Saturday, July 22, 2023

WW-WTF Update on the Home Front 🏡 7/22/23

David Wilcock posted a You Tube video a couple months ago on Negative Greeting. I stumbled upon it this morning thankfully. I'll include it in the posts below. Negative Greeting is the term that was included in The Law of One material, which I know is controversial to those who even know about it. It's "channeled material", but then so is much of The Bible. A great deal of "channeled material" out there is probably not from the Holy Spirit, so people need to do their due diligence with regard to this stuff. Returning to Negative Greeting, the Book of Job offers a perfect description of what it is. It's spiritual warfare. It may not be as extreme as what Job experienced, but people doing good work, fighting the good fight often get thrown strange challenges, a series of them all at once that test the person's resolve. I am having one of those times. The onslaught includes my mother's increasing fits of anger over my family's and my inability to meet unreasonable demands, which I attribute to her failing health and untreated depression. Then there's the worst allergy season on record for a long time. Everybody I know who's lived in Humboldt County for years agrees. I'm taking a lot of quercetin to keep symptoms under control. People I work with are taking over the counter remedies, some ending up with more problems like hives.

At work we have the Plandemic fallout with continued high turnover, and people going out on disability or after losing loved ones--healthy people that just die unexpectedly or take a gun to their child's head and then take their own life. Never in my life of working as a nurse have I ever seen so many people exit planet as I have in the past 2 years. And some of this is just bizarre, violent exit, so it's starting to weigh heavy on me. 

Returning to Mom--she gave me and my family an eviction notice a few weeks ago, then demanded an increase in rent starting immediately.  We had been sharing a 3 bedroom home for the last nearly 3 years. There's a great deal of strength that comes from sharing expenses and tasks (like cooking & cleaning) associated with living in uncertain times. I'm almost certain after my partner, my daughter and I leave, Mom will fall and break a hip doing something she shouldn't do. Or we'll have another earthquake that shakes glass out of cabinets. I’ll be unable to clean my place and hers in good time. I'm unable to talk any sense into her. She thinks she'll sell the house next year. The housing market is about to enter uncharted territory with the rest of our fiat economy any day now, but she's adamant about wanting us out. And she holds no regard for what I see coming. Her behavior over the last 2 weeks has me wanting out ASAP. One day she violently slammed down a glass of juice on the table, leaving me to clean up the mess that sprayed onto the floor. Then on Independence Day she called police, asking them to kick my partner out that night with police telling her as I told her, she is wasting their time. He's a tenant and will be out per the eviction notice. She unplugged the television and coffee maker a few days later, confiscating her coffeemaker that I fixed--keeping it going for another year, which Dad would have been proud of. Then she threatened to unplug our refrigerator, which could destroy at least a hundred dollars worth of food in it. She’s confiscated cords to electronics, becoming a petty, mean and unpredictable person who I don't even know anymore. I'm hoping to be out in a week or two. 

Then came the jury summons which I take seriously. It's a civic duty. Following that my dental work breaks, and I have to schedule emergency dentistry. As I'm looking for rentals, I see most of the agencies don't allow pets, but they accept service animals. So, now I'm talking to a therapist about writing me a script for emotional support dog, because that's what he is at this point. Our Chihuahua helps keep me calm through all of this. He'll require "papers", so Zoom obedience training begins. My duties at work don't magically get done while I'm not there for jury summons, so I compress 40 hours of work into a hurried 32. Mom berates me for not doing this or that the moment I walk in the door if I see her at all, so I just head to the bedroom to isolate. I've decided that if I hear a loud crash I will come out long enough to see if I need to call 9-1-1. That's all I can do some days besides pray. I've asked a family member for help, but there's not much anyone can do. Most of the family live long distances away. Others who are closer have health issues of their own. I'll call APS when we leave. I get it now how people can let their elderly parent(s) go into a nursing home. At work I used to look at these family members with pity and judgment. My bad. Never again. 

Poor lifestyle, even just the Standard American Diet alone has consequences like Parkinson's Disease, obesity, diabetes, fibromyalgia and other diseases of chronic pain, cardiovascular disease, vascular dementia, depression and anxiety. These diseases can shrivel the brain and create personality disorders. I can advise, show the way, demonstrating healthy habits by living them right in front of people, pointing to research, etc., but a person's free will is their own. It's heartbreaking sometimes though to watch loved ones fall into this pit of disease. Similarly, watching the public including my own mother fall prey to the culture warfare and spiritual warfare.

I hope to live through these rough times where people are waking up to the now-obvious shortcomings of the medical industrial complex, Big Ag, Big Pharma, the Globalist Banksters fighting to lead the "Great Reset", and the Socialist (Marxist) Color Revolution that has taken over our once-Constitutional Republic here in the United States. This may be the last month in my internet journaling for all I know, but I do trust that if the Creeps take over the internet again to "protect the public from hate speech and misinformation", etc., it's another red line crossed. A lot of things are coming to a head. It's probably years away, but the other side of this war will be unimaginably better, I believe. Now that Russia has shut down the bioweapons labs in Ukraine, cauterized a great deal of the Deep State's money laundering operations, and exposing the world to the sex and organ trafficking going on there, we may be close to the end of this ground war. People are saying we will have a Black Swan event like the entire financial system collapsing and even a nuclear scare before the end of the conflict. 

I made time last weekend to go see The Sound of Freedom. This is history in the making (see The filmmakers involved fought a 5 year battle to get the movie shown to the wider public, and it's doing better than Pedowood's big screen offering. It's getting the expected poor reviews from the usual Guardians of the Pedophiles which is only hastening the public awakening to the horrific scope and depth of this problem, suggested years ago with "Pizzagate". These degenerates in suits will only send more of the curious public to the Q posts. Let them. 

Creepy Joe's figurehead reign has admittedly been the roughest nearly-3 years of my life with no clear end in sight, but as a Public Health Nurse I know that this issue of pedosadism (which is what we should be calling it) exposes the rock bottom diseased rot we need to come to terms with and excise. We have the sunlight peering into the basement dungeon that is filled with God-only-knows how many rotting little corpses. This is about justice for them and making the world a safe place for children again. For now, the battle to even have it listed as a serious concern rages, and we're finding out that it's because Jeffrey Epstein had a lot of powerful friends like Bill Gates, even friends in law enforcement. His mainstream media friends, of course, are now working on damage control.

I doubt I have many readers, but I may have even just one here who needs to know how to survive or recover from knowing, much less coming to terms with all this. How does one submerge to these depths and examine this dark truth, then safely rise back up for oxygen to breathe? If you dare commit to speaking truth and opposing the establishment narratives, you will find yourself attracting negative greeting. While I'm no expert at it, I work on putting on the Full Armor of God daily. This is an extremely useful Bible passage to study (Ephesians 6:10-18 NIV):

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God so you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in its place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes with the Gospel of Peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take up the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people. 

I feel like the order that these components were given is important. Even before the armor is listed, the acknowledgment that we're dealing with an unseen enemy, an energy that influences people is made clear. It is repeated to emphasize the importance of how real it is and how compelling it can be. Because it influences people in power, we have such a messed up world. The antidote starts with The Belt of Truth, listed first because our lives needs foundation in truth. Truth is center on the body with the position of the belt. I feel like Truth Social was created with this concept in mind. For years we've been told half-truths and blatant lies by groups that justify lying and worse to promote their ends. They repeatedly lie in order to deceive the public. "My people die from lack of knowledge." is another Bible quote that is relevant here. The enemy has been lying, hiding knowledge and distorting reality for thousands of years. Foundation in Truth, especially speaking it with love provides a feeling of peace in the heart. That's how I experience the Breastplate of Righteousness. The truth includes that we are brothers and sisters in Jesus, we should not fear death or anything else the enemy throws at us. The enemy's empire is built on fear. God's is a kingdom of love, peace, joy and bliss. We return home to heaven once our earthly body gives out. Any pain or discomfort is temporary. Maybe we're born again into another body. That’s a controversial topic for another time, but Jesus may have alluded to reincarnation when he spoke of being born again. Either way, we have eternal life that we enjoy with our heavenly family and God beyond this material realm. There is a peace that guides a person's every step once this is fully embraced, thus the Shoes of Peace. Perhaps the Shield of Faith can be taken up only with these other things in place beforehand. The Sword of the Spirit, I trust is the tool that is used to cast out demons. Holding that final piece of armor, a powerful weapon can only happen with the Helmet of Salvation firmly in place. One has to know in their mind that they are saved and can speak, channeling the Holy Spirit like prophets do, or those that heal the sick by declaration.

I know that this all might seem religious and even naive. I don't hold much regard for "religion", but I've seen enough to recognize that spiritual realities are very real. Following wise advice like the Golden Rule--do unto others as you'd have done unto you only makes good sense. Practicing gratitude and living an honest life enables a person to sleep well at night. Fasting lengthens life. Some of these practices have only recently been acknowledged by atheistic scientists as grounded in something true. Many doctors and nurses like myself have seen enough miracles (remarkable recoveries that defy logic), and have spoken with those who've "died" and seen the other side, coming back to life to tell their experience. So, once you recognize that formidable evil exists, the only thing to do is embrace the good and hold tight to it. Trust that the light defeats the darkness. The last advice in this Full Armor of God passage is to pray. Pray and keep and open mind. Pray to keep on that Armor.

David Wilcock | Divine Cosmos (YT) … on Negative Greeting

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