Friday, November 6, 2020

"It's Going to be Biblical" - 11/5/20

What a week. And still it's not over. I'm doing my best to pull away from the drama and resist the temptation to get fully righteously angry at least for a few minutes. I've been channeling that energy into respectful yet passionate discussions with others in my day-to-day life about the emerging evidence of election fraud that CNN, MSNBC even FOX News (but many of us could see that coming), all of these Establishment mouthpieces are ignoring. Thank goodness for OANN, the remnant of real journalism still on television right now. And thank goodness for the army of digital soldiers that keep popping up as many get silenced. 

Over the next few weeks and perhaps months we will watch an amazing coming of age for this nation as we collectively get an accurate read of the true corruption within the system. It's like having a termite inspector tell you that you have a serious problem; it's going to involve extensive work. Do we go into denial or take care of the problem? All election shenanigans aside, however, events over the last few weeks at work are what I really what I want to share first. 

I have a couple of patients who recently moved from one end of the building to another in order to room up with each other on my side of the building. Both women are ambulatory, pleasant, smart elders who suffer from enough age-related changes that they need some nursing help. They should probably be in lower level of care assisted living facility, but paradoxically that costs too much right now. The room move ended up disturbing one of these ladies' routines enough to lead to either an injury or re-inflammation of an old injury. She told me last week she wanted to call her pastor to have him come in for laying on of hands type of intervention. We've recently lessened the lockdown at our facility since millions, even billions worldwide are not dropping like flies from COVID as promised by the "elites". So, plexiglass visits with everyone wearing masks are occurring. Both of us realized there may be some administrative resistance to what she was asking. I encouraged her to push the envelope because just as I was checking her blood pressure without ridiculous obstacles like plexiglass between us, her pastor should have every right to administer an essential, integral form of care for her that also requires contact. And she has every right to receive that care. This glorification of "contactless" BS has gone way too far and it is not only infringing on our Constitutional rights, but basic human rights.

Yesterday she gave me news that made me not only smile but encouraged in every way despite the onslaught of confusing and discouraging news being pushed from Establishment sources. My patient proudly told me she saw her pastor earlier that day, he dared to lay hands on her and pray, and he continued to do so even after the "COVID police", that's what I call them, some good little order-follower in administration demanded they cease and desist this therapeutic intervention. They were able to finish the intervention, and not only that, but I saw her range of motion was markedly improved as I continued to assess her throughout my shift.

The atheist or closet Satanist would say, "Well, that's the acetaminophen and ibuprofen doing it's job." I am certain that the visit from the pastor also factored in greatly. Over my 20 year nursing career and in my personal life I have witnessed so many miracles that involved prayer chains or some other spiritual intervention that I have lost count. 

We are currently in fight involving not so much Republican versus Democrat or even Left vs. Right, but Good versus Evil. One side insists that looting, rioting and arson are myths, not happening, not important or are actually "mostly peaceful protests", while "Right Wing Extremists" nonviolently gathering outside areas where election rigging appears to be happening are the dangerous ones. One side wants to convince us that the thousands of gathered at the Trump rallies versus that dozens at the Democrat rallies couldn't translate to another Trump win on election day, that it's completely normal for gradual, organic Trump leads to end with a sharp vertical jump by the Harris/Biden team. 

One side wants to limit our healthcare interventions in a way that actually leads to more suffering and death. One side wants to legalize late-term and even post-term abortion. One side wants to sell those aborted babies to the highest bidder. One side wants to take away our right to refuse vaccinations for any reason, including that the development of many of these involves aborted fetal cell tissue. This same side has also been trying hard to quietly legalize sex changes for children and also legalize "pedophilia" which I think is a misnomer. Many of these so-called "elites" are pedosadists. They don't love children; they revel in the abuse of children. They won't be happy to see the age of consent lowered to 16 or 17, even 12 year-olds,  or even at the word "consent" for all we know that it means. 

Ultimately just being born onto this planet is to them "consent" for the dark rulers to do whatever they want to do, be it with whatever instruments of violation, including needle injections with known risks for significant developmental disorders and other mysterious life-long auto-immune problems. These known risks all right in the product inserts, but we're not supposed to care about reading the microprint in product inserts. It's supposed to be an acceptable risk in order to work toward the almighty herd immunity. Our God-given immune systems, our human genes are hopelessly defective, especially at birth, and certainly after years of the Standard American Diet according to this sick paradigm. Instead of relying on mother's milk, natural food, healthy play, wholesome family routines, exercise, education, community activities and nurturing a relationship with our spiritual Creator, we're supposed to obey the State, just get our vaccines, go into daycare so the parents can work 16 hour days in order to keep a tiny home roof over their heads, where children are served up synthetic GMO and pesticide laden formulas  and attend drag queen flasher story time until everyone traumatized and dumb enough to follow their orders and consent to their completely lifelessly sterile "contactless" system.  

Ultimately this polarized toxic world of contactless insanity is truly evil; behind the curtain there are undeniably evil things going on. Things like Hunter's laptop matters, election fraud matters, medical fraud matters, Ghislaine Maxwell matters, Biden Crime Family China Collusion matters, and this kind of ugliness is getting exposed despite the censorship efforts at levels that it can no longer be ignored. And even more importantly it is getting compared to the wholesome world that "Good" represents. We are being invited to step into real authority to reject the psychopathic ruling class' evil world. But we have to actually complete this rite of passage ourselves. 

The Dilley Show (YT): The Coup Continues and Q&A Friday! W/ Author Brenden Dilley

Steel Truth (YT): Charlie Ward and Election Update

It's Supernatural! Network (YT): Election Prophecy Alert! NEW Evidence Revealed!

It's Supernatural! Network (YT): NEW Prophetic Update on Election. This is MAJOR!

Praying Citizen (YT): Lori Colley Ep. 451 - Election Th3ft in Progress?

Magenta Pixie (YT): The Situation in the US with Laura and Magenta 

David Wilcock | Divine Cosmos (OFFICIAL) (YT): David Wilcock: Election Address and Global Peace Meditation

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