's National Play Day today as I'm carving out this post, a beautiful Friday with somewhat hazy blue sky above and a nice breeze to keep me cool. I have a very compressed window of playtime today now that I'm back to being solidly on the floor at work again for 10-12 hours a day, 5 days a week. I've got to do several hours worth of housework today so that I can get more than 6 hours of sleep at night during the workweek. The corporate consultant team is in there again working their Scaramouche magic, carving out a path to the next big event. We never used to have the place so full in the middle of Summertime, but cancer numbers have mysteriously skyrocketed. So have cardiac problems and strokes. 

The corporate administrative consultant caught me in my office putting in doctor's orders on the laptop. I share space with a social worker who recently quit. Mine is a very humble corner with a mobile desk and kitchen table topped with boxes of CPAP supplies, faxes that need filing or shredding. Administration recently kicked me out of the stuffy, windowless office I used as a sanctuary from the noise of 15 televisions all turned up too high, chair alarms, the front door alarm that regularly "tests" itself, and never-ending interruptions from every other person who walks by. Someone needs ice water. Another needs to know when the podiatrist is here. Another is getting ready for discharge and needs a hospital bed sent to her home. A nurse tells me she needs help putting a urinary catheter into a 350 pound woman with undiagnosed borderline personality disorder. I’m the nurse with the bandages but is expected to help out with everything else. Teamwork makes the dreamwork, they say, and the aides are all busy giving showers and overburdened charge nurses are even more overburdened. So, my little desk is always a mess because I have no time to do things right. Corporate is back to outrageously unrealistic expectations again, resulting in staff leaving, increased numbers of falls and many other preventable unfortunate occurrences. This ambitious lad was scouting the office out for some other purpose apparently, and told me "don't get too comfortable". 

I waited until he left, then laughed thinking that I've not been comfortable at all for the last 24 years of my entire nursing career, but especially so for the last 4, watching peers bow to the gods of $cience, suffering from adverse side effects of the sacramental vaxxines. So many just end up disappearing from my life. They find a new job, or a new profession maybe. Some are even dead now. Occasionally for therapy I pluck on my ukulele, playing the song that Johnny Cash and Nine Inch Nails made famous with these thoughts in mind. It's a song that describes perfectly the predicament of the average nurse who went along with the nonsense. I sing it, putting myself in the place of someone who was coerced into giving up their organic humanity. It could have been me had I not been open to receive insight into what was really happening. It could have been me if I hadn't mustered the courage. What if I owed tens of thousands in student loans or was locked into a mortgage?

Every once in a while I like to think that I'm not working for spawn of Satan, but then I remember their DEI hires and the last few years of Safe and Effective. Then there’s the constant doing more with less, gaslighting and pressuring staff into cutting corners until everything bleeds. Or just lying, charting it was done when it wasn't. I saw the COVID rewards happening in real time as I dipped my toes into MDS nursing. MDS stands for minimum data set. MediCare and other insurance providers require particular assessments--the Minimum Data Set assessments. MediCare reimbursements improve with vaxxine compliance, I learned. I've addressed the unprecedented numbers of deaths and disabling conditions logged on the VAERS reporting system in previous posts, but I have to say it again:  The fact that authorities are dismissing tens of thousands of deaths, attributable to something still being called "Safe and Effective" is beyond Orwellian and criminal, but that's not all. During these last 3 years we've had other curious incremental changes here and there to include now asking the patient/resident what their preferred pronouns are. The new admissions usually look at me like I'm crazy, and that provides me relief I cannot adequately describe. This still new gender $cience goes right along with Vaxxine $cience and even the latest Climate $cience. Ultimately, the monsters--the literal monsters at the very top of the world's organizational pyramid call the base of the pyramid a danger to their democracy. It's our Carbon Footprint that allegedly threatens all life on the planet. So therefore, these "elites" deem it necessary for the population to be reduced by about 95%. That's the Climate $cience. It legitimizes the Vaxxine $cience and even the more bizarre and conflicted Gender $cience. Gender affirming care is certain to lead to sterilization and even death with more mass shootings, suicides and the latest assassination attempt. The untreated mental illness of (gender) dysphoria is not even recognized as a word in this writer’s smartphone or the blogger site's dictionary, let alone a mental illness anymore. I suspect the Pedo Elites are memory-holing dysphoria because it’s “the new normal”. All of this $cience is rooted in bad economic science, one that's based in a scarcity model, utilizing fear as the predominant motivator and violent trauma as a massive tool. They break whatever rules they deem need to be broken to further their agenda and meet their goals. Their goals and agendas include the protection of private islands like the one that Jeffrey Epstein used to run. 

Just going viral in the last 2 days, the disaster capitalists were caught putting in a 12 million share bet that Trump's $DJT stock would lose value just before his attempted assassination. At one time these monsters had plausible deniability. It's gone, all gone. President Trump and his Team threaten all of this beyond-corrupt mad science, and that's why the usual globalist suspects and their henchmen tried to kill him. Saturday, July 13, 2024 was just the latest, most public attempt that may have been captured and utilized in a very Jiujitsu way by White Hats to further deprogram the masses. Whatever happened happened because God has been intervening with the course we were on as a planet, and because it’s such a massively-impacting event, it’s sure to have some strange aspects. I'll plug in the links below, giving the larger, more 4-5 dimensional picture of the events of the last few weeks and years.

But No Felonies!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

WW-WTF Update and Personal Processing ❤️‍🩹 6/22/24

I'm back on the floor 10-12 hours a day again doing wound care, which is satisfying in some respects--definitely more satisfying than trying to normalize or justify polypharmacy. The system that I'm working in still has these epic levels of unreasonable expectations (corporate always trying to do more with less); that being directly related to the exponential rise in turnover in this industry which frustrates me. I can't believe they're normalizing the 72-hour workweek; as usual, burnout ensues very quickly now. I'm constantly having to learn new names, help with orientation, go through the "Forming, Storming and Norming" phases of new working relationships and deal with the fall-out in the patient milieu. This 10-16 hour workday being "The New Normal" drives deeper cuts into proper homemaking time, family relationship and self-care time. It's taking a toll on me in a multitude of ways. Yet the news and undeniable disturbing trends are continuing to validate my common sense and gut instincts finally. As depressing as it should be to see the natural consequences of evil and poor decision making, at least it's finally getting called out by more and more influencers. After years of media gaslighting, one begins to wonder if only in the back of the mind, is this all in my head or truly some delusional, lunatic fringe's conspiracy theories? 30-40% at best spoke up against a very loud and organized 60-70%. Naomi Wolfe called it out very succinctly when she said "this (—the COVID fraud and democide event was and still) is Mengele-level Nazi science," and considering undisputed historical facts like the Tuskegee Experiment, I'll add "Season 66, Episode 6". 

I go through the stages of the grieving process--profound anger mostly and resonating with a snowballing collective righteous anger, and then hitting a wall of despair that recognizes this is just what this profound evil wants. While I'm angry mostly with the degenerate ruling class monsters that snookered billions into getting vaxxinated; I'm also angered by my colleagues who clearly show signs of denial and with misplaced anger themselves. We lost a good doctor, one who's battling cancer now, just as I feared would happen to loved ones caught in the greatest medical holocaust ever. I'm angry at the shrinking time for daily self-care and plummeting value of our currency. Angry with political texts clogging my feed and pop-ups from people/companies trying to stay afloat. I become debilitated in my fits of anger. My abilities to reason and communicate begin to shrivel up. Then I see that I could become my mother and lose my mind and ability to be a person who I want to be around. This is how early onset dementia happens, and all the nootropics in the world won't help if one cannot lay the proper foundation with states that facilitate functional neural networks. The body's natural neuro-protective mechanisms fail in a state of constant fight or flight. So, I retreat into prayer (bargaining) and denial. Then something in the body fails me, the latest being the genital-urinary system. A couple months ago, I started a liver cleanse with milk thistle that triggered release of kidney stones, something that is quite possible. After switching to the Stone Breaker kidney cleanse, it left my insides raw and over-sensitized. Bladder spasms made it difficult to stay on the floor for more than 20-30 minutes. Corporate is cramming us with more admissions. We're nearly at capacity, and my boss tells me that my position is an 8-hour/day position. I tried hard to not laugh because that would lead to another awkward bathroom trip. The last 2 days I've been home with uncomfortable symptoms of urinary tract infection that is not urinary tract infection, confirmed yesterday for about $200. Today symptoms are partly under control with phenazopyradine, but it's not something I want to be on for too much longer. 

Part of the problem I'm almost certain now is the exposure to spike protein shedding. It may have even been stored up in my liver. The vaxxine is a bioweapon. I'm working closely 10-hours a day on average now with people who are fully boosted and shedding. And spike protein has been found in people's urine, according to research (,%2DCoV%2D2%20spike%20protein.). I've yet to test my urine to be absolutely conclusive on this, but I can use deductive reasoning. I've listened to enough doctors and scientists with integrity saying as much, so the tendency to think this is just some simple genito-urinary syndrome of menopause is tempting but I can't do it. Thankfully there may be a simple fix. I take nattokinase and serrapeptase every morning first thing, and that has been a Godsend and cornerstone of my naturopathic approach with COVID-19. Other holistic providers are using nattokinase in their arsenal for long COVID and Vax detox, and I was one of the early adopters before it was even mentioned by those providers. I was led to these enzymes after prayer years ago. What I haven't done yet is take these enzymes twice a day regularly. By next month I should know if I can stay in the trenches without Depends and Pyridium.

Again this month we have fire hose levels of news on the war front: Anti-WHO and End the Fed legislation combined with Trump repeatedly talking about resisting tyrannical medical mandates and even ending income tax. He is still making appearances despite the enormous lawfare efforts against him--complete boomerang effect there. As predicted, Cuban Missile Crisis 2.0 is also making headlines for Normies, Saint Fauci's neon halo is dim and flickering, combined with more laser-like focus on offshored gain-of-function "studies" in Wuhan; Ukraine increasingly making mainstream news for their bio-warfare labs as well. Like the dozens of trips to Epstein Island made by the Clintons, this will not easily be swept under the rug and forgotten. The entire Military Industrial Complex is finally having a long-awaited talk with Jesus. The tipping point realization phase of the global deprogramming operation is finally dawning. As Trump’s sham trial sentencing closes in, it will be interesting to see if Loy Brunson’s Supreme Court case is finally overtly acknowledged and receives a positive outcome.

I'll begin the links with a Lindsey Graham interview. This isn't the Lindsey Graham most would recognize but the "good Lindsey Graham". I have to laugh because the NeoCon branch of bankster/pedocrat defenders is getting as much fire as the Commie Demoncrat branch is now. That delights me almost as much as xylophone music and sidewalk chalk mandalas.   

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

WW-WTF Update 5/22/24

No real time to chronicle or process these last few weeks, and a lot has happened on several fronts. Hopefully soon I'll have some time. I'll post the videos though...

Monday, April 22, 2024

WW-WTF Update - Passover! Dark to Light April Showers 4/22/24

I don't know how much longer this Biden Show has to go on before people see it. We have such polarity, it truly is a bifurcated world at this point. I remember years ago, prophets were writing and speaking about it--how the world was splitting into two different worlds. I hunted around for the images but couldn't find them. The rendition above, however, comes close. One side is dead. The other is very much alive and thriving. 

I took a walk yesterday with my Chihuahua close to a favorite park. Across the street is the California National Guard. We leisurely walked around the block. I honestly know nothing for certain, but the place looked all but deserted. Perimeter grass is overgrown to unusual levels. I have no insiders telling me anything, but there is chatter that the National Guard is part of the operation that is mapping out the crime syndicates that have infiltrated the United States. We have obvious crimes against humanity, so many now that it's hard to stay grounded and talk or write about it without being overcome with anger, horror and other strong emotions. For years I've listened to "White Hat Insiders" talk about mass arrests to come. I've watched the fiat dollar continue to lose value as financial experts like Jim Willie and Dave of X22 Report explained the pyramid scheme, and the morbidly wealthy families who orchestrate control. I listened to other insiders like Liz Crokin explain Hollywood, watched as Epstein didn't kill himself. Still no arrests of anyone who went to the island, especially big names like the Clintons who went there dozens of times. As a nurse I've observed polypharmacy (the use of 5 or more medications) become the norm with vaccines getting pushed harder with each passing year. The vaccines never seemed to help much in my professional opinion, and there was always the excuse that scientists at the pharmaceutical companies were working hard to get it right. Maybe next year the vaccines would work as intended. I also watched as the adjuvants in the vaccines included more and more known neurotoxins, defying any benign explanation. Then this new mRNA technology beta-tested as "vaccine" was redefined to include it. Then very swiftly came the mandates. You passed up the free donut? Well, now you're fired if you don't help save Grandma by getting vaccinated. Then VAERS was thrown out the window. Thousands dead following the vax??? No big deal. They would have died a worse death if they hadn't been vaccinated, the propagandists with expensive wardrobes and make-up artists reassured us. I watched the videos with Yuval Noah Harari, the man Obama considers a prophet, explaining how surveillance will go under the skin with COVID, which explains everything. As their current pyramid scheme crumbles, they need a new system of slavery control with which to 6uild 6ack 6etter. 

Since then we've had some very frightening events like the Maui fire, which of course, is being blamed on Climate Change. Climate Change has the power to melt engine blocks, the elites warn us. Congress just approved more billions for democracy to be sent to the Ukraine just a few short years after telling the peasant tax slaves in their US Democracy that a southern border wall was Racist! and too expensive. Lakin Riley's accused killer was recently set free ( The Middle East is exploding again in re-erupting war that could go nuclear. How much more do the Normies need before the cult indoctrination starts to break?

Still some events have happened to reassure me. For one, I didn't get fired for not accepting their failing Mark of the Beast Beta Test. Surgeons are removing mystery fibrous clots from vaccinated people's veins and beginning to talk about it in earnest (see ). We still have open forums of discussion like Truth Social and to some extent, rebranded Twitter or X under Elon Musk. My blog is still functional. I haven't been hauled into a detention camp for threaths to democracy. We've also had some very powerful people pass away or get hospitalized, then never seen again or when they do make an appearance, they look very different, an obvious fake. 

As I note occasionally, this is the longest, most excruciating I-told-you-so in history, ever. Period. It's also a very different kind of world war. This is ultimately a spiritual or Biblical kind of war, and it may begin to get very strange or other-worldly before it comes to an end. As I'm writing, today is 4/20. There's a line outside the dispensary for deals on a plant that these monsters tried to scare us away from with films like Reefer Madness and other ridiculous propaganda. These morbidly wealthy families think they can start civil war with people who just want to get along, make an honest living, raise a family and smoke some herb or take a relaxing bath with THC oil on the weekend? Passover is coming, and the prophets I listen to have some things to say about this marker in history. It closely follows a seven-year long period that was carved out by some curious eclipses. Encapsulated in this image below are some ancient symbols. The prophet Johnny Enlow explains the symbology better than I can do, but one can see the symbols for both the Alpha and Omega here or one can see the symbol for Anarchy, the end of the age of archons. Principalities are being removed from our nation and the rest of the Earth, really. People are praying as never before, some for the first time as they watch CNN talking heads salivate over the possibility of nuclear war. As outrageous and even delusional as some of this sounds to me sometimes, I have to put it out here. Our White Hat military is on the scene and working to minimize damage, as the Q drops repeatedly reassured us.

2012 was just the beginning. The Mayan Calendar predicted an end of an age that has been a long, drawn out process for the last 12 years for reasons we'll likely soon understand. Thousands of years of a particular energy influencing our world has done a number on human consciousness. It's taking a while to undo, but we're in the process of undoing it: Some participating with prayer and patience, some with re-education and healing, some with boundaries and diplomacy, and thousands of other different crafts and abilities. Below are some videos that help explain.

Friday, March 22, 2024

WW-WTF Update πŸ™ 3/22/24

I'm constantly thinking about the death count from the "safe and effective vaccines". Never before did we have hundreds or thousands of deaths before a vaccine product was pulled from the market. I never thought I'd be living through Zombie Apocalypse RagnarΓΆk, but here we are. Due to the morbid nature of WW-WTF event, to some extent even going right on at my workplace with mask mandates, lockdowns restarting for RSV, and vax-pushing colleagues, I must take frequent breaks. Last weekend I had a chance to walk the dog to the duck pond and play ukulele. I daily take nootropics and adaptogens to restore or prevent brain cell death from this horror. I pray. I cry. I vent with others on Truth Social. I stay as happy as I can for those around me, and I process through this blog. Every once in a while I provide education to someone who seems receptive. At this time, however, we are too polarized for me to shout from the rooftops like I want to. I did that in the heart of COVID, and very few were receptive. Thankfully, the number of people getting boosters has dropped significantly, and I sense that we're close to societal epiphany as Cancer Support Groups become full of the vaxxinated. If we ever get through this nightmare of "Safe and Effective" Frankenscience with its absurd Biden Show and DEI insanity being imposed, complete with legalized child sexual mutilation and kidnapping in the name of Gender Affirming Care, I will pursue a naturopath degree and help others recover from this literal World War. But first we must survive the next wave of events likely allowed/designed to deprogram/sacrifice the cult programmed: Illegal Immigrant Cannibals, likely more bank failures, even complete collapse of the dollar and power/communications outages. 

Back to the VAERS data. Every year I check into the VAERS numbers, plodding through this difficult to use site, and these numbers appear to be frozen. I've come upon independent journalists or blogs by medical professionals with some of them saying is no longer accurate. The numbers were altered over a year ago. Some say VAERS never was accurate in a sense because of under-reporting. Many providers are too busy to enter the data. Some just won't because of the cognitive dissonance they'd suffer if they did, knowing the Big Pharma Cartel is paying them so well to medicate people, and even more (I say) to kill people. Again I say this because there was a time, way back in the good old days of Informed Consent just a few years ago when these products would have been pulled from the market if 24 people died after receiving them. The dead officially number in the TENS OF THOUSANDS. There's also a significant difference between and the VAERS data from the sight as you can see below. 

Is all this because the batches are no longer the same as they were when these products were first introduced? Is it because enough got some naturopathic/alternative MD help? 

I suspect when this is all finished and the average health care professional can again admit the under-reporting of VAERS and the unprecedented dangers of the COVID vaxxines without worrying about their licensures and livelihoods being attacked, we'll have a better idea of the actual death count. I haven't even touched on the actuary data, but there's that. That data only leads me to more dark speculation. We do have a complex situation that historians, criminal psychologists, and other thinkers will spend the next several hundred years sorting out. 

Bottom line, good statisticians have a better handle on the actual death count than I do, and it's only a matter of time before they can present this picture to the world. For now, I know it is bare minimum numbering in the tens of thousands, and likely at least a hundred thousand. I, like most of us, am just trying to keep a roof over my family's heads, food in the fridge and the lights on. And a very cornered Deep State continues to double down in the lies, cheating, theft and mass murder in the name of Democracy. 

Is there any bright side to speak of right now? I can't go on too long in morbid territory. There is some curious news. There truly is hopeful news if you can sort through the psychological warfare. In the "It's Going to Be Biblical" Category of news, there's an eclipse that will go through some US cities named Nineveh on April 8th, 2024. I'll attach a video that goes into the Judeo-Christian significance of this eclipse. My head, heart and gut all say that there's something significant in the event itself, the timing and symbolism, especially with regards to its mark on the Hebrew calendar. It fits in nicely with the trajectory of the convergence of events we're living through during this Awakening of Humanity period that's been foretold to happen by many sacred traditions, not just the Christian one. I could speculate, but I won't say anything more than I know that justice is coming. This would be a good time for that justice to happen with President Trump and the tired majority receiving some vindication, reprieve and refreshment.