Friday, July 22, 2016

Alt News Disclosure Gems - ECETI Ranch Review - 7/22/16

Mount Adams

This will have to be the briefest of reports as the last few weeks have been crammed full of catching up at work, at home and with family. Here I am at the last minute on the 22nd, hoping to make the final edits but finding I need to just start from scratch again because of wanting to do my own past experiences justice.

My own experiences with interdimensional beings are still being processed, and were for the most part quite vivid in 1989. This introduction to a part of the spectrum of consciousness that many social authorities discount or diminish (or label one with psychiatric diagnoses) can be characterized as a joyful distant family reunion, a debriefing and re-orientation to the important things in life and some things that were to come about in the future. "They"(the universal beings I was in contact at that time and still am in contact with but not so loudly) had no name, were very loving--all this as I was propelled into a state where I remembered a whole different aspect of who I am. During the debriefing process they spoke to me about the transformational processes many of us are encountering today, long before I ever heard or read the words ascension, shift of the ages, etc. Some of the details began to frighten me a bit back then, bringing to mind paranormal reports of spontaneous combustion that I read about or learned from TV shows like Unsolved Mysteries. So I distanced myself from that part of the teachings until fairly recently. Spontaneous combustion as reported in these odd occurences is a little different.

Mostly however, the lessons I received during the week when this communication was initiated and very clear in 1989 concerrned etiquette of the heart--and a good portion of those lessons I misinterpreted for a long while. I never connected these "experiences" with my exopolitical interests until recently. It is very much like waking up from a vivid dream, such a vivid and compelling dream that you forget your material existence and have to lay in bed remembering your own name and current waking life. From day to day it feels like the light dimmer of my consciousness is turned down a few too many notches, and I'm spending time trying to turn the light up, remembering who I am. When I do, when I follow the teachings, the day just flows better, I feel better. I have more joy, wellness, insight and compassion as a result. The experiences and acknowledging them have challenged me greatly, however--especially just acknowledging them as reality. My spiritual family, my guides, the Universe--whatever I call them it doesn't really matter, there really is no solid material "name", but they are impressing upon me lately to share this once very personal aspect of my life that I often tucked away from the public for fear of being labeled crazy.

As I mentioned above, exopolitics has long been an interest of mine, and for the most part a closet interest because of all the propaganda/deliberate fear and confusion concerning extraterrestrial and extradimensional realities. I can no longer tow the party line that ETs only exist in the realm of fantasy or delusion, just as I cannot support the mainstream accounts of 9-11, JFK's death, and other lies told to the public by corrupt authorities. What is really going on, I'm still figuring out, but I've been listening to people like James Gilliland, Dr. Steven Greer, David Wilcock and others for the last several years. Before that I had read every book I could get my hands on concerning flying saucers, abductions, and visitations. I've kept an open mind. Much of it conflicts, but all that is making more sense, given the knowledge concerning the high likelihood of different races of extraterrestrial and interdimensional beings' involvement in the evolution of life on Earth. As one experiences life one can see parallels in politics--differing agendas, egos, deception that goes on, potential for extreme corruption, and how that creates a great deal of confusion. I've come to trust my heart and the loving universe I've come to know to guide me to understanding all of this, and many of us are engaged in our own deprogramming/debriefing/awakening processes.

So I decided to take a tour of the ECETI Ranch, listen to some interesting speakers there for their 2016 ECETI Conference and see if I could see the lightships they see out there. James Gilliland talks a lot about the energy of the land, and I definitely felt this. It was nourishing. The camping experience was enjoyable and I spent a great deal of time just reconnecting with nature and recharging. I met a number of wonderful people also attending the conference and had the exquisite experience of socializing with others who share some my interests and beliefs. The benefits of being with a crowd of others who share your interests and concerns cannot be overstated, especially for many of us who have at times felt very isolated, at times ridiculed and otherwise harrassed by minions of our very dysfunctional system.

There were a lot of others in the healing professions out there--people concerned with geniune holisitc health and healing practices. It was enjoyable spending time sharing our experiences. I also got to meet and/or share meals with James Gilliland, Shannon Leischner, Barry Littleton, Peter Slattery, Solreta Antaria, Laura Eisenhower, Patty Greer, Jim Marrs, Steve Bhaerman and Winston Shrout. I found them to be lovely, interesting and very real people. They each have their gifts and challenges like any one of us. Some of them I resonated with a little more than others.

I attended 3 nights of skywatch and saw interesting things that cannot be dismissed as satellites, shooting stars or airplanes. They appeared distant, and these particular sightings were not as profound as some of the ones videotaped by James Gilliland and others there in the past. Yet it was encouraging. I hope to return one day to attend a contact ambassador training where more time can be spent focusing on contact with lightships. I returned from my trip feeling a little more calibrated to my intuitive senses on what is going on today with my own personal development, as well as a better handle on the public health implications of things going on geopolitically and in exopolitics.

Today is James Gilliland's birthday, so I am sending out to him a blast of positive intention, and to the ECETI Ranch my gratitude and love for this place of holistic tranformational healing.

Winston Shrout, one of the speakers at the conference, spoke some about the positive alliances that are working to help us to develop and replace our convoluted and polluted governance and economics systems as they crumble. And they will crumble because of the enormous weakness, wasted energy and other dysfunction that results from epic fail corruption. I know Winston is fighting some legal battles, and this is part of the economic warfare--just an aspect of the large-scale/global unconventional warfare being waged on regular humanity today.

In my heart I know that I will one day regard all of this, these troubling times we're living in with more compassion for the parasites waging this warfare as their kind have done for a mind-numbing length of time. They are, like all of us, psy-opped from historic trauma. For now, however, I support the efforts to haul their asses into some form of careful detention so that all life on and inside this planet and Gaia herself can heal and develop into more lovingly cooperative and transparent functional states. For now I leave you with some Full Disclosure gems on varying subjects, in no particular order.

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